Meat and Poultry Labeling Terms USDA. C. are newly released every year. D. By losing excess weight, a person can reduce his or her risk of type 1 diabetes. These include cane sugar, invert sugar, corn sweetener, dextran, molasses, malt syrup, maltose, and evaporated cane juice. A. 1. A. Tuna fish D. As fat increases and water decreases, energy density increases. A. It will be easier and clearer for consumers to read and interpret the new Nutrition Facts Panel because: B. percent daily value (%DV) A man whose mass is 80 kg and a woman whose mass is 50 kg sit at opposite ends of a canoe 5 m long, whose mass is 30 kg. D. variety A claim on a food label that describes the level or amount of a nutrient in the food product. The meal provides 14% DV of fiber, meaning it meets 14% of the recommended amount of fiber, based on average needs in a 2000-calorie diet. D. Ultra-processed foods are abundant in farmers' markets. A. A. food labeling. True Which of the following statements about food labels is true? A. B. Soluble fiber dissolves or swells in water, whereas insoluble fiber generally does not change in water. c) False, False B. A. This set of Food Engineering Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on Regulations and Labeling Requirement. Based on this information, Betty has a high risk of _____ B. Apples A. C. about one-third B. The newest release of food guides from the USDA is a visual presentation of foods from the five food groups "on a dinner plate" to represent the ideal balance that will provide a spectrum of nutrients. C. Choose a variety of protein foods. D. MyPlate. A. a high proportion of healthy nutrients relative to the number of calories. Which of the following is NOT a key message from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans? a) high On a food label, the % Daily Value table compares key nutrients per serving for a person consuming how many kilocalories daily? b) Quantity C. as a cup of dairy on the side of the plate, Which of the following items is a good cue for estimating a portion size equal to one cup? A. Vitamins A and C are still required in the nutrients section since these nutrients are still underconsumed. D. decreases the excretion of sodium lons from kidneys, A. stimulates the galbladder to secrete bile Into the small intestine, Anna has type 1 diabetes and gives herself insulin injections to help manage her blood glucose level. d) none of the above, The package of cheese crackers you buy in the vending machine states that "cheese provides calcium, which builds strong bones." Limit the intake of added sugars to no more than 20% of calories. C. provide 7 kcal/g are A. Suggest a reason why food labels provide information about the energy released by the food? Before sharing sensitive information, make sure you're on a federal government site. 2) Health claims Abaseball picther can throw a ball at about 90 miles per hour, v = 40 m/s, on solid rock ground. E. It depends on the person's age, weight, height, and level of activity. c) All of the mentioned Which of the following statements is true? a) Packages designed for uniform shipping cannot be loaded into mixed shipping D. homocysteine, Kevin has lactose intolerance, which means he is allergic to lactose b) The food should taste good A. Glucose A. a high proportion of healthy nutrients relative to the number of calories. C. Certain proteins transport nutrients and oxygen in the bloodstream. D. The meal has 8% DV of sugar, meaning it contains 8% of Juan's personal recommended limit of added sugar for the day. B. preceded with Fix. What is the major difference between soluble and insoluble forms of fiber? C. adequacy Corn oil margarine A. jelly beans B. ribose D. esophagus. c) All of the mentioned C. Leaf lettuce 124 calories C. 240 calories D. 80 calories If a products food label indicates it contains 80 calories in servings it means it has less calories or 1/3 of total calories our body needs. Which of the following statements about the new label is NOT true? The primary factor that determines the energy density of a food item is the: A claim on a food label that describes how a nutrient or dietary compound affects the structure or function of the human body. O A food label must mention the serving size. For example, milk provides calcium and vitamin D, which are essential for healthy bones. A person jumps from the roof of a house 3.9-m high. None of these is correct. b) A food has certain limitations Which of the following statements is true? b) False C. sausage Which of the following food item has been exempted from labeling? D. percentage of calories from carbohydrates C. destruction of toxic metabolic by-products B. Nitrogen Higher than average intakes of calcium B. d) All of the mentioned A. Ultra-processed foods are abundant in farmers' markets. d) False, True True. D. balance C. Hydrogen a) Security and portion control A. C. Calories from fat are still required to be listed on labels. Carrots and celery All nutrients listed on the nutrition facts panel will have a %DV. D. Prebiotics are harmful to gut microbiota, A. Problotics are beneficial bacteria that live in the human large intestine, Which of the following organs is the main site for detaxifying alcohol? C. consumed only dry red wines B. 2) A corresponding disease or health-related condition that is associated with the claim. A. causes the heart to shrink A. D. legumes. B. View Answer, 5. D. Products sold in the United States must provide detailed nutrition information using a standardized format. It's okay not to gather electrical cords to prevent entanglement.2. B. b) Ready to eat food True Which food has the lowest energy density? View Answer, 4. B. large particle that transports lipids throughout the bloodstream D. Nutrient labels are not required to include information about the grams of protein in a serving of the food. C. steamed broccoli with lemon and garlic d) False, True C. Brown rice B. An estimation of the amount of a specific nutrient contained in one serving, based on a daily intake of 2000 calories, is called: c) Date mark Bill would like to follow recommendations that would reduce his risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). A. Ultra-processed foods contribute about 60% of the added sugar intake in the United States. Food labeling B. They provide a glossary of meat and poultry labeling terms. View Answer, 9. Which of the following information is NOT provided on a Nutrition Facts Panel for a packaged food item? D. Most Americans are consuming excessive added sugars. A. serving size Betty has type 2 diabetes, and she has difficulty keeping her fasting blood glucose level under 180 mg/dl. A food labeled "organic" indicates that the food is 100 percent organic. There is an inverse relationship between ultra-processed foods in the U.S. diet and overall dietary quality. C. mouth Evaluation Directions: Write true if the statement is correct and false if the statement is wrong. If Americans were to reduce intake of ultra-processed foods and increase intake of minimally and least processed foods, how would this impact dietary quality? To practice all areas of Food Engineering, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers. Generally the % Daily Value is based on a 2000 2500 cal diet. a) Substantiated Claims The food label is important to food companies and consumers alike. D. calories, serving size, and servings per container are listed in larger, bold type. A claim on a food label that describes a relationship between a food or dietary compound and a disease or health-related condition. Based on this information, Bill should ___? 2,000 View Answer. Select one: a. The word "healthy" may not be used on products that are high in fat or sodium. Which among the following claims is prohibited? C. sausage C. nutrient claims. a) True 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. B. unhealthy foods to limit are featured. c) Protection and information transmission Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series Food Engineering. B. C. neurons C. magnesium The term implies a look defined by the fashion industry as that which is trending.Everything that is considered fashion is available and popularized by the fashion system (industry and media). WASHINGTON, July 1, 2021 - Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack released the following statement today following the Federal Trade Commission's (FTC) vote to strengthen its enforcement of the Made in USA standard: "Today, the Federal Trade Commission took important steps to enhance its ability to enforce the Made in USA standard. View Answer. B. B. the footnote explaining the percent Daily Value includes more detail. A. restaurants must provide nutrition details to consumers B. most foods be labeled using a standardized format C. all food be labeled with calorie amounts D. packaged food will include nutrient claims E. all health claims must be placed on the front of the packaging Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 16 B Click the card to flip Flashcards Which of the following statements CANNOT appear on a food label without FDA approval? How does MyPlate represent dairy products? Patients with type 2 diabetes with generalized obesity or with central overweight, often with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, frequently require insulin doses in the range of 65 to 100 units per day or much higher. Which part of a food label is the primary tool for determining the healthfulness of the product? As fat decreases and water increases, energy density increases. C. amount of trans fat per serving Which of the following nutrients is made by gut microbiota? The meal lists 20% DV of calcium, meaning the meal is not a significant source of calcium. C. Sodas, energy drinks, sports drinks, and desserts are significant sources of added sugars. a) Food set and sound This site is using cookies under cookie policy . 1. True I'd ask [Ron Stotish, CEO of . D. balance To practice all areas of Food Engineering, here is complete set of 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions and Answers. Both Vitamin D and potassium contents must be listed in actual amounts present and %DV. A. maintain appropriate calorie balance throughout each stage of life. The new Nutrition Facts food label will become effective on Jan 1, 2020. The Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 (NLEA) directed FDA to issue regulations providing for the use of health claims. A serving of cream of tomato soup contains 26 grams of total fat, 13 grams of saturated fat, 5 grams of polyunsaturated fat, 5 grams of monounsaturated fat, and 3 grams of trans fat. c) False, False For example, save as Which of the following conditions is a typical sign or symptom of this form of diabetes? B. drank only a few beers 3. By reading the ingredients' lists on the labels Intro t Nutrition. C. adequacyconsuming enough calories and essential nutrients B. vitamin D C. Peanuts and other nuts D. insulin, The body stores glucose in the form of glycogen. B. Stearic acid D. do not eat anything for the next 5 hours, which provides time for her biood glucose level to drop to normal naturally. a) calories, fat, and potassium Why are the Daily Values (DVs) so important?
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