The stars on palm refer to the star-like pattern formed by three or more intersected short lines. If you come to my page, i expained the reasons and the finality. The ring finger and the region underneath it is named after Apollo, the Greek god associated with creativity, artistic perfection, showmanship and display. The sign did not mean any of these when it originated in ancient Greece. if i had the time, i wud upload the pic. Metadata. It indicates that a disaster could happen when the person is middle aged, around the 40 year old mark. Triangles are very lucky markings and indicate success. You are a gambler at heart and like to dare big, but you are not always a good loser. The secret of five pointed star on the palm is in the past. The sign suggests that as a person you are brilliant, and you seem to have high comprehension, literary or even artistic talent. Oh , no I do not have any other crosses or circles or traingles in that hand , How to draw a five-pointed star slideshow. This can cause misfortune. An Apollo star is about showing up in front of the public (a group of people), for example, perhaps offering seminars or group work in whatever your field of expertise or artistry is. partisapation. If you have a star below your little finger, then it means that you are lucky regarding being rich. In hands, they might be seen as a sign of a spiritual initiate who enjoys deep intimacy with God consciousness and who has affinity with nature and the 4 elements of matter; earth, water, fire and air. Anyway I like to thank everyone for trying to help me find the meaning of the star in my palm. Reach out and show your courage. 2 Star Hands. A star on the bottom of the palm either relates to the moon (intuition) or if it is on a major line such as the career line then it relates to an event. The more you hone your skills, the more adept you will get. meaning of what stars and pentagrams represent depending upon where in the palm they are located. The length of the chain correlates to the duration of time that all of these issues may last. I did try to act upon it but living in a society where people are jealous of you just for being you or your mere existence then they try to drag you down through rumors & bad propaganda about you as a person giving rise to notoriety instead of good fame. A five-pointed star () is a common ideogram used throughout the world. There are chances that you may meet with an accident or even have an accidental injury. Seen a six pointed star. Acts 7:43 - Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the STAR OF YOUR GOD REMPHAN, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon. Gift markers are very rare on childrens hands. Its between head line and life line and its connected to head line. Creativity shows up in your hands in a number of ways. The fingers can be used to ascertain a person's personality or even hobbies and interests. All content copyright 2023,, i too have a star on the center of my right hand. As I am now partially disabled through an op I only have my music. If they are pointing to the base of the palm this can mean an unexpected turn in your daily routine. In my 5th book, Palmistry Signs & Symbols on the Mounts, Ive shared images and more specific meanings for pentagrams in the 4 positions Ive observed them; on the Plain of Mars, on upper Venus, on lower Mars and on Sun mounts. Perhaps even fame, I do seem like i have a triangle and star under my ring finger? It has its roots in Indian astrology and Roman fortune-tellingbut you can hop into this ancient tradition today. How the interpretation of the star changes with precise location and hand shape. How can I send you a picture of what I believe is a star under my ring finger for confirmation? Jantien. Copyright 2011 - 2021 Psychic Library, LLC. If your star is not perfect, take a fresh piece of paper (8-1/2" x 10" not . One of these lesser-known marks is known as the conjure star. Would you volunteer to leave earth with Aliens? It also indicates success in relationships. You have a natural celebrity air about you, and being famous will sit comfortably on you. 5-pointed star! I have been playing and singing for almost 18 years but have got absolutely nowhere, but I have felt that I am doing what I should. look at the post on Saturn stars for the full meaning, its about connecting people to what they need.. Hi Jena, The Peace Sign Hand Sign. (ie further away from thumb?) Fold in half again to mark the quarter-way point. Wow! Continue with Recommended Cookies. Raise your palm and fist a few inches up. I have a star on sun N Apollo fingers. judged me as far as knowing what I know. Even the really short one will help you dispel myths and start moving forward in your life. Mr. GAL LUFT says He Has Documents Criminally Connecting the BIDENS to CHINA. A star on the heart line at any given point of time indicates serious illness related to the heart or heart attack. Indu, go for it. Say "peace" with your fingers with this simple hand sign. i was just curious about it and the fact that it is actually in Here, in this article, we shall deal with the details about the stars formed on different parts of the palm. Few years ago, I had very strong inner calling a need for action to step into spotlight. I do seem to have a apollo star and simian line too. You are someone who can achieve the right balance in life to be truly satisfied with your lot. The five-pointed star used in flags originates from European or Western heraldry, and the golden five-pointed star has associations with military power and war. Markings on the palms, like slashes, stars and grilles. You tend to move in circles above your own social class and status, and your friends and acquaintances are only too happy to lift you up to their level. 2 | 'Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique' (HD) - A Tarantino Film | 2004 Miramax 2.44M subscribers Subscribe 2.8M views 5 years ago In the final showdown, The Bride uses. For other intuitively orientated like myself, there is more to this 5 pointed star than just meets the eye. Therefore, the beast is Saturn (Satan) and his mark is the 6-pointed star. Join this series of calls here. Covid vaccines are the leading cause of coincidence worldwide, 10 myths told by COVID experts and now debunked, Biden says: -I may be a White boy, but I'm not stupid-. 1 of 9. Breaks in the major or minor lines can represent both positives and negatives, depending on which way they lie from the various lines. Hi Jena, Thank you so much for this article. A star mark on the palm mount beneath the index finger (on Jupiter mount) is said to show a sudden rise in fortune and achievement of ambition. I was told big things were going to happen for my writing. There are three sections to this finger, each one represents elements of the subject's personality. then use the book to work on yourself. higher up. In turn take each point and fold it in half so that the point of the inner pentagon meets the centre of the pentagon. I have looked in occult bookstores, online, everywhere. With this kind of sign on your palm, you are almost certain to end life better than you started it. What does it mean? It also represents PHI or the Golden Rule of the Universal Law in which all nature and humans must live by to evolve. Ammar, some sort of leadership in the spotlight. What does this mean? And have only found one reference to a circle in the middle of a star but not a pentagram. It is often found at the end of the life line as an individual ages. Summary Palmistry is a approach that research the form of the hand, fingers and strains in the palm of your hand. Zelensky Wants US Boots on The Ground In Ukraine, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot loses re-election bid as city battles crime epidemic, Airline pilots flying massive amounts of tamiflu and paravimir treatments for bird flu, Virginia Fairfax County school board member calls Battle of Iwo Jima evil, Gavin Newsom Ends California COVID Mandate Without Fanfare, Help! Can you kindly explain how can I benefit from it? Read More All related (33) Sort Why is it called an Apollo star? Pentagram - A 5 pointed star. That means, if you want to draw for example a five-point star, you simply divide the circle into five. Have you an advice for me? is a clear circle again in the mount of Jupiter on my left hand at the point where the heart line ends.Though I am a righty I have this symbol from I need my privacy which I value the most now. Hi Jena I quess people what to see somelike a pentagram that jumps out at ya. What could this mean? It is formed by the heart line, head line and life line. Each point represents an element : Earth, Air, Fire, Water and the fifth element, Ether or Spirit. Thanks. would advise others to look at the web site provided by earthMagic , as it explains some things I have been told.Again Thanks for everyones ideas and Cant find an attachment icon. Step 8. Mai, the best way to predict the future is to invent it yourself. Rich Signs In Palmistry And The Most Powerful Sign On Your Hands? They are also a great way of remembering someone you have lost in your life. However, Im not sure if its classed as a star of apollo. hey. The positive sides of the marker and what tends to happen when you dont use your tremendous potential. It is when the major lines cross over in the center of the palm. I dont understand what to make out of it. Have you ever seen this mark before and what do you think it means? Grilles signify interruptions in a person?s advancement. Actually I am also worried about a similar symbolI have been searching the web but could not find the reason..Though I have seen the picture of Could you check? This content community relies on user-generated content from our member contributors. The markings on the palms that don't seem to fit into any category of a line are still significant in the sense that they can indicate a warning, such as from stress, or point to a sign of talent or area of focus. Richard Unger of the International Institute of hand Analysis,,, La 5 pointed star or tips, is a type of graphic that is part of a writing style recognized worldwide. Place it on top of your other palm. With a star being on your palm under Apollo is that different oppose to it being up top like in the picture shown?? time to get out into the spotlight! In very curious about it. In addition to these mains, the palm is mottled with innumerable facet lines. thankful.Many Blessings. Psychic palm readers may feel invited to ascribe and to discuss possible meanings for the esoteric symbol in the persons hand. The pentagram is a five-pointed star that is form Continue Reading 5 1 Lawrence C. FinTech Enthusiast, Expert Investor, Finance at Masterworks Updated Feb 6 Promoted What's a good investment for 2023? It looks like you're using an Ad Blocker. Palm reflexology works on the premise, and if one knows what points of the hand correspond with the pain, they can press or massage that point once or twice a day to relieve pain or remove discomfort. This issue, we focus on another shape the STAR which indicates different things depending on where it occurs on the palm. The stars have varied auspicious or inauspicious implications subject to the location on the palm but mostly auspicious. When The Star Is On The Luna Mount I live as an artist and I do also hand analyses for friends for free. The Jupiter's finger is supposed to represent the self. 1 big star between venus and mars According to the tenets of Chinese palm reading, the hands, feet and head of a person can present a very complete profile of that person. They may also represent outside influences that may be causing stress. Most uses of the pentagram in Western society today descend from Western occult traditions. Alma, sounds like a creative little guy to manage this! go from my life line and end at my life line and include my health line , for those who can not see , I am sorry about the picture quality. Some what to make fun , and its ok I can take it , but What will we discuss? Whether you do or dont is your choice.. Hey Im Paulishia, I have a star at the bottom of my hand on my palm with a steep career line attached to it going up my hand to my ring finger. If you can give me some insight to that I would really be You should work at keeping your temper under control, or you could end up the biggest loser. Pointer and middle finger connected in each hand, cross the two hands, and tap fingers twice. Do not lift your pencil from the paper until you are finished. Is that the case? Palm facing outward, outstretch your arm. When you feeling like taunting someone, do the nana-boo-boo hand gesture. Super Computer head line. And i dnt knw but there a big star which conects to 3 different fingers,accoumpanying with the girdle of venus. In this case,the star sign will bring power,honor and enough opportunities to convert the high ambitions of a person into reality in the early phase of ones career. The letter M in palmistry is a rare but recognized marking. The Hand of the Mysteries goes by many other names, including the Hand of the Philosopher, the Hand of the Master Mason, and the Emblematic Hand of Mysteries. yes please Robert to probably it is a fame (potential) indicator Also i have triangles, trident and two sunlines on my apollo. What I am trying to disern is what the symbol means being on my palm like that. The biggest hurdle is getting over worrying what other think. why not get this book, Examples of MAGA-AF Make America Great Again - Americans First. For example, spatulate finger tips. I hope the u2 I sent will explain those things. Sometimes, a five pointed star is formed with the help of five equal lines and a well defined center. Seen a star. Step 9. Or long ring fingers. 2" by Beatrix Kiddoto kill Bill. The pentagram is a five-pointed star that is a symbol of man with his five limbs and five sensory organs. Nice to know my path is supported! If you have a star present on the Jupiter mount that is below the index finger, it is considered to be the most auspicious sign. To find it, place the hand palm up and use three fingers to measure roughly an inch down the wrist. In some hand shape types it indicates organisational ability. Chains denote the many different obstacles one may face in life. You should take extra care over your health, and if you are someone who likes to live life on the edge, try to slow down when you start getting on in years. Always ask yourself, how does this interpretation make me feel? They might also be warning signs of danger in an individual?s life?s path. According to palmistry, the different lines and marks on the palm have their own meaning. Sometimes there are Venus girdles that add other spurs to make an 8 pointed star You also have a clear thinking and also have a strong opinion. You can be something of a snob, and prefer to mix with your own social status, sometimes looking down on others. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. When this Five Elements Seal, being of an odd number, is applied over the Four Symbols Seal, being of an even number, the Four Symbols Seal is disrupted because of the oddeven imbalance. Early march critical planatary earthquake lineups. It has also become a symbol of fame or . The longer the Jupiter finger, the more you will need to assert your dominance over others. again many blessings. Hi dear Jena can I have your email address please so I can send you the picture of my hand I think I have 2 or 3 stars on my Apollo mount. (Theres more to this story but thats the short version) Thanks again!!! Grilles appear most often on the mounts. On my right hand Apollo mount there is a six pointed star that usef to be very clear but is now only moderately clear. Hi Jena, I have many gift markers and a lots of talents that I use, but I dont know how to use them all in best way. Join points A and C, crease, and unfold. Heres the link to my palm pic: Mary sounds like you need to get out into the spotlight in a big way, I have a tail star on the bottom of the ring finger what does it indicates. By continuing to use our site, you accept our use of cookies and Privacy Policy. Or a rounded flame-like fire shape hand. The image on the left side and right side are exactly the same. Well just appearing may be weird. Thanks so much for sharing. Khan probably you are meant to step into the spotlight but are somehow blocking yourself with thinking too much.. i have a star on my fate line in circle under my middle finger just in the middle of my palm , what does it mean ? This web site provided by Earth magic has provided me with some insight of the star itself , and might I add , quite a few other things. You are a person obsessed with family honour and the acquisition of money in an attempt to gain status and social power. I dont know how to come in spotlight, though I have lots of creativity but dont know how to focus and come in spotlight. I have 5 pointed stars on my hands, but I never made anything of it. All the best, Copyright 2020 - Sdn Bhd. This star can be used as a symbol for something like "the five senses" or "the five elements.". if so, that is the moon quadrant of the Apollo zone. How are you ?? I am having a coincidence! Here's what a palm guru site online says: Pentagram" - A very rare marking formed by the confluence of the Head Line, Life Line, Fate Line and Money Line, which clearly marks the sign of a Pentagram in the palm of the hand. Tiny Star If you're looking for a small tattoo to get a star is a great option. Ive always wanted to become an actress, way before I knew about that star or anything. Palm line reading is the most important part of palmistry. It may also have evolved from the mysterious Seal of Solomon (five-pointed star) that was used in the ancient world as a talisman. Open and close your hands, holding each open for 2-5 seconds. Is it good or bad? 3 Palm Stretch. and one who is a psychic who has helped out law enforment in the past find people told me not to worry about it as it is a symbol of protection. What I can do for you though, is point Traditionally, a pentagram in a hand is essentially a good and auspicious sign of wisdom; the person can thank their lucky star. The Fight for Election Integrity Continues -- Audits, Criminal Investigations, Legislative Reform, Do you find the Lack of Discipline disturbing, Florida Health Department: Health Alert on mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Safety, Biden Admin Negotiates Deal to Give WHO Authority Over US Pandemic Policies, Austin Steinbart's Proposal to Save America, Astor School Kent UK Children Ask For Help. They can also indicate problems in the area of health. Size of this PNG preview of this SVG file: 255 240 pixels. If sun line has a crossing downward line but has a star on the other side if there is a line arising from inbetween first and second finger and goes a star near or close to sun or appolo line and a line is crossing it a line that arises from in between the finger and goes horizontally around palm Hello, I have a star on my palm just above my wrist between my fate line and my life line. Tattoo to get a star on the palm fame or fingers and strains in the palm your... Cross over in the spotlight however, Im not sure if its classed a! The two hands, but I never made anything of it you want to draw for example a five-point,... Take it, place the hand palm up and use three fingers to measure roughly an inch down wrist! Can be used to ascertain a person & # x27 ; s personality or have! Use your tremendous potential of what stars and pentagrams represent depending upon where in the past five-pointed that! 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