Q2 Diass week 3 module 3( Discipline of Communication, The professionals and practitioners in the discipline of communication). live in a loud noise culture society that is purely entertained by media coverage of favorite actors, singers, The first set of these principles were published by the American Society of Newspapers Editors in 1923. How good a journalist's story is often depends on how adept he is at communicating and working with others. effectively complete their job. They operate with a wide variety of mediums and media. practice. Directions: Choose two advertisements that you can identify while watching any Television program that does not violate ethical standards in advertising and explain why it doesnt violate such. Check your understanding, A. Readers with a short attention span can capture a dozen images on the Internet and already know the story just by reading captions and not all these images necessarily depict high quality photojournalism. To communicate is to deliver truth and facts. A good journalist will develop personal style so it even becomes recognizable with a group of people who read a particular newspaper or magazine. The competencies of communicators and journalists are along their delivery of roles and functions. To communicate is to deliver truth and facts. Corporate communications must maintain an excellent reputation to ensure the organisation's . officer, public affairs specialist, communication assistant, meetings secretary, customer service representative, first set of these principles were published by the American Society of Newspapers Editors in They outlined some measures to secure responsibility of the press and other mass media as follows. Our public understanding work takes a variety of forms: press conferences, round tables, articles The media's responsibility to keep the public informed of current and upcoming problems. With a strong . Defense of the publics rights Rights that flow from the constitutional guarantee of freedom of the press: What are the Four main competencies of communicators and Journalist? They spend much of their time interviewing expert sources, searching public records and other sources for information, and sometimes visiting the scene where a crime or other newsworthy occurrence took place. prop curator, stage manager, model, theater professor, and casting director. 3. The general rule is respect for truthfulness and respect for people's rights. Journalism provides many avenues for citizens to speak up, from printing letters to the editor in the . The Economic Function. Corporate communications departments play a key role in how investors, employees and the general public perceive a company. The Professional communicators and journalists are at the service of truth. television, and broadcasting; public relations; journalism; theater, performing arts, and dramatic arts; public Conduct activities in full accordance with the accepted standards of trust, objectivity, Keep in mind that professionals and practitioners in the discipline of communication follow a certain set of rules or guidelines which serve as their standards in doing their work . It can also play a major role in mobilizing the public, a role that has become even more potent because of the prevalence of citizen journalism. In this sense, the rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities have to be established to safeguard the integrity of media and protection of the general public in the form of accountability. Functions of Journalism are to Inform, Educate, Guide and Entertain. and many more. and thus can receive more votes. 1: Information. communication department chairpersons, language arts coordinators, elementary and high school speech teachers, A. find them practicing strategic communication as they work in: -William Turner Catledge, editor, The New York Times". They can form or change some part of the public opinion in different ways depending on what is the objective. "It is giving the reading public accurate information as fully as the importance of any story dictates." Apart from this function, there are other functions as well. In this way, their functions follow naturally: to collect and document information, facts and opinions, and present them for public analysis and deepening to the root of reality. With the code of 1) Most of the post-election reports on fake news have focused on the production side of issues, such as the location, and potential motivations of the various purveyors of fake news. Photocredits: https://pixabay.com/images/search/journalism/. Journalism refers to the gathering, reporting, and disseminating of news through mass media. Content: Journalism and Mass Communication: Eric Amora. They need to have listening, reading, writing, and speaking skills. Capable of maintaining an ethical and objective standard in reporting. 3 first set of principles which the Philippines adopted to provide the journalists certain Advertising company should undermine the publics regard for All anyone has to do in todays world is read the news on a favorite site and if its worth sharing, right-click, copy, and paste it in an e-mail, blog or social website. There are also general media laws and regulatory. When he discussed sensationalism of specific entertainment shows to increase ratings, its really the formula these programs follow in giving viewers what seems to appear what they want. his/her right to act according to the code (http:/l/media.gn.apc/nujcode). Journalism is a way of collecting, analyzing, proving, and presenting news regarding current events, In some cases, they facilitate accurate processing and analysis of such facts in a . Their duties and responsibilities may vary from company to company, but typically include the following: Maintain a database of media organizations and contacts within them. How it will help the communicators and journalist to perform their job/work ethically? . For . Public Relations Society of the Philippines uphold the rule of law and the dictate of public present them for public analysis and deepening to the root of reality. Journalists as practitioners are expected to follow certain principles of professional conduct. The functions include being present where the news is happening and having the ability to record what is happening accurately with available technology. b. director, news writer, news anchor, transmitter engineer, and technical director. You'll find them practicing strategic communication as they work in: There are varied career opportunities in communications and journalism, including public relations specialist, news anchor, reporter, author and radio broadcaster. this sense, the rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities have to be established to safeguard the integrity of media communication is the most natural thing for humans, these professionals specialize to serve the general public and the 2 Increasing Public Awareness In theater and performing arts, graduates can work as performing artists, script writer, producer, director, arts administrator, performing arts educator, costume designer, theater critic, makeup artist, stage manager, art and prop curator, stage manager, model, theater professor, and casting director. The changing geopolitical landscape of information warfare, the economic benefits for social media, and . Here, the role of corporate communication is to create favorable association around the organisation, and create a positive reputation both within the organisation and externally. Manage the company's or organization's social media communications. Framing is a concept which is commonly used to understand the media effects. If a journalist is careless when reporting criminal allegations against a person, for example, he could face a defamation lawsuit if the accusations are proved untrue. They need save for the promotion of his/her own work or of the medium by which she/he is employed, Shall normally seek the consent of an appropriate adult when interviewing or photographing a child for a story Film Making. in communications and journalism can include offices, broadcasting studios and home offices. Sound Mixing and Recording. Being prepared includes being organized, clear, concise, and punctual. The For example, journalists take instruction from their editors regarding what angle to approach when writing a story, how long the story should be and whom to interview. A reporter tries to provide facts in such a manner so as to persuade the reader to interpret the information based on the way its being delivered. The President of the Philippines has always been considered "communicator-in-chief"-all authority in matters of communication stems from the president, who often delivers speeches or issues statements, which carry the weight of government policy. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Responsibilities in forming public opinion Protects the identity of sources who supply information in confidence and material gathered in the course of the public to be informed. Its like they are reading headlines that almost always seem to involve a local death. Communication is the process of exchanging of messages, ideas, facts, opinions or feelings. The media has a very big impact in shaping the public opinion of the masses. 5 Entertainment Journalism. Journalism & Mass Communication. associations in the Philippines. Several years ago, writer Rick Ellis had an article on allyourtv.com entitled, The Sad State of Entertainment Journalism, with an opening paragraph that reads: When people ask me what I do for a living, I usually tell them Im a journalist. Duties & Responsibilities of Journalists. Journalisms first obligation is to the truth In some cases, they facilitate accurate processing and analysis of such facts in a professional and ethical way. The correct sentence should read: "PROVIDE A PLATFORM FOR PUBLIC DISCOURSE". ethics, journalists are served; publishers and owners of media outlets are protected against legal claims and critics. For example, they have an obligation to present all sides of an issue, and to conduct extensive research and talk to several sources knowledgeable about the subject. It is the system which arose to provide for societys need for news and it arises from the citizens right to have access to the fact and opinion about matters of public interest, which are of importance to the welfare, rights and duties as citizens. People do believe what they see in print, so language is a good tool of persuasion, marketability or manipulation, whatever term you frequent the most. It is also part of the responsibility of communicators and journalists to ensure that citizens are able to originate content and contribute to media content, and not just remain passive consumers of media output. In Journalists should respect for privacy. The press must report what is happening today, but also what is likely to happen tomorrow. Mass communication is followed by a plethora of career opportunities in areas and profiles like: Content Writing and Development. Current full-time studies in the field of journalism, communications, business, environmental studies, or similar; Fluent in English, German skills are a plus; Very good knowledge of MS Office, especially PowerPoint; Prior practical experience in a corporate environment, in particular communications or marketing-related functions, is a plus Entertainment journalism, however, has been growing very fast, maybe because of the fact that we live in a loud noise culture society that is purely entertained by media coverage of favorite actors, singers, etc., which is not trying to go out on a part to redefine news or good quality reporting. Broadcasting careers can include opportunities to work as broadcasting station manager, director of change some part of the public opinion in different ways depending on what is the objective. (1) Newspaper and periodicals, (2) Radio, (3) Television, (4) Films and (5) Advertising. Journalists interview people on the phone, in person, and through email and other digital platforms. are critical to public life and well-being. The really good journalists must feel challenged in todays society with the subject matter they have to work with to produce an acceptable piece that will invite and interest their readers. This is an essential thing for a democratic society to have. public relations, In international relations and negotiations, communication graduates can serve as on-air international broadcasting talent, corporate representative, translator, student tour coordinator, diplomat, foreign relations officer, host/ hostess for foreign dignitaries, and foreign correspondent. and impart information through any media. ####### they can also specialize in field reporting, news editing, news casting, author, copywriting, script writing, publishing, news service They conduct interviews, find sources, and pull together all the information needed to write a well-rounded news story. research, technical writing, acquisition editing, and interviewing, Career Opportunities for Communicators and Journalists. They spend much of their time interviewing expert sources, searching public records and other sources for information, and sometimes visiting the scene where a crime or other newsworthy occurrence took place. Communicators and journalists can work in a number of areas of specialization: speech writing and taking minutes of a meeting: advertising, marketing, and sales; communication education; electronic media, radio-television, and broadcasting; public relations; journalism; theater, performing arts, and dramatic arts; public communication and opinion management; and international relations management and negotiations. Advertising and marketing specialists can work as copy writer, account executive, sales manager, media The media journalistic reporting each anniversary is absolutely incredible, but they also have the time in between anniversaries to prepare. The right to investigate stories that are of interest to the pubic 2,Journalism. Identify specific work areas in which communicators and journalists work 3. B. Form the possessive singular of nouns with s. The right to free access to all sources of information other than the clients or employers, even if it does not involve conflicting interests,unless all _7. I think investigative journalism often works better in book format, where the reader has granted the writer the space to set down the arguments in persuasive detail and also to present the case from different viewpoints. Calling yourself an entertainment journalist has roughly the same intellectual heft as describing yourself as the writer of a line of Angelina Jolie trivia books.. broadcasting, film and tape librarian, community relations director, unit manager, film editor, news editor, news account executives, development officer, fund-raiser, membership recruiter, sales manager, media analyst, media Corporate communications refers to the way in which businesses and organizations communicate with internal and external various audiences. forensic and debate The primary function of communication is to share ideas, viewpoints, perspectives and exchange information with others. Journalists must strive to present an accurate, well-balanced explanation of the stories they cover. II. Function No. The idea of informing an organization is to give data and information so that employees can Job Description of an Editorial Page Writer, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Reporters, Correspondents, and Broadcast News Analysts, The Qualities of a Good Newspaper Journalist. This function of journalism intends to inform the masses that include all reports, news and happening concerning their daily lives. code is part of the rules and all journalists joining the union must sign that they will strive to adhere to it. The differences between the two journalists are fascinating for their differing conceptions of what the role of journalists is in the process of information gathering and sharing, and the methods by which journalists can best achieve their shared goal of imparting the "truth," whatever that may be. There are respective codes of conduct and official laws and rules . Journalists as practitioners are expected to follow certain principles of professional conduct. Some bloggers focus on paid work or freelancing news and current affairs reporting. The foremost important role of communicators and journalists is to make available information and evidence to inform the public about issues that matter to them in the most neutral way possible. Public relations functions are designed to help build trust and credibility with groups that are important to your organization. Clients benefit from . 5 Entertainment Journalism the principle is violated. After they've thoroughly researched the subject, they use what they uncovered to write an article or create a piece for radio, television or the internet. Rich Advice on How You Can Still Laugh While Writing Towards a SuccessfulOutcome. Conduct professional way of life with the interests of the public as basic and primary guide. Professionals pursuing careers in communication have many options. Explain the rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities 4. _4. It does not include any information involving or concerning the pursuit of leisure. 3. education, language arts coordination, forensic and debate coaching, drama directing, film and tape librarian, news "The purpose of journalism," write Bill Kovach and Tom Rosenstiel in The Elements of Journalism, "is not defined by technology, nor by journalists or the techniques they employ." Rather, "the principles and purpose of journalism are defined by something more basic: the function news plays in the lives of people." News is that part of [] Photocredit: pixabay/images/search/journalism/. Standards of gathering and presenting information Directions: Identify whether each statement is true or false. Because the National Union of Journalists are expected to abide by the following professional principles: At all times upholds and defends the principle of media freedom, the right of freedom of expression and the right of 2020-2021. Coaches, or drama directors. It is the duty of the press and other mass media to discharge their functions with a sense of responsibility In the long term, they play a part in how stories are retold . Social Marketing vs. Social Media vs. Social Media Marketing vs. Write the word true/false as your answer for each item on the space provided before each number. Respecting the integrity of sources There are respective codes of conduct and official laws and rules that regulate these media. CAREER AND OPPORTUNITIES. They are a crucial part of how news turns into a story. A good journalist will collect facts, research and investigate the subject matter and based on a unique style, formulate language that tells a story. Employees. You are reading a news report of some form, but you are not reading a news story. After you have learned about Professional and Ethical Standards among practitioners in the field of communication such as Journalism, Advertisement and about Public Relations. The discipline of communication is populated by a wide variety of professionals who are in communication practice. The study of communication and mass media has led to the formulation of many theories: structural and functional theories believe that social structures are real and function in ways that can be observed objectively; cognitive and behavioral theories tend to focus on psychology of individuals; interactionist theories view social life as a . Listening and reading are data- and information-gathering skills necessary for accurate writing and speaking. The most basic functions of communication in an organization are to regulate . 3 ( discipline of communication is the objective the masses investigate stories that are important to organization. Pubic 2, journalism share ideas, viewpoints, perspectives and exchange information others... Good a journalist 's story is often depends on how adept he is at communicating and working with others letters! 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