d. Shaft - A long rotating metal rod leading from the ship's engines aft through the hull connecting with the screw. 0307.7 Describe the safety precautions applicable to the following evolutions: a. g. Bravo at dip - Displayed where best seen. 0304.3 Describe the function and location of the following components and component parts: a. On most steam driven ships, the mechanical energy required to turn the propeller is provided by the turbines. c. Rudder Order Indicator - Transmits the desired rudder orders from the pilot house and conning stations to the after steering station when the ship is being conned at one station and the rudders controlled from the after steering station. The covers of fuse boxes and junction boxes should be kept securely closed except when work is being done. Injectors and valves, allows fuel and air mixture to combust. g. Gun Control Console (GCOC) e. Oil Spill Containment Boom - Basically used to surround and contain oil spills until such time as they can be cleaned up. This will vary from ship to ship. Perform the function of normal switching and are used to isolate the circuit. A supplement to the battle telephone circuit. b. (j) Perform such other duties as assigned. e. Exhaust Gases/Heat - All personnel shall keep clear of the possible exhaust path of rockets at all times. In attempts to improve damage control and ship survivability, the updated program will add more prerequisite PQS, including the following: Damage Control 301-312. Kitty Hawk has two standard MK 2 stockless type weighing 30 tons each. c. Side Force - May be defined as a force which walks the stern of the ship in the direction of propeller rotation. c. The expansion portion of the basic steam cycle takes place in the main turbines where the steam is expanded in the turbines to utilize thermal energy stored in the steam and transform it into mechanical energy of rotation. A large pinion gear in the train gearing meshes with the training circle. It allows more timely and accurate evaluations of the tactical situation and enhances the prospect of destroying threats at greater ranges from the vital area of the force. o. The combined quick release (ROBB) coupling and valve consist of a female and a male end. (10) Gyrocompass - Points constantly to the true rather than the magnetic north pole. 0204.1 State the purpose of Marine Sanitation Devices (MSDs). It is the primary source of location information for Navy, Coast Guard and MSC ships. g. Loss of steering control - Reduced control of ships heading. King post - One of a pair of short, strong uprights used to support cargo booms and unrep rigs. j. |____ The turn is started using full rudder (30 degrees). ANTISUBMARINE WARFARE (ESWS) WEAPONS SYSTEM. Used to tie down loose gear in the hanger and the shops. z. Span wire/highline - 3/4 inch diameter galvanized steel wire. (1) Responsible, under the Department Head, for the proper performance of the duties assigned to his division and for the conduct of his subordinates in accordance with regulations and the orders of the CO. (2) Keep himself informed of the capabilities and needs of each of his subordinates, and, within his authority, take such action as may be necessary for the efficiency of his division. Card Column 65-66, ADVICE - provides specific instructions or required information to the supplier. S-3A (VIKING) The breech assembly is the plug or block which closes off the chamber end of the barrel. The valve must be tagged and wired shut, and all pressure bled off the system before any maintenance begins. Includes an air pump, dye marker, first aid kit, flashlight, knife, paddles, sea anchor, signaling gear, water desalting kit and a whistle. To provide procedures for administering the advancement in rate system for enlisted members serving on active duty in the U.S. Navy, U.S. Navy Reserve, and inactive U.S. Navy Reserve. Executive Department manages the administrative duties of the ship. Located aft of the compressor section. Two blasts for port turn and one blast for starboard turn, five or more emergency. Generally installed on carriers. November 23, 2020 in Navy Enlisted Career Forum | Rating & Management. 0308.6 Discuss the safety precautions applicable to the following: a. When the boat is lowered and the falls slacken, the weight comes off of the hook and the hoisting eye is thrown clear. A valuable instrument when tracking targets in limited or nonexistent lighting conditions. It has a simple flip up sight. e. Emergency Bills - provide and organize prescribed procedures and assign responsibilities for controlling the effects of a major emergency or disaster suffered by the ship. Figure Eight Turn - Method used to belay a line to cleats or bitts. If you are aware of additional resources for this program please contact me with the link Location and Number of Rudders - The Kitty Hawk has 2 L-shaped 25 foot rudders, behind screws #2 and #3, each having an effective area of 490 sq. a. Replenishment course - A predetermined course that will permit ships to maintain course with a minimum of stress on rigs, etc. 0307.3 Describe the types of guidance systems on the missiles used with the system on your ship. USS Newport, LST-1179 and USS Fairfax County LST-1193), q. LHA/LHD - provide for simultaneous helicopter and landing-craft operations. l. Safety Links - Metal links designed to hold the gun in the battery when counter-recoil system fails or is deactivated. i. It is designed to operate in dense electromagnetic interference environments. (Pitsword) - Indicates the speed of a ship and the distance traveled by measuring water pressure on a tube projected outside the ships hull.