Its okay. Inej said, smiling. Yet it made sense, why should he help them, the crows. Jesper would find out but, it'd be too late by then. why not? Nina said Like old times! She declared, pumping her fist in the air. . The horrifying discovery about his mother motivates Wylan to go through with the job in order to get money from his father and free his mother, something they found out later that Kaz had planned all along. Yeah, Im gay and proud of it! Wylan shouted, then he wrapped Jespers arms around him. A good night's rest. Theres a difference between what you want and what you need. He sipped from his cup and grimaced. Later, Wylan! Jesper waggled his fingers over his shoulder. He just has to hope that his ghosts stay buried long enough to keep someone from calling off the wedding. The crew arrives in Fjerda and they cross the northern wilderness. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Eh. Wylan creates maps and sketches of the Ice Court based on Matthias Helvar's descriptions and his own recollections from his trips to the Court with his father. Jesper stared at them both with his quartz gray eyes. In Crooked Kingdom Jesper kiss accidentally Kuwei because he thinks he's Wylan.. Log in Sign up. He glared, angry and annoyed, and Jesper smiled, showing pink sugar and white teeth and beautiful, distended lips. She knew he had one too. His privileged status makes him unused to violence; however, he is still willing to do damageeven saying at one point, after Jesper says he doesn't kill sleeping men, that they can wake up two men before killing them. Jesper barely heard Inej coming down the stairs, well she was the Wraith, but he heard Kazs uneven step. What the? Jesper asked, completely dumbfounded. It seemed that the two of them had one thing in common: they were very, very, much in love. Wylan spends most of Crooked Kingdom looking like Kuwei Yul-Bo. So you did it just cause you could? But now, in the present and himself quite tipsy as well, he only found utter adoration for the silly behavior. Nina ran her finger down Jespers arm and he didnt blush. Jesper kissed the top of Wylan's head, drawing a hand under Wylan's chin to lift his head. It scared him, but they were like siblings. Thats exactly when Kaz and Inej came striding down the stairs. Jesper Fahey (boyfriend) (Sorry, but Im a Kaznej ship fanatic). ? Jesper asked, his face had a cheeky look, his gray eyes glinted in the early dawn. Wylan hated the idea of soulmarks.Jesper loved them. I don't know how I've gone all my life without Jesper and his talented mouth. Six of Crows Series | Fantasy Romance Five years after the events of Crooked Kingdom, everyone's back in Ketterdam. When it happened, he was busy and dismissed the strange and sudden ache in his side as unimportant. Im coming with you, that stuff smells horrible. Jesper said, he was already on his way to the door of the Slat. Wylan? Jesper asked Wylan as he tilted Wylans. Je suis desole, je ne dit ou crire pas franaisbien :P I love writing Kanej but its nice to have a prompt focusing on some of the other great couples! Oh, so those are the magic words. Look, youre maddeningly cute when youre pissed off, merchling, but this is childish. Jesper moved his head, trying to meet his eyes, but Wylan turned away, facing the wall. A sparkle, something amused and curious and adorable. ! Nina says excited, she pulls out a notebook from the air. Really? Male She rushed over to him, turning him around, trying to check his head. ! Wylan asked, completely embarrassed, cheeks reddening even more. Deciding to quit when the time is right, Wylan throws himself into the job for one last hurrah, a decision that leads to friendship, purpose, hope and love. Especially about merchers. Alias(es) wylan jesperxwylan shadowandbone +6 more What was that for? she asked, surprised. "Ghezen, Jes, I'm so close" As a response he sucks harder and more aggressively. The Crows start a new year at University, battling unwanted crushes, past trauma and much more along the way. Wylan- Jesper started after him, but at that moment, Inej poked her head out of a door and called for the two boys. Wylan made the last step and leaned against him slightly. Ive never seen you blush before. Kaz tilted her head up to him and kissed her gently on the lips, his mouth was burning, but the desire for her was what kept him from sinking in his memory of ketterdam harbor. Stop being angry for a second and just listen to me. Jesper reached out as if he wanted to touch his arm, or turn him around, but he pulled back last-minute. For a moment forgetting they weren't alone. Wylan laughed, looking up at him fondly. He began going by Wylan Hendriks, his mother's surname. Wylan accompanies Kaz to his father's house on Geldstraat to steal the seal. They headed down the steps holding each other. However, Inej and Kaz create a new plan that involves Wylan taking apart a ringwall gate and triggering Black Protocol, and the group splits up again. Jesper ends up helping run the Van Eck business after Wylan's father gets sent to prison. She stopped crying and fell asleep, Kaz stroked her hair and tried to leave, but she held on tight even though she was asleep. He offers to accompany Wylan to the baths to meet the Grisha Triumvirate and he gratefully accepts. Wylan also has a curious, contemplative mind, often questioning how things function such as on Jesper's pistols and the Ice Court's aqueduct system. They never needed to. - disse Wylan Work Search: tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit) 1 - 20 of 1956 Works in Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck. #1 Sixofcrows #1 KazBrekker "Beg on your knees or I will not help you" I grin, a maniac laugh bubbling from my throat. How many rolls do you think Nina will eat? Wylan asked, pulling his shoes on. She barreled through Kaz and Inej, Inej spun around and Kaz caught her just in time. His life under the treatment of his father is revealed through flashbacks, showing in detail how his father planned to kill him to protect his legacy and how Wylan escaped. ( I posted this from my ao3, @/crowbrainactivate) Kaz, Jesper, Matthias, and Wylan continue to create plans for the Ice Court. Wylan is Inej's friend from the Ketterdam conservatoire. Organizations After the explosion Leo Valdez crash lands in Ketterdam. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Or was there another reason? Inej asked face still flushed. Nina would figure it out but, she's too hurt. Kaz jumped up and grabbed her before she could go out the door, he pulled her close and whispered Hey, its okay. Really thats all you come up with? Nina asked, looking her up and down with a disbelieving eye. save-the-dream-deactivated20170. - Ele no vai jogar. ! Nina said bewildered, All the Saints and your Aunt Eva. Jesper swore. Wylan wants attention. He had a glint in his eyes. After several hours of tailoring, Wylan looks just as he did before, and he and Jesper spend some time alone. Wylan swallowed hard, wishing his emotions away. they shook slightly from fear and desire. Wy- Jesper barely got the first few letters out before Wylan was rising to his feet, stiffly marching to the door. Wylan is a sharpshooter, jesper is the demo guy Jesper Fahey has found a way to bring his Fabrikator powers into the bedroom. The title says it all. Yeah, Im gay. Jesper admitted. Why are you laughing? Kaz asked, absolutely dumbfounded. You guys better get up and get your sorry butts down there and explain to me what this is! Nina snapped, she turned on her heel and stomped down the stairs. Another explosive frees the Crows from the Fabrikator's ice prison, though Wylan was not confident the bomb would work. Kaz would know but, it's his brother helping. Right now? Probably cause youre here with me. Jesper said, they were so close now that they were basically touching. So yeah what's it like? Nina asked, leaning on the tips of her toes. Wylan and Jesper return to the prison sector via the incinerator shaft, where they meet up with Inej. - respondeu Davy. Inej finds herself dangerously tempted by the notion. Does it hurt? she asked, face full of concern but she had a goofy smile on her face. It was hilarious, they were the only ones in the hallway. They became romantically involved after they kissed towards the end of the book. Jes was eager to bow to him and that thought made Kazs dick twitch in his boxers. Still you dont say stuff like that unless theyre your enemy. she said exasperated, throwing her arms up. And to Wylans astonishment, Jesper blushed a vibrant pink! The truth was, they felt invincible. He stared right at Kaz as he whispered, Why dont I show you?. Although a gifted artist and musician, Wylan cannot read because he has severe dyslexia. She was happy that she made a dent in his armor. And now Jesper was standing in front of said Wylan, fiddling with a letter in his hands and having to tell the man hed been in love with for 2 years -who most definatly didnt feel the same- that he had told his wonderful father, they were dating and now said father wanted to meet him. It looks like Jesper's luck has finally run out. Jesper Fahey, an underpaid barista, trying desperately to manage his finances. You only blush at him because he is boyfriend. Nina said, looking as mischievous as ever. Ohh. Wylan is drinking. I still think you made Genya make you look even better, but I dont really care if you made her or not, youre still the same Wylan. Jesper said, tracing Wylans cheekbone. He liked to know everything about everyone. It surprised me as well, Wylan. Jesper said, looking slightly dazed, he was rocking on the balls of his feet. After Jesper is captured by Jan Van Eck he is helped to escape by the redhead we all know and love. "Enough funny business." Rule of Wolves. Jesper walked closer to Wylan. Everybody thought Wylan would just squirm where he stood, but instead he surprised everybody by saying. I know youre gay. He chuckled to himself as he remembered the first time his mother tried piano for the first time in years, it was horrible but she soon remembered how to do it. For all Jesper Fahey has a reputation as a party-kid and a playboy, a flirt, a slut, a whore he really, really intends to make his arranged marriage agreement to the Van Eck heir work. He relished in the slight pulsating sensation as Jesper spilled down his throat, pulling away quick enough that one last rope caught on his lips. yeah, she came to my room last night asking if we could talk, so I said yes and we talked for awhile and she saw I was tired and told me to get into the bed and said we could split it. Kaz said, trying to get inspiration from the roof. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. - disse Jesper. The Grishaverse is a FANDOM Books Community. Could you do a fanfic with Jesper and Wylan? Well beat her and all the slavers. Kaz said to her, Jesper overheard them Well, if shes going to be beaten, I wanna be part of it. Jesper said, looking at them meaningfully, mainly at Inej. He kissed her neck, mouth, and collarbone. Wylan was pleased he was remembered. You dont take me as the immature type. They never needed to. Yeah. Wylan uses a salt concentrate to uproot a tree to block the path of the wagon as a distraction while the six thieves take the place of some of the prisoners. Youre horrible at trying to do that. Jesper said, looking deeply with his light gray kaelish eyes. I love it when you blush like that. Jesper said softly, gently brushing his hands through Wylans curly red locks. this is a collection of oneshots and longer stories surrounding the crows. No percebendo quando ele chega se apoiando no encosto da cadeira. "I was paying attention." He felt greedy for something. Jan Van Eck (father)Marya Hendriks (mother)Alys Van Eck (stepmother)Unnamed unborn half-sibling Wylan and Jesper run across the roof of the drskelle sector. Search Works. Where are YOU going? Wylan asked back to him, his big blue eye curious. Hidden traits indeed Kaz thought bitterly. Nina I must admit I dont know how you drink that. stay here with me, please dont go. was all she pleaded, tears silently running down her face. Jesper Fahey Needs a Hug; Wylan Van Eck Needs a Hug; Kaz Brekker-centric; Kaz Brekker Needs Therapy; Canon Backstory; Summary. Inej! Jesper crowed as soon as he saw her. Sort of. No one got to hurt her. Its not a little-known fact. So is anyone going to explain what we saw before? Wylan asked, looking at his shoes. "I really can't believe you're mine." Jesper said. Men, women, and children starve in the street every day. Wylan had no thoughts other than a very happy yeah, this is the life. Nina, leave it alone, Please give me some advice also this is NOT a finished product! He also reveals that half of Kuwei's notebooks are full of drawings of Jesper. Kaz just watched from where Inej had been moments ago. The latter responded by pointedly glancing at . O que nenhum deles haviam percebido era que Nina estava no armrio que ficava ao lado de Zoya escutando tudo . A brief collection of some Wesper scen A Wesper story set in the modern day where they're all theatre kids. Youd be hard-pressed to find anyone but the mayor with more than a few dollars worth of pocket change to their name, not even enough to cover that nights dinner. The cover art is not mine, it is by KK-sis on DeviantArt. Undefeated. It was surprising, but she didnt mind. Do you still have the diamond choker?, Kaz asked, cause it would be a great bargaining chip. he finished. Wylan was blushing so hard it looked like he might burst, but he nodded and went up on tiptoe. Fine, I'll prove it. "I said" he gesticulates, limbs in ever motion, especially now that he is nervous all over. Staying close but far away from her. You guys shouldnt laugh at me, otherwise Im not the worst thing in the barrel anymore. "Hear you know your way around a chemistry set." We havent gone that far. Jesper admitted, not looking at them, glancing at Wylan. Please consider turning it on! give it a go. Jesper said, bringing his arm up from his side. Hold on to my neck, but don't strangle me, or I'm dropping you." He lifted Wylan and carried him to their room, where Jesper's copy of a novel Inej had recommended to him lay half-open on the bed. But he copes. Probably the entire bakery if you let her. Jesper said with a snort. Wylan, your courage continues to surprise me. Kaz said after they finished their little embrace. But Inej wants to unravel his secrets. Wylan Van Eck is the son of Jan Van Eck and is one of the protagonists of the Six of Crows duology. I-I um it was great Inej stuttered awkwardly, looking at Kaz for guidance. At sixteen, he is the youngest of the Crows, though he looks younger; Matthias Helvar believed his age to be twelve instead of sixteen. (Sorry if my english is bad but I'm french). They've both had a similar experience. official art by Kevin Wada Wylan points out that maybe the reason why Jesper shoots so well is due to him using his powers, something that Jesper dismisses at first, saying that Wylan is cute but crazy, but it turns out to be important. GIVE ME THE WAFFLES!! I have no clue who she is, but she seems really important to Inejs past, so lets go beat her up! Wylan admitted. Wylan was pulling on a coat. Wylan the wayward merchling and Jesper the magnificent sharpshooter (Six of Crows) are an adorable legend couple (? tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. Get off. was all Kaz said, his eyes were fully dilated and he had that dangerous burn to his ruff slate voice. You can kiss whoever you want, Jesper. Wylan crossed his arms. Kerch Dirtyhands and the Wraith.she whispered to him, chuckling a little. Dude, stop speaking like everybody knows that! Nina exclaimed, coming over to them, hands on her hips. Really? He prefers music and numbers to words, as he cannot read or write because of his dyslexia. First seen [2][3] In Crooked Kingdom, Wylan and Jesper bond over similar experiences and try to teach each other to love themselves for who they are and despite their struggles. He reveals to her that he can't read, later confessing to Jesper that telling more people makes him feel better about himself. Then that's what you'll get but only that. Inej said, a sly look in her dark suli eyes. Jesper just chuckled, Wylan just twiddled with his thumbs anxiously. When the Dregs are ambushed trying to leave the Ketterdam harbor, Wylan is terrified in the shootout. Wylan is six months into his apparent dream job at Ketterdam Elementary when he begins to question the direction his life has taken. She buried her head in his neck and started crying. An inevitable part of the fact were going to spend the rest of our lives together., Cheery, Jesper mutters. Work Search: Here, let me try. Wylan said equally confused. Wylan blushed a bright red and then Wylan ran his finger down Jespers arm and to everybody's absolute surprise Jesper blushed a deep red! Later, Jesper tells him that it was just a mistake; he had actually thought he was kissing Wylan. 'Get the money to repay what they've lost or don't bother coming back at all.' He wants it to, at least, even if what he wants rarely ever ends up mattering. Wylan managed to get halfway down the hallway before Jesper darted in front of him, blocking his way. Kaz Brekker, you have no heart, youre a monster. Jesper said, truly offended, went to go find Wylan, trying not to look like a fool.Kaz,I have no words for you, that was awful. Inej said to his face. Domestic Jesper Fahey/Wylan Van Eck Jesper and Wylan go out drinking for the night and stumbled back into the Van Eck mansion together Based on the prompt "Will you marry me?"/"We already are married, now lay down you're drunk." but I altered it because they are children :) Language: English Words: 778 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 1 Kudos: 30 Bookmarks: What about what you need? She pressed. Orgasms ensue. With the rest of the crows of course. Jesper looked perfectly normal. Well I guess it just means weve known each other longer. Kaz replied with a smile as he turned to Inej. This isnt a courting, its an engagement. Wylan grins wide and it's gorgeous, it's gorgeous. Jesper moved slowly back from them, arms still in mid air. He also wins a bet with Kaz, who had not believed Van Eck would so callously end his son's life. Which is why as Kaz Brekker limps past the sorry son-of-a-bitch, he makes sure to swipe about ten times that amount from the money clip in his coat. Kaz had a crow just about to slam into his head. ? they all asked at the same time. Six of Crows Series | Nina Zenik Inej Ghafa Jesper Fahey Wylan Van Eck Kaz Brekker | Short Stories. Should I get them some coffee? Wylan asked, already counting more kruge for coffee. Inej was the only one not on the floor. He could kill them all. She welcomed him into her arms, all perfect and softness in her arms. Jesper isnt certain of a lot but he learns the way of this dark place slowly, all the intricacies that govern the game and its rules that keep him alive. . Yeah, kinda. he said, touching his hands to his revolvers, he always touched his revolvers when he felt scattered, mad. And that's the way he likes it. What? Wylan turned to the wall and thumped his head against it. save-the-dream-deactivated20170. Wylan and his boyfriend Jesper, still living at the Van Eck estate, are approached by Kaz, Nikolai Lantsov, and Zoya Nazyalensky for a job. If they did, they got Kaz's wrath. You go say sorry to him Inej said. Kaz taught me his little trick Nina said with a shrug. "Who are you?" Wylan asked in the same tone of voice Jesper had asked. "Yeah." "Alright. In the past, Jesper would have called him names for it, complained and told him how he was being a nuisance on some job. . by . Wylan defends Jesper to Kaz. What? Nina is that you? Jesper asked in disbelief as he saw a tall young woman with light brown hair walk in front of him. - disse Wylan - S uma rodada. After that, they understood. I'll send more after I finished Kaz's chapter! Navigation and Actions Wylan agrees, despite knowing he may never look like himself again. Its my fault for coming in here. he whispered in her ear, he turned to go but she hung onto his sleeve, not letting him leave. Give me my coffee or Ill get my army of undead to come hunt you down until I get my coffee! They could only see her dark brown eyes. Do I have to say sorry to him, even if hes an idiot? he asked, no humor in his voice at all. Wylan dared another look at his face, feeling blood rush to his own cheeks. He does not like being called a criminal yet takes pride in his knowledge of demolition. All characters belong to Leigh Bardugo. Please consider turning it on! Later, in return, Jesper agrees to go with Wylan to visit his mother's grave at Saint Hilde. I'm really just bored and have nothing better to do. Everybody was looking at them like absolute strangers. "You don't have to thank me, you know," he paused, tilting his head slightly as if searching for words. Physical Information Wylan is a sharpshooter, jesper is the demo guy Yes it is! Wylan insisted. Its one person, plus I can beat Jesper easily. Kaz said with a shrug. Wylan crawled over and leaned on his shoulder. Well you say you are, but I still dont believe you. Kaz said, looking straight at Jesper. This conversation isnt over. Jesper jogged ahead of him, turning around to wink. Huh. Nina said pointedly. His eyes had a new shine to them. ! Nina screamed as she ripped the waffle box from Wylans grasp. Wylan Van Eck Mmm. Wylan is considerate, nice, and innocent, despite the fact that he is a part of the Dregs. It was strange, but everything about them was strange. A few weeks later, Jesper Fahey visited him at work to introduce him to the Dregs; Kaz Brekker and Inej Ghafa asked him to make bombs for them, but Wylan refused. Kaz Brekker said he "looked like a childsmooth-skinned, wide-eyed, like a silk-eared puppy in a room full of fighting dogs."[1]. He sometimes wondered what it would be like. prepare for fluff and banter. Orgasms ensue. I think were all coming. Kaz amended for him, as he grabbed Inejs sleeve, pulling her to the doorway. The hooded figure didn't answer, only stared at them impatiently. Didnt get much sleep. Kaz said, looking forward to being alone with Inej to tell her his new plan. Wylan cannot reveal himself to her as her own son, but he talks to her and finds out that she is suffering. Six of Crows Kaz just shrugged back at her, face losing its blush. Can I have my coffee now? Nina grumped, wiping the bits of applesauce around her face. sixofcrows wesper bardugo +9 more # 15 Six of Crows characters in the Hun. Yeah, me too. Inej said, seeing where this was going. She rushes back, Jesper and Wylan fill her in, the search begins. Where are you going? Jesper asked, catching Wylans hand. A story gets a little too real for comfort and wakes some memories Wylan would have preferred left quiet. Oneshots about Kaz and Wylan's friendship. After Wylan's stepmother, Alys, became pregnant, Van Eck attempted to have Wylan killed in order to protect the repute of the Van Eck name and erase Wylan from public memory. The Crows arrive in Djerholm and scope out the prison wagon's path. Nation She went over to find Jesper, she found him awkwardly just hovering at the far corner, furthest away from them. You just need to press down, theyll all die then.Wylan Van-Eck was scared, this was a new type of torture. But when he is dragged along by Jesper on a double date, he meets Inej Ghafa, english major, ballet dancer, and unfortunately his soulmate. Really? they all asked at the same time. Wylan was taking deep breaths, trying to make his blush disappear. Were going to finally beat Tante Heleen, like you wanted. No one got to hurt her. Yet it made sense, why should he help them, the crows. he just shrugged It was the best thing Ive ever felt in my life. Kaz said, looking at Inej with his dark eyes. Yeah, she was pretty bad. Wylan admitted sheepishly. Do we need to talk again? Jesper said getting up, still chuckling. Wylan didnt pull away, he moved closer. So whatcha talkin bout? Jesper said cheerfully, interrupting their special moment. Status They never talked about it. He is also a Fabrikator . 88.7K 2.8K 58. alternateuniverse fluff kazbrekker +14 more # 4 Brekker's Barrel by ali ridley 43.4K 942 19 Wylan, let me explain. Jesper said, gray eyes so anxious that it hurt Wylans heart. Kazs uneven step rushes back, jesper tells him that it was strange, she! He and jesper return to the wall wylan shouted, then he wrapped Jespers arms him. 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