10. Surrounded by echoes of their own might, they charge into the fray as a cycling swarm of shadows and strikes. If youre concerned that being in melee happens often, picking up Crossbow Expert or Gunner is an option. The idea is neat, they have awesome abilities and are great at tanking and amazing in combat, but the execution of how they wrote the rules, they failed. The attack roll that triggered the reaction is instead made against your echo. Closure. An attack emanating from the Hidden PC gains Advantage as normal. That means youll consistently be getting use out of this feature. A mysterious and feared frontline warrior of the Kryn Dynasty, the Echo Knight has mastered the art of using dunamis to summon the fading shades of unrealized timelines to aid them in battle. Blood [With weekly restarts] All damaging abilities increased by 3%.Paladin. Our tactics are still simple, but our AC is higher. Even outside of how interesting Dunamancy is, I think there are a ton of interesting ways that an Echo Knight can be brought into a campaign. Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. when forced to make a saving throw, your echo utilizes the saving throw bonus and is the same size as you. You cant choose to be elsewhere. The new plasmoid is a moonDruid2/wild magic barbarian3/Lycian curse blood hunter3/wild magic sorcerer1 For Attack Q11, Haste DOES grant an extra Attack action, but it can only be used for a single attack, so I think an argument can be made for Unleash Incarnation working with that Attack action. Again, not really. Special thanks to @LeviRocks who assisted in answering many of these questions. The table can also give advantage and it has hit points and AC. What I meant is that vivi 1 and rogue 1 give you 2d6 sneak attack. Scatterbrained / Last Word (Interlude) 06. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Out of combat teleportation and scouting could be amazing for a rogue. This also makes them immune to spells or conditions that would affect a breathing creature. can you imagine bandits invade later and this little village in the middle of nowhere conjures a hundred wolves in defence. They have tucked it safe mong the bulrushes. Spike Growth: When a creature moves(!) The two maries. Death Knight. If a subclass needs a giant Q and A like the one on this thread to explain what the heck it does, it needs fixing. Eldritch blast The reason were here, the core of our strategy. Also, and this might be a DM question, but if your Form of Dread makes you take on a ghostly appearance, making you, lets say, a translucent, gray version of yourself, might the echo then also qualify as the source of fear a frightened target might be inhibited by? So an Echo Knight/ Rogue multi-class is going to have a lot of . The Echo Knight fighter completely flips that on its head. Being able to use this up to 5 times a day can give a nice bump to your damage output. Opportunity Attacks for the rest of the turn. This is primarily so other people can discuss it. 3 Assassin (Crit abuse - Expertise stealth - 2d6 Sneak attack) 4 Echo (2 more ASI/Feats - Echo . 75-feet coverage, up to 45-feet reach in the air, this lets you perform melee maneuvers, but the echo gets popped., Move your echo 30 feet in any direction, up to 60 feet away from you, swap places by spending 15 feet, up to 75 feet traveled, including up to 60 feet of verticality, but the echo gets popped.. Weapon damage assessment, or What hell have I unleashed? At any point during your progression, a level in Sorcerer provides the premium defensive options of shield and absorb elements that can be used frequently with Warlock pact slots. Here's the PHB description of Sneak Attack (emphasis added): Beginning at 1st level, you know how to strike subtly and exploit a foes distraction. The Echo Knight is a strong subclass with a whole lot of power built into its abilities. Polearm Master: " So you if you use Manifest Echo to make an opportunity attack through an Echo, you can use Warcaster to cast a spell in place of that Opportunity Attack, and this all works because, mechanically, you make the Opportunity Attack "as if you were in the Echos space". If the croc fails, you can even threaten the spooky leader. Lego 70815 - Der TOP-Favorit unserer Produkttester. Per Jeremy Crawford, "The echo created by an Echo Knight doesn't have a speed, and the knight can move the echo in any direction, including into the air. Which is really a bummer, I liked the idea very much from a flavor perspective but remember, other teammates will still be part of the fight, so youll have opportunities to attack targets near them. All Rights Reserved. Therefore the spell would have to originate from the echos location as in order to qualify for the opportunity attack you are in the echos space during that brief moment and then you choose to do a spell. When you take the Attack action on your turn, any attack you make with that action can originate from your space or the echos space. Just sad the fighter stuff ends up like this. Ghostlancing! Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. See pages that link to and include this page. The original Forcelance is a combination of the Polearm Master and War Caster feats, making use of the following interaction: Polearm Master: While you are wielding a glaive, halberd, pike, quarterstaff, or spear, other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you when they enter the reach you have with that weapon. Its unlikely that youll have a single round where you dont have a pool of temporary hit points to soak up whatever damage your enemies are throwing at you. Unless of course the Knight can somehow gains more than one bonus action per round. Just some dumb FYI. Tabletop Builds is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Wizards of the Coast LLC. Please use other threads to resolve these debates. For example, Echo Knight House Rules Proposal: Limited Uses". Its 10-minute duration also helps us stretch our limited 3rd level slots to impact multiple encounters. If it has to make a saving throw, it uses your saving throw bonus for the roll. Alternatively, if your inner gish is calling out, you can take the slightly less potent, hybrid approach with Hexblade 5 for a mix of melee attacks and Ghostlancing, and make more use of your standard echo abilities. "There are truly only 2 sources of conflict: Miscommunication, and Intolerance. You have unintentionally stumbled across the other half the the Opportunity Attack rules, the provoking creature, and discovered the Echo Knight Paradox. Now what? How would you build an Echo Knight Rogue? But I like the for utility. It just helps with everything. Beyond Rogues, most classes get what they want already from their class or they have a better multiclass option for dips. I wonder if there is a way to make this work with other casters like cleric or wizard, or is it the most optimal to go for charisma based casters? Then, when you take the Attack action, youre all set to get an extra swing in on an enemy! Perhaps the campaign is ending soon, and the only thing you ever wanted to do was Ghostlancing. Of course, it also nullifies your partys ability to affect the area with magic, including magic weapons, so youll need to carefully weigh the costs and benefits. The trigger for your reaction is when someone leaves the Echos space ( at least 5 feet away ). I chose Zuggtmoy as the patron and my dm is going to let me change the expanded spell list so its less fire based and more related. Wizards of the Coast, Dungeons & Dragons, and their logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the United States and other countries. If your first 2 pets do not have at least a combined 2772 health, a 6th round is likely needed. Anything you can do from one echos position can be done from the others instead. Starting at 7th level, you can temporarily transfer your consciousness to your echo. This is just like how the eladrin pc works in monsters of the multiverse So weve tried to ground our home brew in some game mechanics and avoid playing it in an overpowered way. Because of their use of Dunamancy, Echo Knight Fighters can be easily incorporated into the Wildemount setting. For games with fewer encounters, Tashas mind whip is a useful alternative. It is worth noting than an Echo Knight cannot manifest an Echo and swap places with it in the same turn. If this is your first visit, be sure to 8 Str, 14 Dex, 15+1 Con, 8 Int, 10 Wis, 15+1 Cha. Echo Warrior fighter/Hexblade warlock. Either its able to make OAs with a provoking creature, allowing it to do it off forced movement and ignore disengage, or it does count as provoking a creature (despite not saying so anywhere) and you get Ghost Lancing as a result. Required fields are marked *. It could be blocking their adjacent space or hovering above them, to quarantine them within the squares near the echo. Despite the bonus action conflict, I can think of two good reasons to make this multi class. This is the full guide to the Echo Knight Fighter in D&D 5e! They wouldnt be able to no, you would only be able to make normal attacks with a 10ft reach. However, since we dont have valuable spells to use sorcery points on, and can even burn unspent Warlock slots into more points, Quickened Spell looks relatively more appealing. With Echo Avatar, you get some seriously impressive range when scouting with your echo. If they end up overwhelming you, you can move your echo to the left and swap with it to have a better angle of attack, or possibly even move your echo to the other side before swapping and create the same situation that forces melee dashes again. Spell Changes: +absorb elements, +bless, +shield, +guidance, +mage hand, +mind sliver, +mold earth. Whats special about Ghostlances mechanics interaction is not just what it does, but also the many ways you can play with it. At this point, your core build is complete, the question is what other packages would you wish to pursue. The Hexblade warlock subclass is probably the easiest option for multiclassing, and it helps enable a whole host of powerful abilities. Plenty of overlapping possibilities. I didnt opt for a 3rd class so Im going to go on as warlock. Switching characters between level ups currently. Although the spell says nothing about the wall having to be a straight line (normally walls arent restricted as such), which would in fact allow us to bend our wall of fire, Jeremy Crawford seems to think otherwise. They also took the duel wielding feat and I'm letting them use two battle axes. Split up a fight with difficult terrain and heavy obscurement, make it harder for enemies to approach, and you dont even care if they make their saves. The difference is that Booming Blade is technically not part of the Attack Action, it's part of the "Cast a spell" action, so it wouldn't trigger Unleash Incarnation. This time, two spooky soldiers are being roasted by spirit guardians aura while your croc friend bullies them, and the two soldiers outside can enter spirit guardians if theyre willing to take damage, but still cannot reach you. Its a seriously fun way to deny an enemy the satisfaction of hitting your ally with something nasty. The Echo Knight's Echo is, for all intents and purposes, another piece on the board with a few select things different about it. check out the. If the enemy attacks the echo, they will destroy the Echo but provoke an AO for the sentinel. One of the most interesting and less common combinations might be the Echo Knight/Hexblade multiclass. February 27 () Classes. No, because the attack would originate from a position that wouldn't have the cover. this means that you can use the features of eldritch blast as part of your attack action, Feat War Caster. This is described in the rules of Opportunity Attacks in the PHB. What is the difference with attacks provided via spells, like booming blade, or would it work there as well? Additional Proficiencies Medium armor, shields, martial weapons. As an action, you can see through your echos eyes and hear through its ears. Since your echo has to be within 30 feet of you, spending 15 feet of movement for up to a 30ft teleport is fantastic. We plan on being a frontline fighter that combines the inherent tank of the Dragonborn to support using the multiple attacks . https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/167753/does-the-echo-knight-fighters-unleash-incarnation-feature-add-another-attack-to. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. A crusher echo knight could stand next to an enemy, knock them back 5ft and outside of 5ft from the echo, and then use their reaction to make an attack through the echo. Upping our casting stat to an 18, since we rely on landing spell attacks a lot more than the average caster. MOJO gets a sneak peek. Of course, if you want more ideas on how to flavor it tastefully, you can check out this post. Could a Rogue Inquisitive use their Insightful Fighting ability to gain sneak attack from their Echo? Of course, this is a purely RAW interpretation of the rules, but the use of Provoke is certainly a repeated pattern that is worth considering. The original iteration was a combination of Polearm Master, War Caster, and either a reach weapon or quarterstaff and shield with Crossbow Expert. Antimagic field The biggest threats at high levels are often magical in one way or another, and this can nullify them, provided you can reach your target. By 15th level, you've learned to absorb the fleeting magic of your echo. It works well with the plasmoid already being able to shape self as a race feature as well as having acid resistance maybe from once being a gel cube..hmm. The second and third parts of the feat only apply to the Knight herself because of the wording your reach, and the wording of the Manifest Echofeature as it relates to the timing. For more information, please see our This stops any movement they may have been taking. Leather armor, backup light crossbow, and two daggers, One trinket of special significance (choose one or roll on the Horror Trinkets table), Move 30 feet, summon your echo 15 feet away, have it move 30 feet further. But dont ignore the defensive potential of this subclass as well! The Flee command is especially effective, as it can potentially deny two turns if the target fails its saving throw. (You got this right, but forgot to include Haste as another way to use Unleash Incarnation multiple times in a turn.). The echo knight is 100% the most difficult subclass to understand in the game, the Moon Druid is the second most difficult. For the proposed of flanking, the Echo is probably intended to be treated similar to the Spiritual Weapon, Flaming Spheres, or Bigbys Hand spells. Do you want a break from the classic dichotomy between performing spellcasting or making the same kind of weapon attacks? This also means that you dont need to land the echo before swapping anymore if you havent had other means of flight already. 2015 Wizards. It breaks the thing that makes people love 5e: simplicity. Enemies are put in a lose/lose situation where they either risk eating a full eldritch blast barrage if they want to move or waste their attacks to destroy the echo, which is also moderately sturdy and does not die to most generic area damage as they often only affect creatures. If someone grapples the Echo, can the echo still move? Its the Echo Knight Fighters core feature! (Even if it can float.). No, echoes don't have a speed, so difficult terrain doesn't effect them. Spell Changes: +phantasmal force, +prestidigitation. > You can avoid provoking an opportunity Attack by taking the Disengage action. We were actually debating a lot on whether to include that point in the explanation, but in the end opted not to. A: Yes, the echo can sneak attack if another enemy of the target is within 5 feet of the target. You also dont provoke an opportunity Attack when you Teleport or when someone or something moves you without using your Movement, action, or Reaction. Notice how in each of these features, it specifically describe creatures provoke(!) There is nothing in the rules that limit the direction the Echo Avatar can travel. This build will also be taking advantage of its slowing effect within its radius. Divine Magic (Divine Soul feature) Lawful. Supposedly this has been fixed in more recent printings of EGtW, but Crawford also confirmed on Twitter that this feature is for scouting only. That action can be used only to take the Attack(one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, hide, or Use an Object action. An alternative approach is choosing The Hexblade subclass to enable a more gish style, letting you utilize the echo to make weapon attacks, letting you utilize its Unleash Incarnation feature, and having access to shield spell early on. 2. It also plays into our theme of movement control and can be used on both allies and enemies on the field for more advantageous positioning. For Undead Warlock, the Form of Dread ability allows you to control multiple enemies at once. Between you and your Echo, making a Sentinel attack is highly likely. Even better, they can quickly command control over positioning on the battlefield. Spell Changes: +counterspell,+spirit guardians, -phantasmal force. Sharing happiness by sharing Coke rewards codes. It occupies a space, which means it is solid. Max dismounts his jet black stallion with practiced ease even when in full armor. mjbulmer83 1 yr. ago. "settled in as a Washingtonian" in Andrew's Brain by E. L. Doctorow. Of the two, only one is acceptable.". if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'tabletopjoab_com-box-4','ezslot_8',128,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tabletopjoab_com-box-4-0');The Echo Knight Fighter appears in the Explorers Guide to Wildemount sourcebook. Note that you cant use this if your echo is destroyed by anything other than taking damage. Any Warlock patron can work, but subclasses with strong 1st level core features are preferable. While not reflected within the class features, the greatest power spike at this level is the scaling of eldritch blast to 3 beams. That said, if you keep your echo close by, it can stay out for hours or even the whole day! This makes for a mobile, melee powerhouse. Combined with Repelling Blast and our ability to keep enemies at such a distance via Ghostlancing, using Quickened Spell on eldritch blast becomes a force that can simply remove enemies from combat. Title the thread whatever youd like. Bless is the best option out of all the spells, and is still very relevant at this level. Thats more positions that you can lock down, more ways to become your enemies greatest nightmare, and more ways to protect your allies. With Form of Dread usage tied to proficiency and the fear save once per turn, Eldritch Blast being a cantrip and the chosen invocations for it always being applied, the unlimited use of the Echo, and even the fighter skills (action surge and second wind) being renewed on a short rest, so much of this combination can be made use of in a majority of combats. These are from timelines that didnt happen, so you can definitely have some fun with them. Little Kenku who has an imaginary friend (my familiar) that has now taken shape (the echo). You overlooked a clear distinction that warcaster states the opportunity attack most be provoked from you. Request for Echo Knight House Rules & Homebrew? Blood. Its going to be fun watching this play out. Peekaboo. Yes, but only if the traps can be triggered by things not considered creatures. As is common with Dunamancy magic, things tend to get a little wibbly-wobbly-timey-wimey with the Echo Knight Fighter. Tool Proficiencies Carpenters tools, thieves tools. Do you find your ideas that combine different class features take too long to come online? Okay, thanks for referencing me, I appreciate it. We'll fix it in a future printing! The synergy with a 3 level dip with Echo Knight is nice. In a game where you dont find yourself using up your slots often and rest casting is available, death ward would also be a handy pick up. Eldritch Invocations Agonizing Blast, Repelling Blast. Great build and its nice that its online early. is there a chinese version of ex. Any build that wants to do damage has no issue outclassing what one does with Agonizing Blast, but a no-save, stacking push on top of that is what makes this cantrip truly shine. Is it easy to understand? So, yes, anything that lets you take an additional attack action on your turn would allow you to trigger Unleash Incarnation once more (Assuming you have high enough Con to do so). The Echo Knight gets a huge amount of front-loaded features. Bard offers a handy package of its own, and features evergreen spells early on like dissonant whispers, Tashas hideous laughter, and unseen servant. Bonus tip: you can apply the restrained condition to an enemy with a Net through the echo. Usage of this site, including but not limited to making or editing a post or private message or the creation of an account, constitutes acceptance of the Forum Rules. These are from timelines never made, so feel free to flavor your Echos however you like. Jeah I wrote that a little missleading. This is not an Echo Knight handbook or build guide, and I am purposefully trying to avoid stating opinions. So just affirming Bens disclaimer of: Your DM. 4. One option you might have when facing a powerful enemy who depends on magic is to Ready your movement to affect the enemy only during their turn, playing to your initiative order. youll be able to use any wizard noncleric sorcerer scrolls you find From farther away, walking shoreward across from the crested tide, figures, two. I have my stick. If you have another background feature you would prefer, choose it. By RAW, are you suggesting that"an additional action"is equivalent to"the Attack action"? When an echo of yours is destroyed by taking damage, you can gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 2d6 + your Constitution modifier, provided you dont already have temporary hit points. Echo movement! ", Per the Manifest Echo ability text,"You can use a bonus action to magically manifest a echo of yourself in an unoccupied space you can see within 15 feet of you". Thus if the Knight cant attack, an Echo would never appear to attack either. Wall of fire The classic push people into things spell with great flexibility. Nintendo's Shigeru Miyamoto and Eiji Aonuma share a first look at the upcoming Zelda game for Wii U . [With weekly restarts] Hammer of Wrath damage increased by 30%. While your echo is being used in this way, it can be up to 1,000 feet away from you without being destroyed. Tabletop Builds may use the trademarks and other intellectual property of Wizards of the Coast LLC, which is permitted under Wizards' Fan Site Policy. What is the Echo Knight Fighter in D&D 5e? Healing word Solely used for emergencies to pick up an unconscious ally from 0 hit points. But, here's the kicker: it isn't a creature or another enemy, it's still part of you. As a character with a deep connection to dunamis, or the energy that fuels magic throughout the cosmos, the Echo Knight is a character with incredible abilities. Will a Reckless Attack give advantage on attacks against a manifested echo of an Echo knight? Undead are not immune to sneak attacks in pnp. While the echo is summoned, an Echo Knight can cause its attacks on its turn to originate from the echo's position, can make opportunity attacks from the echo, and use a bonus action and 15 feet of movement to teleport and swap places with the echo. That means it can take to the air if you need! When it uses its echo teleportation (and also after a long rest when the dm decideds) it switches affinities, either having the element of its genie patron change, or the element of its own genasi form change. Into its abilities speed, so difficult terrain does n't effect them have speed... Emanating from the others instead play out a space, which means it echo knight sneak attack take to the can..., can the Echo Knight is nice multiclassing, and the only thing you ever wanted do! Little village in the end opted not to of course, if keep! With practiced ease even when in full armor the target is objectionable in. 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