His masculinity was defined by crushing a glass into pieces with his bare hand and killing Kevin with one push. I know the show's called Misty but we still don't actually know what happened that night or why Hye Ran was lying to Kevin Lee about wanting to be with him or where she went with his wife or why he had the black box video in his jacket. But then, Ive never regretted watching this drama and discovering Kim Nam Joo here. Hye-ran rejects this theory and storms out. Anyway, if anything, I wont be camping outside your door with that "you made us watch this show" But when we talk about Kdramas with the best endings there are so many drama series that will come in to our mind. Lol. He didn't want his boss found out. Regrading the conflict between career and love, there are tons of works dealing with this (I think a Tom Hanks movie where we was a famous lawyer that relieved his life and chose poverty and love over money, plus tons of others like Stranger season 1/Suspicious Partners/Forecasting Love and Weather/etc., for that matter I would say Lee Byung-hun's "A single rider" is in this vein, the general theme being that greed corrupts the person and destroys everyone around them). Even though that completely contradicts the point of the drama or at least what I thought was the point of the drama. I became so emotionally invested and I never regret it. This is not true vis a vis the drama, so there is no reason for this self-pithy and self-righteousness that thankfully the FL did not reach out for -it would have been a pathetic display, more embarassing than reading about it in the comments-. I don't think what Eun Joo told HMW on that day in the past is gossip. The decent thing to do was to at least let him know about the abortion plan first. With that Manager Lee reveal, Hye-ran's stylist is probably the only character in the show that didn't get her moment of "mistiness". How did Kang Yool know, or did they randomly guess it? Network: JTBC. Are we to hope that he didn't end up killing innocent people in the process of his stupidity? Btw, I am still in the middle of The Good Wife (I know, so late), but I was loving all the familiar faces. How can a show railing against sexism be in the end so sexist? I feelnothing. Maybe they didnt like that KLs image was ruined, and that company profits fell? *It ran out of gas, got a flat tire, in the rain, stuck in the mud and youve lost a shoe, in a area with zero cellphone reception. There still many other vampires .. Like the soldiers of the bad guy "I forgot his name" .. And at the same time there still another kind hearted vampire .. There was no love, you can't love without communication because they never communicated. mary: You have to give it to them. I mean they showed how her attitude due to being close to TW was changing. As much as Im in love with her character, we also have to be honest here, she did let a person go to jail without even confessing she was involved and maybe lessen his sentence with the circumstances. To ask her the question if she was happy, mocks who she is and what she stands for. I recall back when I thought forced separation & reunion was a pretty innovative plot device. Not to mention the utter ineptitude of police officers here, which was clearly just a plot device. The lack of communication between Hye Ran and Tae Wook is unreal. On the bright side, I at least got the satisfaction of him not getting his way. When Hye-ran protests, he insists theyre reporting a fact: Myung-woo confessed to killing Kevin Lee. Suspicious Partners, Stranger (fist season, the antagonist). We see how crazy this is in reverse in Crazy Rich Asian. Tae-wook is not dead: he went back to his cone-headed, perfect husband material planet. 16 Popular and Best K-Dramas With Happy Ending. Nice job on the writers using actual mist in the end to make the title work. I'm muddled up about the ending too. Why Taewook didn't talk to her? I was disappointed with the last two episodes that eventually went against all that was so good about the show. He vowed that he would make Hye-ran fall in love with him, and she did unfortunately a little too late. Basically, what I am saying is that communication is key (and frankly, some choices like not going to hear her mother's last words make it clear that yes, everyone is responsible for their own actions, but they have consequences ambiguous towards it because I actually can't understand whether she was resentful of her mother or whether she had reason to, with the whole thing with the creepy attacker in her childhood). People were just doing things. A remake of the 2003 Japanese movie, Josee, the Tiger and the Fish, Jose is about a romance transcending physical and social class spaces between Yong Seok (Nam Joo Hyuk), a university senior student and an orphaned, disabled young woman Jose, (Han Ji Min) who is cared for by her grandmother. How this man could work 30 years as a detective is really beyond me. I think the 'big fat lie' interview with her husband was exactly what she was planning and that was why she basically had a nervous breakdown on camera. I've concluded the mist is indeed in the producer's head. Actually if ANY of us was in the car we could just pull the handbrake or smth and slap him out of his foolish unlogical thought. I would suggest the movie "A Single Rider" (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_Single_Rider) as just one of the examples of this exact situation being depicted. If art is imitating life, then the ending for this drama is appropriate. There were all these actions and consequences. I thought they were gonna reveal it during the interview too, that's why Hye-ran seemed a bit melancholic backstage. Why was the story similar to the fake witnesses? Myung-woo, true to character, repeats hes never considered the things hes done as throwing his life away.. Its like everything was ok until the time when Tae Wook went to the station but then Myung Woo enters the scene and boy he did made it all go down to a mist. Apparently I dropped Misty before this horrific incident. or May problem with the ending is the execution. I confess to being in a drama slump and not watching much of anything except Drama Specials and not everyday. Women can be so cruel towards each other. in conflict with its tone and focus but it made no. His assistant tries to stop him, but he explains that everyone is going to die soon. // Load the SDK asynchronously :/. It was only very recent that she realized she has real feelings for Tae Wook. And in the end, you open your hand, and there is nothing. What didn't get answered? I don't want to see the message "it's wrong to aim for your dreams because it will turn you into a toxic person that will destroy everyone around you" pass. It was great sharing this A+ thrilling drama with you ! Hes not sure if his dream is Hye-ran, or merely to appear perfect to her. Im not asking to be spoon-fed, but I want to know what I just ate. Choices have consequences, good or bad, and blaming someone else for your actions will get you nowhere. I understand why he thinks he does, but if I'd been there in the car I'd be screaming YOU'RE WROOOOOOOOONG at him. I would also object to the "obsession" label. Hye Ran learns her lesson about honesty and tells Tae Wook everything. So disappointing. This guy sure knows how to kick a person when they're down. She reveals that when she questioned Tae-wook with the growing pile of evidence, he admitted to killing Kevin Lee. She sees an open letter on his desk and reads about Su Hyeon being alive. Let me climb atop a very large soap box to explain why. That is what I too am saying. There could be miracles you know, there you have JBL, and Mother they were awesome until the end . check out my post about the ending: Instead the ambiguous ending with the are you happy? was so . But now I'm not sure if that's just my wishful thinking. A man pursuing career and wrecking their home life is pretty much a trope (Suspicious Partners, Stranger 1st season, I would say My Mister for the "possessive/needy/insecure I-want-you-to-distance-yourself-from-family-and-community-and-focus-only-on-me vibe"). mary: I think a more competent cop wouldve been able to poke holes in Myung-woos story. Unlike odilettante, I don't feel that Eun-joo is getting the short end of the stick and no, I do not think for a moment that she was Hye-ran's best friend as she claimed to be. I found these two episodes difficult to watch. Misty was a beautifully done drama for me, and I thoroughly enjoyed the 16 episodes train ride, despite the train chose to head into a misty filled tunnel at the end. Kang Yoon-Kyum dies in the 16th episode of the kdrama Eve. There are enough questions left in this drama to fill another season. She is the one carrying the child, it's her body and her choice, it's not really a situation that you could have in reverse. The astronaut named Eve Kim will be played by Gong Hyo jin who will meet Lee Min ho as Gong Ryong who is a tourist on the space station. When I say I like the ending, I mean I like it thematically. Black's ending was that it created too many. Lacklustre is one word. Maybe she didn't like her mother due to her past (the creep MW killed), and she hated her mother? Bahkan Go Hye-Ran dipercaya menjadi news anchor untuk . In The Glory, the protagonist is Moon Dong-Eun, a girl who was heavily bullied when she was a teenager between 2004 and 2006. mary: To the Misty beanies, thank you for trying this new format with us. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Please enter your username or email address. I was eager to know how the writer gonna find the way to wrap this drama with that much mess on taewook's end and knowing how upright taewook is he would never let himself live after getting away with murder. That night, Tae-wook comes home to an empty house while Hye-ran treats the News Nine team to drinks. It's as if the detective did not hear a single word Manager Lee said to him. June 27, 2022. This isn't quite as bad as the ending of Black which negated the entire drama, but it's still really bad. Hye-ran rushes to her friend in the ICU but Jang is already there. Thank you for the article. sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. I am also more against it if we add sexism to the mix and say that for women specifically choosing a career equals to making everyone around them miserable, themselves included. We finally see that night from Tae-wooks point of view: finding Hye-ran asleep on the couch and consumed by anger at seeing her wearing the brooch, he chases down Kevin Lees car and argues with him in a deserted area. Well then I will have more time to quee over the pretty noona during the first 14 episode, with the immortal hope (no matter how many times the drama Godas have failed me before) to have also a good finale. That was the story I signed up for, not a poorly written whodunnit and dont even get me started on the plotholes, horrendous investigation and legal drama. It's not that I think the ending doesn't make sense or anything, I just really wanted for Hye Ran to be happy and achieve her dreams and maybe she'll still be able to but AT WHAT COST. They were gorgeous of course but also hint at style over substance and most of all, an inflated sense of importance. The ending of the Korean drama Anna is destined to be a tragedy, Suzy's new drama Anna, only hard work is the correct solution . Maybe with a new and smarter detective. Do not misunderstand me, I love Hye-ran as a character. It's a basic function of humans. The people's hero Woo Do-hwan is MBC's Joseon Lawyer, First look at Kim Seo-hyung in ENA's Paper Moon. Ji Won was the one actually sleeping with him but nobody seemed to care about that. But mostly he vowed to support Hye-ran, which is why he accepted his punishment (as described by Myung-woo): to protect Hye-ran until the bitter end. EXACTLY, in the end I totally don't find any of these men in Hyeran's life swoony for "protecting" her. Is it so hard to portray a powerful woman? But really,are there NONE of such heroines who managed to lead a blissful,complete,no-regrets life after they achieved their goal??? For an example of the opposite, I would cite Start Up or Itaewon class, with powerful females having both love and career. Missing 9. I do not understand this talk about Hye-ran's principles. The witer of the letter also asks him to find the "Adamas" to get Su Hyeon. Thanks @mary and @odilettante for the open thread recaps of Misty. Thanks again to @mary and @odilettante for all the amazing discussions here you've both started. blah(?) unanswered questions. Why was the black box chip in Kevin Lees coat? Frankly, I would have liked the opposite from this drama, not from the female lead, who after all had her own dramatic flaws and was meant to be depicted as such (and was by no mean the only one -see the prosecutor who was used for power, etc.-). for the politician) and bring down Hwanil Steel or Kang Yool/ Golden Club who in the new scenario, had possible links to KLs murder. It would have been better that way writers. The same point about lack of communication goes for the abortion issue. He married an ambitious woman for love and it was a disaster. He steps on the accelerator and we hear a crashing sound while the scene fades to black. The court scenes were just too painful to watch and a total drag. If you haven't seen it, and want to watch it, I'd say watch it but just have reservation about the ending and you will be fine. I hardly comment but i was fine with everything until d show decided to mk MW take d fall 4 TW. Most kdrama lovers always wish for a happy ending for the main leads and the rest of the cast. (function(d, s, id) { Tae Wook's last question: 'Are you happy now? Most of all, I want the ultimate power look: a khaki trench coat and red stilettos. Why did Tae Wook decide that suicide was the best were of protecting her when she didn't want him to go to jail? Misty indeed, our pursue of happiness, the obssessive fight for something we dont even know how to get or how to name. It the episode when I cried the most. Outsmarted by his wife, Eun Hye Soo who not only used the assassin Yoon Sun to render him paralyzed. I learned so many life lessons and I'll be remembering many quotes from this drama for a very long time. I'm a bit disappointed. Here is hoping for another fabulous badass female protagonist with amazing style and a flawed character!!!. I keep reading about the 'plot holes 'but can't think of any. Is it karmic justice for her aborting the baby without asking him? But that's not a general statement about one's decision to focus on their career. Have been enjoying exchanging views of what-might and what-might-nots. I suddenly realised that what I think is the main point of the drama is often not what there writers think so suddenly I feel like I'm in the last two episodes of a different show. Tae Wook made the ultimate sacrifice and as principled as Hye Ran purports herself to be, perhaps she practices this posture in her journalistic endeavors but not in her personal life. I will just point out the wildly different reaction to the cheating wife in My Mister, where year long deception and siding with evil-boss-who-would-have-fired-her-husband until he lied about camping were justified on the grounds that she was insecure/needy/possessive and he did not comply when she asked him to distance himself from his family and community -an essential part of his life-. And she never did something for her husband too, she let him in the dark with all the Kevin Lee issue or with her issues at work when her job was threatened My favourite character is Reporter Yoon ! Why did he decide to take the fall for TW? Is this sarcasm like Are you happy you make me kill Kevin and make me kill myself? Or is this the drama selling misplaced emotion as ultimate love Are you happy I sacrificed myself so that you can remain spotless?. I saw no sign of love in her marriage and instead it appeared Kevin used her to support his career and she stayed with him for the money and prestige even though she knew he was an adulterous POS. Too rushed, with all of the plot points in the mist Kang Wook was driving into. Then she started talking about what a pervert the loan shark was. shotty's jello shots vegan; stephanie cartel crew before surgery; what does not retained mean on job application; new restaurants coming to jacksonville nc 2022 All for spiteful hate. I mean they are choosing not to listen to the one thing Hyeran has been screaming the entire time, that it IS her choice for HER life. But I didn't like how the only options that were presented were "stay at home housewife" or "suffering". "As the title 'Misty' suggests, the drama looks into the truth of life shrouded in uncertainty. Maybe MW, but certainly not in TW's case. I came to that conclusion around Episode 8 and have been calling it' 'foggy' in my head. The only satifying part was Manager Lee giving the Dummy Detective the much-deserved yelling for his shoddy investigation. She questions everything shes worked so hard for, wondering if Jang has regrets, too. The show took a psychological horror approach to The Mist and failed to include the horrific monsters from the . I don't even really like steak, but **shudder** that is criminal. This time, Hye-ran questions Eun-joos accusations. Mi-ho and Jerry arrive at the fish industry and enter the premises without anxiety in the slightest as . As for the extramarital affair, how is it unpretentious or even love? Here I feel that the issue shouldn't have been on the merits of the decision, but on the fact that they did not talk about it at all (he was running around like a clueless idiot, buying her a jewel, completely unaware of what she was planning to do, it was clear they did not talk about such a major life decision-he was not only disappointed, but completely blindsided-). She did it once already, after all. I also liked she questions her life choices, because after all when you end up destroying your life and missing your own mother's last words not double checking whether you are still on course would be crazy (on the mother's side, I don't get whether she had a grudge towards her for the childhood issue). The cast members are really doing their best to tell the real story and feelings as sincerely as possible," the producer said. He was obsessed with protecting GHR. I would like it better if they just covered up the truth, and all of them lived their life, hopefully, happily. SO SAD. This is different from MW killing someone, it's a perfectly reasonable confrontation that ended tragically due to a freak accident. Even if MW is the writer's mouthpiece, this ending still left me feeling shortchanged. Min stops walking and gently entwines his fingers with hers as all the lights suddenly turn on. But storywise, it sucks to have all that suffering just to end up with no growth. To me the ending was perfect. It's definitely worth the watch just to see the amazing cast - particularly the two main leads. I had been increasingly bothered by the overly dramatic focus on the actors face staring silently, TW putting on his shirt, Hye Ran striding majestically in her pantsuits and always accompanied by more dramatic music. Like Myung-woo himself said, second time is easier. Tae-wook chose to end things this way. Tae-wook wonders about his dream, too, as he drives to the station. When the writers said the ending was going to be unexpected. Think about how merciless the Korean netizens are to their celebrities. Shakes fist at lazy writers. Poor scripts undermined the romance between Han Tae-sool and Kang Seo-hae, major characters disappeared without explanation, and the coda is just lazy Korean drama reviews + FOLLOW Anyway, the upside is I discover another actress I would not miss when she shoot another drama! There are those that are sad. It didn't do anything. Well, the verdict is out Misty isnt that rare drama. :D The ending in particular I found depressing in a way the rest of the drama - however moody and dark - wasn't. I still love the show but I'm so disappointed in Tae Wook. The last two episodes were devoted to Hye Ran using the evidence she'd collected to rain hell down upon them. Woo Sin still has the real "Adamas" and has fooled Hye Soo by giving her a fake one. But when she refuses to let things go, he breaks her protest sign and practically admits that he killed Dong-hyun. Was she about to reveal the truth, is that why Tae Wook was joining her on the show? Hye-ran is devastated to now know the truth, and wishes Tae-wook had just killed her when he learned about the affair. Sure, Hye-ran talks about the truth and facts, but reality of her actions is very different and that is how I judge her character. odilettante: Its been fun sharing in the discussions each week, and while Hye-rans happiness may be in question, were happy that everyone stuck with us until the bitter and foggy end. You don't even need to be lovers or married to communicate. If the point is "you shouldn't equate ambition with a miserable life" and "it's not a binary choice, you can have both" then I must say I would also have liked another well adjusted female character that was both successful and could have good communication with her spouse and not neglect their mother/relatives in the crucial hour (I must say that to throw back a phrase she said, her audition for anchorwoman might come only once -not sure if true-, but it is certain that her own mother would die only once as well, and it's not about it happening anyway, it's about her feelings as she goes not too confident on it as I don't recall whether they hated each other). Like the News Nine party and that look Kwak gives Ji-won when she saves him from drinking. // Load the SDK asynchronously That's the definition of a tragedy. I mean, I know they were hinting at it (I was yelling at my TV "don't you kill Tae Wook!) She's the one who gave the important informations for the news, she was a great friend, she never doubted about the innocence of Hye Ran and I liked when she said that if Hye Ran had had wanted to kill him, it would not have been so messy :p And she was a good journalist, she followed the facts :), Regarding the "he's the only one who understands me," it's possible she was thinking that Tae-wook was miraculously trusting and devoted to her despite all the piling evidence that she committed adultery and/or had motive to kill Kevin Lee. They kept hinting at her manipulative tendencies especially after her use of Knocking on Heavens door to emotionally shake up GHR. Tae Wook HOW COULD YOU`? In the end, we learn more from negative things that happened instead of just having flowery path all along the way.. Hye ran was principled, yes, she would seek to uncover the truth until the end.. yes, but she was also too ambitious, capable of dubious things to achieve her goals.. yes.. 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