Sprednje talne preproge, Glavna enota z 10,2-palnim zaslonom na dotik in navigacijskim sistemom You can also get monthly vehicle health reports via email to stay constantly updated on the status of your car. Front and rear floor mats Oblika, ki zdruuje slogovne poteze znamke Alfa Romeo, preoblikovane v imenu sodobnosti in funkcionalnosti ter z znailnostmi italijanskega oblikovanja. The range-topping (mild) Hybrid Veloce will set you back $54,400 before on-roads. iACC ALFAROMEO and FIAT are registered trademarks of FCA Group Marketing S.p.A., used with permission. Affidati ai nostri esperti per personalizzare il tuo modello e trovare la soluzione di acquisto pi adatta a te. Configure e personalize o seu novo Alfa Romeo Tonale Hybrid: escolha da motorizao s cores, o interior, acessrios e opcionais, alm do preo final. 10.25" Touchscreen DAB Radio, Bluetooth, Voice Controls & Navigation. Zvoni sistem Harman Kardon s 14 zvoniki. Even with an automatic transmission, the paddle shifters offer a responsive and exciting alternative to any drive or journey. A design that combines Alfa Romeo stylistic features . Prav tako izboljuje nadzor na spolzkih podlagah ter mono zmanjuje podkrmiljenje. Dvopodrona klimatska naprava Modeli Tonale s pogonom na sprednji kolesi izkoriajo izjemno ravnovesje mase za optimiziranje prenosa navora na podlago in vodljivosti v ovinkih. Storitev My Navigation vkljuuje tudi funkcije iskanja parkiri in bencinskih rpalk ter dinaminega prikaza dosega na zemljevidu, da vam nikoli ne bo zmanjkalo goriva za prihod na eleni cilj. 4 min read. Po zaslugi druge stopnje avtonomne vonje lahko vsi potniki v vozilu uivajo v vejem nadzoru in udobju. The system comprises a turbocharged 1.3-litre four-cylinder petrol engine driving the front wheels and an electric motor powering the rear, for a combined . Brezhibno nameene luiLED ustvarjajo popolno ozraje za vsako vonjo. Aluminium door sills Be among the first to take home an Alfa Romeo Tonale. Alfa Romeo Tonale 2022 road test review There are three trim levels. The Alfa Romeo Tonale is the first model from the Italian brand to embrace electrification. Alfa Romeo USA official portal. *My Alert is an optional service. Black ceiling, 12,3 full TFT instrument cluster Model Tonale se prvi predstavlja s hibridno razliico s 96 kW (130 KM) in pogonom na sprednji kolesi z novim 4-valjnim 1,5-litrskim turbobencinskim motorjem, ki razvije mo 96 kW (130 KM) in 240 Nm najvijega navora, v kombinaciji z vgrajenim 48-voltnim elektrinim motorjem P2 s 15 kW (20 KM) moi in 55 Nm navora ter 7-stopenjskim samodejnim menjalnikom z dvojno sklopko. wybierz. Elektrokromatsko notranje vzvratno ogledalo Aluminium pedals and door sills When designing the Tonale, radar technology was incorporated to help monitor and detect hazards from a longitudinal and lateral perspective. Evolved, aligned with our design vision for the future. **Amazon, Alexa and all related logos are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliate. Veloce dedicated front grill Receive alerts from active safety and security systems, view maps and more on the fully digitized tech-led display. NOVO! Teleskopska instrumentna ploa, imenovana Cannocchiale, skupaj s popolnoma digitalnim 12,3-palnim zaslonom in 10,25-palnim zaslonom na dotik ustvarja privlano vozno izkunjo, ki zdruuje strast in nadzor. Explore the Giulia Quadrifoglio, Giulia, Stelvio & Giulietta. Naa sluba za pomo strankam vam bo zagotovila vse potrebne informacije in pomo. Sistem vkljuuje 15,5-kWh baterijo in skupaj razvije 202 kW (275 KM) moi. Sistem za prepoznavanje prometnih znakov, Alfa Romeo Tonale Sprint je na voljo z 2 tipoma motorjev: Alfa Romeo Tonale 1.5 Ti UK Drive. whlen. Power 2022 U.S. award information, visit jdpower.com/awards. Be one of the first to secure your Tonale. It also provides greater control on slippery surfaces, as well as greatly reduces understeer, transferring the torque from the inner to the outer wheel in order to ensure longitudinal acceleration and consequently better road holding. Slog Heritage spominja na legendarne modele znamke in vsebuje znailne detajle, kot so obrnjene tevilke na konnem delu merilnika hitrosti. Brake by wire technology and brembo calipers. For a Limited time qualified customers can enjoy $2,750 Total Cash on all 2023 Alfa Romeo Stelvio Non-Quadrifoglio models, For a Limited time qualified customers can enjoy $2,750 Total Cash on all 2023 Alfa Romeo Giulia Non-Quadrifoglio models. Written by Keith Adams Published: 18 January 2023 Updated: 19 January 2023. W tych czasach to nie problem, bo od lat kady telefon komrkowy ma wbudowany aparat. The telescopic instrument panel, called Cannocchialeand with 12.3 fully digital screen and a 10.25 touchscreen for an engaging driving experience, where passion and control coexist. This makes it the sportiest version in its class,with 0-100 km/h acceleration in just 6.2 seconds. Samodejno preklapljanje med dolgimi in kratkimi lumi Vkljuuje pripomoke in storitve Alfa Connect s storitvijo Alexa* Voice Service za intuitivni obutek kot doma tudi na cesti. Ta storitev vam omogoa interakcijo z vozilom prek pametnega telefona, pametne ure in glasovne storitve. Tutustu mys huippuedulliseen rahoitustarjoukseen koko Tonale-mallistoon. Ti dve nastavitvi vzmetenja lahko izberete znotraj treh nainov vonje nastavitev Comfort za mirnejo vonjo na vseh vrstah cest lahko izberete pri nainih Advanced Efficiency in Normal. An eco-system of integrated digital services, to ensure the best experience on-board and off-board. Armaturna ploa iz poliuretanske pene s 3D-vstavki This advantage amasses to a manufacturer estimated 320 miles of total range and a manufacturer estimated 75 MPGe. Slednjo pri razliicah s tirikolesnim pogonom Q4 e izboljuje navor na podlago, ki je na voljo pri obeh oseh. Satasta mrea hladilnika Ask Alexa to check the latest information, add items to your to-do list and even monitor your Tonale from home. *Amazon, Alexa in vsi povezani logotipi so blagovne znamke drube Amazon.com, Inc. ali njenih povezanih drub. The Tonale achieves Best-in-Class horsepower as you take it 060 mph in an estimated 6 secondspair that with its AWD capability for a fast yet commendable ride. portni volanski obro v usnju s tipko za zagon Cruise Control For a more exclusive look of the dashboard, the Tonale offers two types of inserts: a carbon fibrelook with the iconic Alfa Romeo logo or a captivating geometric pattern featuring a more abstract logo. Sfotografuj dziur oraz widoczne uszkodzenia auta. Opomnik za zadnji sede zaznava prisotnost predmeta na zadnjem sedeu. Plush elements of comfort like our available Alcantara seats and leather finishes make every surface inviting for passengers and drivers. Tonale | Configurateur Alfa Romeo | Alfa Romeo France. Alfa Romeo nabdka originlnch dl - Alfa Romeo | Mopar. Njegov turbinski polnilnik s spremenljivo geometrijo skupaj s 7-stopenjskim menjalnikom Alfa Romeo TCT z dvojno sklopko in 48-voltnim elektrinim motorjem P2 z mojo 15 kW (20 KM) in 55 Nm navora omogoa, da 1,5-litrski bencinski motor poganja vozilo tudi, ko je motor z notranjim zgorevanjem izklopljen. European model shown throughout. Paket My Car vam pomaga kadar koli in kjer koli spremljati splono stanje vaega modela Tonale. Armaturna ploa iz poliuretana z be ivi *Amazon, Alexa and all related logos are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliate. Giulia Quadrifoglio; Tonale; Stelvio Quadrifoglio; Giulia; Stelvio; If you're seeing this message, that means JavaScript has been disabled on your browser, please . Poleg tega lahko z mobilno aplikacijo My Alfa Connect dostopate do ponudb partnerjev in ugodnosti pri zavarovanju, ki so povezane s telematskimi podatki vozila. Brezina polnilna ploica Perfect weight distribution. Ta sistem, ki je vgrajen v izbirnik DNA, v kombinaciji s sprednjim vzmetenjem MacPherson zagotavlja portno in uinkovito vonjo z nadzorovanjem stabilnosti vozila ter preusmerjanjem moi na kolesa pri pospeevanju v ovinkih. Te popro o podstawowe dane osobowe, jak imi, nazwisko i numer telefonu lub te adres. 09:00 - 20:00, sab. Red-painted Brembo brake calipers In fact, on the pre-owned car market, the NFT certification represents an additional source of credibility for owners or dealers. Should you encounter an issue accessing any content on AlfaRomeo, please, The Sedan at the Forefront of Luxury and Performance. The telescopic instrument panel from Alfa Romeo: a 12.3" fully digital display, configurable with multiple options. The premium quality of the Tonale and its seats combines sportiness and comfort, elevating the meaning of driving pleasure to all passengers. If the driver accepts, the cruise control settings are automatically adjusted. Hibridne in dizelske razliice modela Tonale s pogonom na sprednji kolesi so serijsko opremljene z elektronskim samozapornim diferencialom Alfa Romeo, ki zagotavlja popolno vleno silo za gladko vonjo, kar poudarja okretnost in portni znaaj tega vozila. Znailni lebdei vstavek v obliki rke V Scudetto je osrednji izstopajoi element sprednjega dela vozila Alfa Romeo Tonale. Adresse: Koenigstrae 8, 01097 Dresden, Germany Register Nummer HRB 36986. IACC (Intelligent Adaptive Cruise Control) These features assist in keeping the vehicle at the correct speed, in the centre of its lane, greatly educing the possibility of collisions, while constantly checking the vehicles surroundings in congested traffic where accidents often occur. Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Ram, Wagoneer, Mopar and SRT are registered trademarks of FCA US LLC. Cena ne vsebuje strokov nultega servisa, priprave vozila ter prevozno logistinih sredstev. The most powerful version in the line-up in terms ofperformance and level of electrification will be theexclusive 280 HP Plug-in Hybrid Q4. S funkcijo Vehicle Finder si lahko s prikazom poloaja v realnem asu ogledate, kje ste parkirali svoj model Tonale, s funkcijo Eco Score pa boste lahko izboljali svoj slog vonje. ALFAROMEO and FIAT are registered trademarks of FCA Group Marketing S.p.A., used with permission. Use the intuitive drag and drop system to adjust widgets with a feeling that is just like the latest smartphone. This system features four high-definition cameras positioned on the front grille, rearview mirrors, and tailgate for easier parking and manoeuvring in tight spaces. Keyless entry 360-stopinjska kamera na 10,25-palnem digitalnem zaslonu na dotik z dinamino mreo prikazuje pogled celotne okolice vozila. Znailna mrea hladilnika Veloce An extra layer of protection will keep the trunk clean and organized. The side line, inspired by the Alfa Romeo GT conveys sensuality and athleticism in the car's body. Servizio attivo lun. GME 256 AT9 AWD. Sistem za ohranjanje voznega pasu nadzira stransko gibanje novega modela Tonale in ga tako tudi v gostem prometu ohranja na sredini voznega pasu. Ti badge on fenders Storitev My Fleet Manager vam omogoa kar najbolj uinkovito in varno upravljanje voznih parkov avtomobilov in lahkih gospodarskih vozil podjetja. Rekuperacija energije za rekuperacijo energije med upoasnjevanjem in zaviranjem. Wszystkie ceny s traktowane jako sugestie FCA Poland S.A. dla dealerw i s to ceny orientacyjne wyliczone dla pojazdw wyprodukowanych. The vehicle must be properly equipped with a Uconnect 5 NAV System. This record can guarantee that the car has been properly maintained and it can positively impact the residual value of your Tonale in case of reselling. On a single platform available on the web and on mobile, the data from the vehicles is translated into solutions to improve efficiency, reduce costs, prevent risks, and guarantee the safety of vehicles and drivers. V kombinaciji z naprednim sistemom sprednjega vzmetenja preoblikuje obutek vozila SUV na cesti. Ko ste aktivirali storitev, svoj model Tonale poveite s storitvijo Amazon Alexa** Voice Service za interakcijo z napravo za pametni dom, predvajanje glasbe, iskanje interesnih tok in poiljanje naslovov neposredno v informacijsko-razvedrilni sistem. The system has a15.5kWh battery and delivers a total output of 280HP. Znak Alfa Scudetto s temno konno obdelavo Parkirni senzorji spredaj in zadaj Znak Veloce na blatnikih HAVE YOU EVER HAD ONE A NEAR-LIFE EXPERIENCE? Active Dual Stage Valve Suspension. Homologacijske vrednosti so doloene na podlagi kombiniranega cikla po WLTP in so bile posodobljene dne 30. Fuel consumption Alfa Romeo Tonale Hybrid MHEV range (l/100 km): 6,3-5,6; CO emission (g/km): 144 -127. Our heated seats and available ventilated front seats, only serve to enhance comfort and emphasize the indisputable elegance of AlfaRomeo. Prenesite aplikacijo My Alfa Connect zdaj in zanite odkrivati vse storitve. Introduced in February 2022, the Tonale is the first hybrid-powered Alfa Romeo.It slots below the Alfa Romeo Stelvio and became the first new model introduced by the brand in six years. 2023 Alfa Romeo Tonale due in Australia first half of next year. Online Fahrzeug Konfigurator; Schnell verfgbare Neuwagen; Leasing Angebote; Hersteller; Alfa-Romeo Tonale 1.5 T Hybrid 96kW DCT SUPER 7-Gang (96kw / 131PS) Sie befinden sich hier: Leasing . The 1.5-litre inline-four powertrain is billed as a 'mild-hybrid', which uses an 0.8kWh battery. You can use it directly from the cockpit, without losing focus on the road, to add items to your shopping list, to ask for suggestions about nearby points of interest, or to control your domotics systems, to manage lights, heating and all other connected appliances. Tonale Q4 bo najuinkoviteji prikljuni hibrid v razredu vozil C-SUV, saj v elektrinem nainu omogoa do 80 km dosega pri mestni vonji in ve kot 60 km pri kombinirani vonji. Welcome to Alfa Romeo Middle East. The beginning of a new Alfa Romeo era. Vrednosti so navedene za namene primerjave. And, in case of theft, you can speak directly to a dedicated assistance center. Innovation and performance, mechanics and electronics, all come together to provide increased brake responsiveness on the road and the best brake pedal feeling. After reporting to the police, the system will activate tracking and transmit the vehicle's position. Novi Tonale predstavlja vstop znamke Alfa Romeo v svet elektrifikacije s posebnimi reitvami, ustvarjenimi za poudarjanje njenega znaaja. Pripomoke lahko prilagodite z intuitivnim sistemom povleci in spusti, ki je podoben kot pri najnovejem pametnem telefonu. Im Test interessieren wir uns aber vornehmlich fr die Neuerungen des gewhnlichen Stelvio. Explore the 4C, Giulietta & Quadrifoglio. Rear armrest with skypass DS s 96 kW (130 KM) in menjalnikom DCT. Alfa Romeo Canada official portal . Veloce identifies the most performance-oriented cars within the whole Alfa Romeo range. Glossy black painted DLO AlfaRomeo and its electrical evolution has bred re-engineered Drive Modes. All models ride on a fully . An in vehicle Wi-Fi hotspot plan and linked Amazon account are required to use Alexa in vehicle. Gas Hybrid VGT 160 DCT The Tonale (Toh-nar-lee, before you splutter your coffee all over the screen) is far more pragmatic than most Alfas . Seamlessly transition from your house to your vehicle with familiar services like Amazon Alexa. Whlen Ihr Wunschmodell, den Motor, die Ausstattung, Felgen, Farben und mehr. Zatemnjena stekla Izbirate lahko tudi med tremi razlinimi slogi: Vsak slog na svoj nain prikazuje, kaj pomeni videti cesto skozi oi vozila Alfa Romeo. Keyless entry portni volanski obro v usnju The Tonale marks the brand's electrification effort, where Alfa Romeo will be the first brand among . Whlen Sie Ausstattung, Lackierung, Zubehr und vieles mehr. Ambient lighting (RHD excluded) Model Tonale s kamero, nameeno na sprednjem delu, vizualno in zvono opozarja voznika na ustavljeno vozilo, pece ali kolesarje spredaj. Plug-in Hybrid 275 Q4. Type approval values determined on the basis of the WLTP combined cycle, homologated as of 26.05.2022. Konfigurieren Sie Ihren neuen Alfa Romeo Tonale MHEV. Inteligentni prilagodljivi tempomat (IACC) Znak Ti na blatnikih Novi Tonale predstavlja vstop znamke Alfa Romeo v svet elektrifikacije s posebnimi reitvami, ustvarjenimi za poudarjanje njenega znaaja. Sijajna rna ohija ogledal The classic style and silhouette of the Tonale is a result of Italian influence, as well as AlfaRomeo and its legacy heritage. Karoserija v barvi Dark Miron z matiranimi vstavki *Storitev My Alert je del dodatne opreme. Prostorono odpiranje in zapiranje prtljanih vrat The Tonale effortlessly ushers the superior quality of expert craftsmanship into the world of premium compact SUVs, while maintaining iconic design details only associated with our famed vehicles. Prilagodljivi matrini arometi 3 + 3 Full LED ustvarjajo edinstveno znailnost, ki je zvesta najpristnejemu znaaju znamke Alfa Romeo. TheTonaleQ4 will be the mostefficient Plug-in Hybrid C-SUV, with range in electricmode of up to 82 km in the city cycle and over 69 kmin the combined cycle. Kovinske stopalke Wicej zapacimy np. Drivers can choose from four exclusive settings for a customized driving experienceDynamic Mode, Natural Mode, Advanced E and ESC off for loose traction situations. This one is the middle Ti, which starts at 39,995, but it has some options, most notably 20in alloy wheels. Let the Alfa Romeo spirit shine everytime the door is opened with the white Alfa Romeo logo, whether its the circular logo or the classic brand font. Sporty leather steering wheel with start button ALFA ROMEO QUADRIFOGLIO. S postopki na daljavo lahko preverite, ali so vrata in prtljana vrata odprta ali zaprta, zaklenete in odklenete vrata, vklopite in izklopite lui ter poiete svoje vozilo na parkiriu. DS s 96 kW (130 KM) in menjalnikom DCT. Our sophisticated standard and available alert systems utilize radar sensors as well as cameras and scanners to help with accident avoidance and offer a sense of security for drivers. My Navigation also includes Parking and Fuel Station Finder and *For 1 bike only. Finanzierung und Inzahlungnahme ist mglich. Alfa Scudetto with silver finishing LSS (sistem za opozarjanje ob menjavi voznega pasu (LDW) + sistem za ohranjanje voznega pasu (LKA)) Explore other AlfaRomeo models, the latest news and more. Energy Recovery, to recover energy from deceleration and braking. Podane ceny obejmuj VAT. Sistem zagona brez kljua portno in tehnoloko dovreno okolje je zasnovano tako, da je osredotoeno in usmerjeno k vozniku. Glossy black painted body kit with satin inserts. Plug-in hybrid and 2.0-litre turbo-petrol available overseas, but mild-hybrid only for Australia. Ne da bi odvrnili pogled s ceste, jo lahko uporabite neposredno na voznikovem mestu za dodajanje stvari na nakupovalni seznam, iskanje nasvetov glede najblijih interesnih tok ali krmiljenje sistemov za avtomatizacijo doma, upravljanje lui, ogrevanja in drugih povezanih naprav. 1 fr Neuwagen PREZZO DI LISTINO [ 1] 99.000. To get full pricing details, see your dealer. Aluminijasti obvolanski prestavni roici, Alfa Romeo Tonale Veloce je na voljo s 3 tipi motorjev: Privacy glass Oblikovana in izdelana tako, da ste ves as v srediu. Like its big sibling the Stelvio, it's a compact SUV crossover, a first for the . Two models available, Ti and Veloce. Activate the service to keep up to 8 devices connected with 4G LTE Wi-Fi hotspot. Details create uniqueness. . rna stropna obloga, Instrumentna ploa z 12,3-palnim zaslonom, v celoti izdelanim s tehnologijo TFT The Tonale symbolizes Alfa Romeo and its continued commitment to driver safety and security. Artisanal craftsmanship embodies the essence of the Tonale and its athletically sculpted design. Electric folding exterior mirrors Stellen Sie sicher, dass Ihr neues Auto zu Ihnen passt. Choose the way to scroll through and manage, radio, navigation, ADAS and many more vehicle functions. To get full pricing details, see your dealer. The 360 View Camera offers an all-round view of the cars surroundings on the 10.25 digital touchscreen with a dynamic grid. Immagini inserite a scopo illustrativo. Tonale z najbolj neposrednim krmilnim razmerjem (13,6) v razredu C-SUV zagotavlja naravno, instinktivno, natanno in neposredno vonjo. n acest scop, ADN-ul su sportiv Alfa Romeo a fost mbuntit de multe caracteristici hibride, cum ar fi: "Pornire silenioas", care pornete vehiculul . Priced from $49,900 before on-road costs. tevilne hibridne funkcije pravzaprav poudarjajo njegov portni znaaj znamke Alfa Romeo: Tihi zagon za zagon vozila samo z elektrinim motorjem. Electric 4 ways lumbar driver seat adjustments Nova dizelska razliica modela Tonale je serijsko opremljena z dinaminim vektorskim usmerjanjem navora Alfa Romeo in blailniki s tehnologijo FSD (prilagoditev moi blaenja frekvenci nihanja vozila). GME 256 AT9 AWD. Ta sistem vam omogoa, da kar najbolj poveate regeneracijo energije brez vibracij in s krajimi zavornimi razdaljami. Main features. Lui za osvetlitev tal Brezina povezava z Apple CarPlay/Android Auto Tonale features a multitasking interface that is made to be personalized. Ustanovljena je bila leta 1910. Sistem vstopanja brez kljua Hier gibt's alle Infos zum (2022) Alfa Romeo Tonale. Dva kromirana zakljuka izpunih cevi (prikljuni hibrid Q4) Published: 18 January 2023 Updated: 19 January 2023 Updated: January! Starts at 39,995, but mild-hybrid only for Australia 360-stopinjska kamera na 10,25-palnem digitalnem zaslonu na dotik z dinamino prikazuje..., configurable with multiple options energije med upoasnjevanjem in zaviranjem detajle, kot so obrnjene tevilke na konnem delu hitrosti! Znailnost, ki je zvesta najpristnejemu znaaju znamke Alfa Romeo v svet elektrifikacije s posebnimi reitvami ustvarjenimi. Updated: 19 January 2023 all related logos are trademarks of FCA Group S.p.A.... A feeling that is made to be personalized to check the latest.... Powering the rear, for a combined osrednji izstopajoi element sprednjega dela vozila Romeo... Must be properly equipped with a feeling that is made to be personalized Scudetto je osrednji element... Optimiziranje prenosa navora na podlago, ki je zvesta najpristnejemu znaaju znamke Alfa Romeo: a 12.3 '' fully display... Pogonom na sprednji kolesi izkoriajo izjemno ravnovesje mase za optimiziranje prenosa navora podlago! 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