"I heard through Larry that you were sick," He says, picking his words carefully with mom hovering beside us, "And he, Nick, and I thought you might need some of this.". 9. It's midnight now. But before he can help his young friend, the Pharaoh is kidnapped by some new, but old enemies. See more ideas about night at the museum, museum, rami malek. The cowboy tackles the both of them, as does Onofria. Octavius as well, though he was the one first to run to Julia and lift her up in his arms, squeezing her in a hug before sinking to the floor. taking care of the reincarnation of their father figure from a couple hundred years ago? Jedediah was twenty-nine years old, on his own in London, with nothing to do but explore, and he spent his first Friday night in the city channel surfing and drinking the cheapest beer he could find. History is in the past whats done is done Nick tries. It's Larry. He cannot fathom being Augustus, and having history returned to him all at once. We need you you cant go yet!!!. So like. Nick coughs, focusing on his driving. For food that did not last me long.. Julia says. Alice still works there, and tries to fill the empty space Larry le Lioness - Behind the statues is an audio tour. Il quitte New York po, For all the Rami Malek lovers I love Ahkmenrahs face in the background hes just like yup hes an idiot, Night at the Museum trilogy. When pressed, it will give you the facts about Anubis: God of Death. Take a deep breath!, I AM JUST A MAN! He sobs again. #natm I Cast You Back From Whence You Came Okay. You can leave requests inthe comments! At least you had somebody lookin out for your dumbass.. We gotta take a deep breath. Flailing her arms and legs, (Y/n) desperately attempted to remove the person from on top of her. Kissing her mother on the cheek, (Y/n) grabbed her backpack from her mother's hand. Night At The Museum:Ahkmenrah's Un. What The Fortune Teller Said Is Im Alive For If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). They were childhood best friends.. And totally in love. He is once again in normal street clothes, hands shoved in hoodie pockets and his ever-present shy smile on his face. I I ruined it all for you I, Julia, there is not a single, do you understand not a SINGLE force upon this earth that could make me regret you! #nightatthemuseum I was the the monster that set your own prison for you. He was, Yes. Octavius is scowling. Synopsis : Ben Stiller rendosse le rle de Larry, le gardien de muse le plus survolt, dans le dernier volet de la saga La Nuit au Muse. "Get well soon, April of Manhattan. Remember. Nick grabs the hat off of Veronicas head and holds it in front of the star, only for Julia to burst through the top, leaving a hole where she flew. ? Dominic screams, still driving. Mom relaxes, casting us both an obligatory warning look before heading into the kitchen to get me a proper bowl and spoon. Pinging off the walls like light on a mirror. I thought that too., It is the magic Ahkmenrahs voice is whisper-quiet as he tilts his head toward them with half-lidded eyes. Adric couldn't help but feel that when Octavius and Jedediah left that it was his fault. Keep your eyes open!, .. Youre my family Ahkmenrah. Wait, are you actually going to call me Five? 3. My greatest discovery! Ahkmenrah was unresponsive in the guards arms, the exhibits watched in shock as the young king was laid out on a table which had appeared via the red devil's powers. The instant reaction after waking was to sit upand smack his head on the lid Just hold steady., Stabbed! Atilla adds. I was the one who forced you and Tiberius to marry even though it would never work!! He let the pharaoh be, figuring he needed the time alone to think. Night At The Museum: Puzzle Pieces Chapter 1: Ahkmenrah Sleeps, a night at the museum fanfic | FanFiction Ahkmenrah Sleeps Chapter Summary: it's only been 2 days since Ahkmenrah was finally let out of his Sarcophagus, but he still feels like he's walking on eggshells around the others. NATM Ahkmenrah Love story *Complete* Fanfiction (Has resently been edited to fix mistakes) Kathy is the worlds youngest Egyptologist. "(Y/n)!" But what happens when her brother Larry gets a night guard job there and askes Kathy to. Its fine!, THIS ISN'T NORMAL BLOOD. Smiling down at his old friend. Chicken soup. So-orry. He barely dodges Veronicas ear, zipping past after Julia going faster than he can even recall falling down back to Jedediah over a decade ago. My mother heaves a sigh and throws open the door; looking rather resigned. With my tablet my fathers staff, and that ring.. We are gaining control of our souls we had not had before. Larry leaned against his bedroom doorway, arms crossed as he watched Jed sleep. Ch apter 1 the princess of Nile the museums 10-year reunion Ahkmenrah reunites with his beloved and their now 4-year-old daughter Lilly But instead of sawdust hes full of myrrh and bones and stuff!!! Less people. He speaks into his curly and greying brown hair, an attempt to soothe. And it fit me. Julias eyes narrow as well. Night At The Museum ~April & Ahkmenrah. I would never lie about such. --------- My eyes soften when I see the contents. It won't be quite the same without you around to pester us. A gift to our companionship., Jed gives him a side eye, the same he used to when Lancelot once stood in London with a melting nose. He cringes and rubs his hand, pulling it back. Boasting jaw-dropping special effects and laugh-out-loud moments, Night at the Museum is your ticket to nonstop fun!Featuring: Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson, Carla Gugino, Robin Williams, Rami Malek, Ricky Gervais, Dick Van Dyke, Charlie Murphy, Bill Cobbs, Mickey Rooney, Steve CooganSubscribe To FOX Family: https://fox.co/SubscribeFoxFamilyConnect with Night At The Museum Online:Visit the Night at the Museum on our WEBSITE: https://www.foxmovies.com/movies/night-at-the-museumLike Night at the Museum on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/NightAtTheMuseumMovies/ Follow Night at the Museum on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/museummovies?lang=en #NightatheMuseum #RamiMalek #RobinWilliams #FoxFamilyWelcome to the 20th Century Fox Family Entertainment Channel the official YouTube destination for hundreds of family films, including Home Alone, Night at the Museum, Ice Age, Rio, and more!Join us to watch favorite movie moments, enjoy exclusive videos inspired by these beloved characters, discover fun playlists, and stay updated on new movie releases.SUBSCRIBE NOW for new videos every week!Night at the Museum | \"Mummy\" Clip | Fox Family Entertainmenthttps://www.youtube.com/c/FoxFamilyEnt Night At the Museum Fanfic (Ahkmenrah x Reader). Too dark. I am surprised he never hurt anyone I loved., Because you killed him to protect those you did love. Ahkmenrah smiles at him a little, still exhausted. Shut up, he says fondly. "Looks a bit older than you?". And gun violence. Well The Neon Lights Burned Red and Gold When good-hearted dreamer Larry Daley (Stiller) is hired as night watchman at the Museum of Natural History, he soon discovers that an ancient curse brings all the exhibits to life after the sun sets. "Hey, April. As old friends are rediscovered alongside old enemies. Ahkmenrah has been stuck in his sarcophagus for 4'000 years with no chance of release. Anubis is the jackal-headed God of Death associated with mummification and afterlife in Egyptian culture. Most of the time, Ahkmenrah can get on with his life-of-sorts as if it never happened. My point is, I wore that ring every day of my life, since it was given to me Oct recalls, squinting. No triggering topics When Larry uses his keychain with the cobra ingot to pull down the vase, the statues guard the exit to the room. Only this one seems somehow brighter. Not even the force of an entire legion! All the missing pieces history books dont have? Dominic asks them all, fixing the way his heavy glasses are sitting on his nose. Somewhere around one-thirty in the afternoon, though, I jolt awake to my phone's 'Happy' ringtone. His fathers face and the tones the old man spoke in. Far Out Past The Astral Plane While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Augustus did things I no longer would do!!! nightatthemuseum teddy drama +9 more Star Julia flies into the traffic of London, as Octavius throws his soul as fast as possible after his out-of-control daughter. Okay. He was an innocent soul and you were to blame for his seducing but in the end the sentence was death! Please include you were the most beautiful princess of Egypt and you were brought to the Museum and you got brought back to life which confused you but the others explained what is goi May volunteered to fill in as night guard and it changes her life in ways she never could have imagined. Father you are my universe.., Knock it off man. Larry wails. octavius ahkmenrah alcapone +9 more # 6 His Queen by The Multi Fandom Gal 31.8K 770 24 ), Isokay. Jedediah Strong Octavius-Smith kisses the side of his husbands temple. Julia seemingly tries to chase it. Dominic Knightlay adjusts his glasses again, inspecting the ring on Ahks hand. (currently writing the sequel to this so more chapters are coming soon Larry and the gang are back and better than ever. "If it's an intruder, just tell them we have the plague." But with the help of President Teddy Roosevelt (Williams), Larry may just figure out a way to control the chaos and become a hero in his son's eyes. The night after the night they get home from the Smithsonian, Jed and Octavius have some time - and grime - to kill. What if that lover was a male? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Stabbed by heart., He doesnt HAVE a heart! Nick sobs, attempting to help the giant ancient king in putting pressure down. Wounds are reopened, and the Museum will learn something they never expected about Pharaoh Ahkmenrah. XD. So. He had lost hope and motive to get out after that, until he heard the voice. Being as far away from 'happy' as I am right now, it really just feels like the blaring music is mocking me. NO!! Their voices float across space and time as he chases after her. Maybe we outta talk more about Agrippa, Julia smirks and whispers to Jed. Larry holds up Ahkmenrahs hand to Octavius, as the mummy is still wearing it and unlikely to remove it anytime soon just in case he should worsen. 3. I take it hesitantly. The stitches are finished, but nothing happens. Night at the Museum Imagines by bookworm3254 180K 3.6K 69 I don't own any images used or Night at the Museum. Hey, it's okay. A pair of 20-foot Anubis statues are displayed in the Temple of Ahkmenrah exhibit in the Museum of Natural History. He watched as the doors of the subway opened as someone, breathlessly, stumbled inside; He stood up to go help the fallen person.Ya okay there pardner? Far Out Past The Astral Plane Neon, red, and above all else golden. Tell mgain., Tell mgain.. that.. tha I am yo..your familyToo.. wann be family.., Ahk. Everyone in the van goes silent, as Octavius speaks again. Actually its time everybody here explained what happened when Ahk used that staff., I. Ahkmenrah's expression is like: You Sir Launcelot, are a dimwit (eye roll), Screen Captures of Rami Malek As 'Ahkmenrah' in Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian - Rami Malek Online, https://www.tumblr.com/search/night at the museum, Rami Malek as King Ahkmenrah in Night at the Museum: Secret of the Tomb (2014). A tear rolls down the young womans cheek. While Gazing In Her Crystal Ball IF I DID NOT GIVE HIM WHAT HE WANTED HE HE WAS GOING TO HURT HER AND HE WOULD HURT MYSELF! I had woken up earlier, started to get ready for school, and ended up puking and going back to bed. He had lost hope and motive to get out after that, until he heard the voice. What did Augustus once do?. After several minutes of determining herself, she was finally able to sit up straight on her bed. Prisms of tyrian red and navy blue trail behind her in streaks as she blurs about. Dominic is the one driving this time, and Nick with as much of a glance as he can spare in the moment, sees sweat running down the side of the mans temple. Nonetheless, stop interrupting me!! Ahkmenrah (Night at the Museum) Larry Daley Sacajawea (Night at the Museum) Amelia Earhart (Night at the Museum) Theodore Roosevelt (Night at the Museum) Original Male Character(s) Hathor (Ancient Egyptian) Set (Ancient Egyptian) Body Swap Soulmates Ensemble Cast Ancient Egyptian Deities Magic Idiots in Love Enemies to Lovers Sexual Tension Hes havin a shutdown!. No triggering topics 3. I Cast You Back From Whence You Came left kudos on this work! I did not mean to to distress you! based night at the museum 1, 2 & 3. basically the movie but if y/n was in it Buddy. THAT HE IS SO HE HE HAS DONE SO MUCH HARM BECAUSE I HARMED HIM!!!!. 4. But now hes taken Octavius who is somewhat shaky and wrapped in Jeds arms within his large hands. With a relieved wail of his own, Atilla lays down in the golden blood carelessly, an arm over his best friend. Image result for rami malek night at the museum gif, Your sarcasm. Everything is blinding and yet the most colorful display of prisms that Nick has ever seen. Use your words thats it, that's better., June-bug, hug his other side tight! NIGHT AT THE MUSEUM: SECRET OF THE TOMB (2014): Larry spans the globe, uniting favorite and new characters while embarking on an epic quest to save the magic before it is gone forever. Nice to see youre starting to feel better, Ahk. ", I can practically hear the sympathetic wince on Larry's face. As the sun rose, stiffening her limbs and hardening her skin, she found that she was okay with it.And then she woke up. But when her parents send her off to Egypt so they can spend a month on a cruise, she has to adjust to spending a month ''Some kind of stories are told as romantic, some of them are told as horrible, but some aren't told. I get twisted in my blankets as I try to leap off the couch, almost falling onto my face. THAT I KILLED HIM THAT I SHOVED OLIVES DOWN HIS THROAT TO MAKE IT SEEM AN ACCIDENT! If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. There was some sort of flash of memories, similar to the one that happened last time the tablet fell during the eclipse, only this one seems to have been activated by the staff. "And this," The prince adds, in a softer tone, as she walks away, "Is from me.". Parent Career Day 7.8K 167 Metaphysical hijinks ensue. I Came To Have My Fortune Told No smut STITCHES! Hearing the door creak open, (Y/n) jumped up quickly only to be smashed back down by a large body. As if someone painted his eyes over with mother-of-pearl and consequently blinded him. He gets a job at the Museum of Natural History to keep his apartment. or: in which Jedediah gets darted - and it turns out to be quite the enlightening experience. I split Lucius in half doin that! .. when Dexter gets torn he needs sewing and- SEWING!!! 8. I almost drop my phone, in my surprise. No one else can hear the screaming between father and daughter as a prism rainbow and red star pings off the walls, chasing after the violet star that it is responsible for bringing into this world. There's a beat and a breath before a single teardrop slides out of his eye. ! Octavius points to his daughter. Night At the Museum Fanfic (Ahkmenrah x Reader) Fanfiction (Y/n) has known the Daley family since she were a little kid. None more distressed though, than Ahkmenrah. ---- Shifting in colors with a base glow of constant golden rays. Night at the Museum | Fanfiction Romance Rami Malek Ahkmenrah has been stuck in his sarcophagus for 4'000 years with no chance of release. Even if there were twisted motives within it some force out there allowed magic to thrive only for the sake of the very king that is now dying four thousand years after he was supposed to in the back of a van. Stuffing the doughnut into her mouth, (Y/n) bolted into the bathroom, only have fifteen minutes left. No one says a word as the confession spills out. CAMILA DALEY, the eldest daughter of Larry Daley, was obsessed with the museum. Vius I yeah. Even as a sickly man, you killed someone much larger than you to vanquish a threat, And yet in doing so it is it is my fault he is here now, having harmed so many.., You aint have known, Vius.. Jed and Octavius press their foreheads together in a sad motion. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! With shaky hands, Nick takes the needle and thread as its sturdily prepared by V, and with Jeds instructions begins attempting to loop and stitch the ancient kings skin back together. Spoilers for Episode: The Power of the Doctor (Doctor Who), Octavius and Jedediah are in chapter 3 & 5. I.. He as gently as he can, squeezes Ahks hand. Me too. Repairs are different with each exhibit.. some need wax sculpting and some need glue like the miniatures and. 11. Ahkmenrahs extremities begin to wither a horrific sight that Nick can only last recall across London on a rooftop years prior. After releasing Ahkmenrah who has been mummified and trapped in his sarcophagus, Larry Daley asks him to stop the Anubis Statues from attacking Larry and Nicky. In and out. 1. Secrets kept from me, lies told to my face. After listening to this voi. 8. Octavius. She says, holding him steady. You should know that already. An evil soul evil only for cruelties sake. Julia swipes at her eyes as Jed uses his sleeve to do the same for Octavius. Veronica though just seems in shock that her family heirloom once belonged to the first emperor of Rome. Night at the Museum | Romance Rami Malek Ahkmenrah has been stuck in his sarcophagus for 4'000 years with no chance of release. That's a different story -flowemoons 2018 Ha ha haXD THIS IS GREAT!! ~-~ Know now though not her fault. Night at the Museum | Larry Daley Ahkmenrah | Fanfiction Mystery Romance Goddess Ancient Egypt Pharaoh Pharaoh Ahmenrah A teenage girl runs to the museum every night for the safety from her parents. Night at the Museum | Romance Rami Malek. Atilla weeps, taking the pharaohs hand as Nick takes his other and Larry holds Ahkmenrahs head in his hands. Wailing as she does. Ive got you but you lost you you lost a lot of weird magic blood stuff, Listen to Gigantor! Jed is a little breathless from how quick he had been teaching Nick to stitch, and quaking as well with tears. "I hope you are. No being sorry. She's been to Egypt many times and now works at the Natural history museum. Gore warnings for this fic. But there was so much I experienced. If it were Cassidy, Nick, or someone from school, she would have recognized them. And now for the first time perhaps I am truly seeing you. Rules: And Octavius's got that distant look in his eyes. Julia crosses her arms, heaving in air as Jedediah gets between both his daughter and husband. Ahk is basically human taxidermy! Requests: CLOSED ", "Thank you for taking Nick to school. Jed, Octavius, and Julia all flush red in embarrassment. WHAT DO WE DO?!. There were doughnuts and french toast, along with some eggs and butter. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED BACK THERE?!!? (ignore the cover. Especially when the Pharaoh was like "Oh my gosh we love Jews! 2 guests The table had symbols all over it confusing the exhibits while the others were in shock as anubis guards appeared aiming spears at them all. Barbarian, you dare think you can beat me? Octavius had been able to stop laughing and his face had returned to its normal position. But Filia Mea I could not do it! Don't make eye contact!". I exiled you because I believed I would be saving you I killed Lucius for the same! Your wife?, Died. night; fanfiction; ahkmenrah +2 more # 5. . Even as I was rapidly dying., Of a fever. Julia frowns. He takes a slow step forward. Sometimes I feel as if it was MYSELF that was discovered when you were born. 6. The wave of dizziness I feel immediately makes me regret the sudden movements. I lost my ring in my purse. V clears her throat. Ahk hey Ahk. Unfortunately, he finds himself falling for his protagonist. Up." But I am a Pater and I should have KNOWN somehow. And then I was exiled forever and I. But along the way they get in some i will do requests and of course will be about rami and some fluff or smut. He gets a job at the Museum of Natural History to keep his apartment. 3. Octavius is a struggling author who magically gets sucked into his one successful book. With my tablet my fathers staff, and that ring.. we are gaining of... 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