During the Golden Age of Mexican Cinema, one actor emerged that will have a tremendous impact in the industry. The museum is located at 88 Constitution St in Mazatln. . Pedro Infante in 1951. PAID FOR BY BOEHRINGER INGELHEIM AND LILLY. Infante was born in Mazatln, Sinaloa, and raised in nearby Guamchil. Film Director: RENE CARDONA. According to Wilbert Alonzo-Cabrera, his biographer, the actor was co-piloting a Consolidated B-24D, which had been converted from heavy bomber to freighter in San Diego, California. In an interview, my father said, my father is still alive, and when he went to a presentation, they killed them all. His credits include We The Poor, You The Rich, and Mexicans at the Cry of War. As per our current Database, Pedro Infante died on Apr 15, 1957 (age 39). He divorced his first wife and married actress Irma Dorantes, his leading lady in several films. Pedro Infante was one of my fathers favorite musicians, Huizar said. Country Singer Jim Reeves' Death - Cause and Date War Hero Audie Murphy's Death - Cause and Date Guitarist Steve Gaines' Death - Cause and Date Movie Actor Pedro Infante's Death - Cause and Date Pilot Harriet Quimby's Death - Cause and Date Boxer Typical is the story of how he spontaneously gave away a beautiful serape, coveted for years in vain by his friends, to an old man at the roadside on a chilly night. The new street signs unveiling in August 1983 drew thousands more. He was part of my initiation into manhood.. (This Is Pedro Infante! Infante left behind a very large legacy including his many films, hundreds of recordings, and large family. [24], The death of Pedro Infante caused an unprecedented outpouring of grief in Mexico and Latin America leading to reports of suicides, faintings, and nervous breakdowns among his fans. It contains a Jeep and other personal articles that belonged to him as well as movie and music memorabilia that pertained to his career. After receiving years of formal music training throughout his childhood, Infante joined his first ranchera band as a singer at age 16. A . In that same year, a friend and neighbor of Infante's wife, Carmen Barajas Sandoval, offered to introduce them to Jorge Negrete, a singer whom he admired. His popularity has grown even greater since then, reaching generations of Mexicans born after their idol was gone. Died April 15, 1957 of plane crash in Merida, Mexico W ith cowboy hat and kerchief, Pedro Infante rode his dreams and a homemade guitar to the top of Mexico's film and music worlds in the 1940s. Death AFT 1723 - Corteconcepcin, Huelva, Espaa. Thousands visited his body, laying a blanket of flowers and shedding a sad river of tears. "You could drown in it.". 162. But many who've seen him are convinced the similarities are more than mere coincidence. "If I find him, I will punch him," the handsome actress vowed last week during an interview at her house outside the capital. Does Pedro Infante Dead or Alive? But this information has now been questioned after his grandson revealed that the singers death was faked because he had ties to the narco. He formed his own band at 16, performing at nightclubs and in the streets for crowds that couldnt afford to pay. Peter was born at Coimbra.. After the death of his father, Peter took the side of his sisters Mafalda, Sancha and Theresa, in their quarrel with . With a golden voice, undeniable charm and devilish good looks -- Pedro Infante marked Mexicos Golden Age of Cinema like no other star of his time. Hubbard. Two years later, in 1935, he met and married Maria Luisa de Leon, a teacher, who persuaded him to try his luck on radio in Mexico City. Copyright @ American Post - 2023 - all rights reserved. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Historical Person Search Search Search Results Results Pedro Diaz Infante (1650 - 1723) Try FREE for 14 days Try FREE for 14 days. The neighbors remember the sound of his voice, singing and rehearsing from inside the house. Qu opinas?Suscrbete al canal; activa la campanita de notificaciones para que recibas avisos cuando subamos un nuevo vdeo; dale like al vdeo; deja un comentario y comprtelo. 1826-1834 War of Liberation 3 campaigns medal in coppered bronze. Todos Los Derechos Reservados 2021 Infobae, Nieto de Pedro Infante assured that the actor faked his death due to ties with the drug dealer, Why Irma Dorantes refused to participate in any project about Pedro Infante, The tragic life of Dora Luisa, Pedro Infante's adopted daughter. 4. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. I liked to sing and wanted to learn the guitar, but couldnt afford one, he told a Los Angeles audience in 1945, The Times reported. My family and extended family of the Boyle Heights community will use this 50th anniversary of his tragic death as an opportunity to celebrate the contributions he made during his rich life.. At least five statues have been erected in Pedro Infante's honor: According to producer Jorge Madrid y Campos, who was also his legal representative, Pedro Infante's fame has increased greatly since his death. Simple yet attractive design. screamed one tabloid headline that day. Death and homages. But on top of that, he did motorcycle tricks and was, reportedly, also a really good guy. But he calls himself Antonio Pedro, or sometimes, Pedro Antonio. This April 15 will mark the 65th anniversary of the death of Pedro Infante, who to date is still considered one of the greatest idols of the national and Latin American artistic scene,. los Infante Death & Burial Records. MEDALHA NAVAL COMEMORATIVA DO 5 CENTENRIO DA MORTE DO INFANTE D. HENRIQUE. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Pedro Infante El Mil Amores. She succeeded in convincing Negrete to recommend Infante to the producer Ismael Rodrguez, and others. He remembers 600 songs perfectly. [6] In 1920 they moved to El Rosario, Sinaloa. From him, I learned to sing with feeling.. Pedro Infante. "He's rural and urban, destructible yet vulnerable. MEXICO CITY -- Now this is news: Pedro Infante is alive. Some of his most popular songs include: Amorcito Corazn (approximately My Little Love, Sweetheart), Te Quiero As (I Love You Like This), La Que Se Fue (She Who Left), "El inmortal" was one of his nicknames. 12:00 a.m. Feb. 15, 2007 For The Record Los Angeles Times Thursday February 15, 2007 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 1 inches; 39 words Type of Material: Correction Then and Now: The L.A. Then and Now column about singer and film star Pedro Infante in the Sunday California section said the song Yo No Fui translated as I Didnt Leave. The translation is It Was Not Me. For The Record Los Angeles Times Sunday February 18, 2007 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 1 inches; 40 words Type of Material: Correction Then and Now: The L.A. Then and Now column about singer and film star Pedro Infante in the Feb. 11 California section said the song Yo No Fui translated as I Didnt Leave. The translation is It Was Not Me.. The death of Pedro Infante on the morning of 15 April 1957, was announced by radio personality Humberto Rodrguez, of radio station XEMH of Mrida, after one of the firefighters discovered the bracelet engraved with the name "Pedro Infante", plus the winged insignia that symbolized his aviator license. Todos Los Derechos Reservados 2021 Infobae, Pedro Infante 65 years after his death: due to pandemic commemoration is canceled in the Garden pantheon, In photos: 64 years after the death of Pedro Infante, this is what his tomb looks like, Pedro Infante: the theories of a feigned death and the mystery of his last days, The day Mexico cried: 64 years after the death of Pedro Infante, Pedro Infante and Blanca Estela Pavn: a love that crossed the screen and ended in the worst tragedy of Mexican cinema. Compilation albums of his work continue to be released and are readily available in most major record stores. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. [1] He died on 15 April 1957 in Mrida, Yucatn, while en route to Mexico City when his plane crashed due to engine failure. All Rights Reserved Por::. Today, even younger generations sing along to such Infante classics as La Que Se Fue (The One Who Left) and Yo No Fui (I Didnt Leave). "[50], In 2017, for what would have been Infante's 100th birthday, his life and career was celebrated with a Google Doodle that featured a slideshow with six graphics depicting Infante wearing traditional Mariachi garb, as a singer, a boxer as well as others. His popularity has grown even greater since then, reaching generations of Mexicans born after their idol was gone. In 1983, the Pasadena-based Spanish-language radio station KWKW-AM held the Pedro Infante Hour, playing all his songs and inviting listeners to share their memories, The Times reported. Although practically all his films were great box-office hits and still are shown on a daily basis on TV, the most popular of them were the "trilogy of bittersweet poverty"--Nosotros los pobres (1948), Ustedes, los ricos (1948) and Pepe El Toro (1953) and the comedies Los tres Garca (1947), Vuelven los Garca! He was known as quite the ladies man and by some accounts fathered over a dozen children. Then she wanted me to learn to read and write, he told the L.A. audience, but I was ashamed to go to night school. His films still play on Los Angeles Spanish-language television stations and in select theaters. Top titles He assured that the famous man was kept kidnapped, tortured, and drugged, but that after 26 years, a former president allowed him to be free, although with another identity. Razo, who has a small collection of Infantes records, said he grew up watching movies such as Nosotros, Los Pobres (We, the Poor; 1948) about the street people of Mexico City and their struggle to survive. . His nickname was Cruz Jos Pedro Infante. Fue tambin miembro de un conjunto musical que actuaba en la localidad de . Already by 2020, following the orders of the authorities who did not allow mass gatherings, the traditional event was canceled. [54] These rumors were fueled by, among other factors, the fact that Infante's body was burned beyond recognition in the airplane crash, and by the appearance, in the 1980s, of a singer named Antonio Pedro, who was thought to resemble Infante. Infante first appeared as an extra in the movie En un Burro Tres Baturros (Three Men from Aragon on a Donkey), or the more correct and succinct transliteration, "Three Baturros on a Burro". "He feels this obsession that if he's exposed, he'll get killed," Elizalde said. Biography - A Short Wiki Last edited on 10 February 2023, at 01:33, Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Produccin Cinematogrfica, Mexican Academy of Arts and Cinematographic Sciences, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Star of Mexico's golden age of film still shines", "Pedro Infante: 102 aos del nacimiento de un cono mexicano (Pedro Infante: 102 years since the birth of a Mexican icon", "Pedro Infante, el dolo ms humilde del mundo (Pedro Infante, the most humble idol in the world", "Pedro Infante, el nacimiento de un dolo (Pedro Infante, the birth of an idol)", "Pedro Infante, 63 aniversario luctuoso del gran dolo de Mxico (Pedro Infante, 63rd anniversary of the great idol of Mexico)", "Pedro Infante and His Lasting Impact on Mexican Cinema", "Mxico celebra el primer centenario del nacimiento de Pedro Infante (Mexico celebrates the 100th birthday of Pedro Infante", "La vigencia de Pedro Infante (The validity of Pedro Infante", "Pedro Infante, el desentonado que se convirti en el mximo intrprete de Mxico (Pedro Infante, the out of tune one who became Mexico's top performer", "Los 5 amores del dolo Pedro Infante (The 5 loves of idol Pedro Infante)", "Pedro Infante: as fue el accidente que impidi que triunfara el amor (Pedro Infante: this was the accident that impeded love from triumphing)", "Isla Arena, lugar que alberga un museo en honor a Pedro Infante (Isla Arena, a place that houses a museum in honor of Pedro Infante)", "10 pelculas de Pedro Infante que debes ver (10 Pedro Infante films you should see)", "Cuando Pedro Infante fue Juventino Rosas", "Magda Guzmn se consolid al lado de Pedro Infante (Magda Guzmn consolidated next to Pedro Infante)", "El Rincn de la Aoranza: LA ABUELITA DEL CINE NACIONAL SARA GARCA", "Final y vigencia de Pedro Infante (Life and Death of Pedro Infante", "Famous People Who Died in Aviation Accidents-1950s", "Famous People Who Died in Aviation Accidents 1950s", "Pedro Infante sufri tres accidentes areos, uno le quit la vida", "La mujer que se suicid por Pedro Infante", "El infortunio que persigui a la familia de Pedro Infante despus de su muerte", "Sobrino de Pedro Infante afirma que an hay cosas inditas del "dolo de Guamchil", "Qu mexicanos tienen estrella en Hollywood? [15][29] Infante died intestate. He was raised as a child in Guamchil. Pedro Infante Jr. Social Network Timeline 1987 He was an actor, known for Noche de justicia (1987), La muerte del soplon (1978) and Carroa humana (1989). This plate is placed in your memory. Between 7:30 and 08:00 in the morning the plane collapsed and hit the yard of a house where a mother was accompanied by her son, who also died; Infante's death at 39 was instant. The death of Pedro Infante on the morning of April 15, 1957, was announced by radio personality Humberto Rodrguez, of radio station XEMH of Mrida, after one of the firefighters discovered the bracelet engraved with the name "Pedro Infante", plus the winged insignia that symbolized his aviator license. He was 39 and at the peak of his career. 12:00 a.m. Feb. 15, 2007: For The Record Los Angeles Times Thursday February 15, 2007 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 1 inches; 39 words Type of Material: Correction Then and Now: The L.A. Then and Now column about singer and film star Pedro Infante in the Sunday California section said the song Yo No Fui translated as I Didnt Leave. The translation is It Was Not Me. For The Record Los Angeles Times Sunday February 18, 2007 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 1 inches; 40 words Type of Material: Correction Then and Now: The L.A. Then and Now column about singer and film star Pedro Infante in the Feb. 11 California section said the song Yo No Fui translated as I Didnt Leave. The translation is It Was Not Me., Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, After months of pounding, Ukrainian official says military may pull back from Bakhmut, Elizabeth Holmes cites her new baby as a reason she should avoid prison for Theranos scam, What time is it on the moon? It was a case closely followed by millions of fans, most of whom took Dorantes side, The Times reported. (1951) and Two Careful Fellows (1953). His father, Delfino Infante Garca, was a musician who played double bass. [32], On April 2, 2001, Infante was inducted into the International Latin Music Hall of Fame in an awards ceremony that also included Xavier Cugat and Ruben Blades. In many interviews, he was asked, Are you Pedro Infante? Armadillo de los Infante . Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. They killed my parents as a result of the same thing. The photographs below celebrate the great Pedro Infante, a Mexican legend, on the 56th anniversary of his death. Pedro Infante, Mexican actor and singer. He's romantic, athletic, macho -- but he cries.". Only someone who lived through the same thing would know., Jose Bonita, a mechanic and singer from El Salvador, told the station: Pedro Infante is a teacher. "Pedro Infante," Virtualorbe, www.virtualorbe.com /PedroInfante/pinfante/biografia.html, (June 19, 2003). He goes around groveling at these little dinners, when if he were really Pedro Infante, he could fill stadiums. The following celebrities died from the cause: Aviation Accident And Incident. The following week they allowed him to audition again, this time being hired to sing three times a week on the air. Full Name: Jose Pedro Infante Cruz Nickname: El Inmortal Birth date: November 18, 1917 Death date: April 15, 1957 (age 39) Zodiac Sign: Scorpio Height: 5' 9" Background Jos Pedro Infante Cruz was born on November 18, 1917, in Mazatln, Sinaloa, Mexico. Infante was 39. I made one in the carpenter shop and played it in our little town orchestra, which we called La Rabia -- the Fury. Pedro Infante Cruz was a Mexican actor and singer. 2023 BuzzFeed, Inc. All rights reserved. He was honored posthumously with the Silver Bear award at the 1957 Berlin Film Festival for his role in Tizoc, one of his last films. In his youth, he was exceptional both at singing and stealing hearts -- he claimed three wives and had several reported amantes, affairs. One of his descendents living in the tequila-making state of Jalisco, Mexico, created a tequila called "Pedro Infante." Pedro Infante's House in Mrida. Corazn (Heart), El Durazno (The Peach), Dulce Patria (Sweet Fatherland), Maldita Sea Mi Suerte (Cursed Be My Luck), As Es La vida (Life Is Like This), Maana Rosala (Tomorrow Rosala), Mi Cariito (My Little Darling), Dicen Que Soy Mujeriego (They Say I Am A Womanizer), Carta a Eufemia (Letter to Eufemia), Nocturnal, Cien Aos (Hundred Years), Flor Sin Retoo (Flower Without Sprout), Pnjamo, and Qu Te Ha Dado Esa Mujer? Dubbed the King of the Bolero, Pedro Infante was an iconic actor/singer of the Golden Age of Mexican Cinema, recording more than 350 songs in mariachi, ranchera, and other styles. Pedro Infante is widely considered the most influential Mexican singer and actor of all time. His star is located at 7083 Hollywood Boulevard. Medal commemorating 5th Centenary (1460-1960) of Prince Henry the Navigator's death. Fue verdad que Pedro Infante fue vctima de un atentado por un lo de faldas? Mexico's most macho, ballad-singing screen idol didn't really die in a fiery private plane crash 33 years ago, as widely reported. His popularity spread across Latin America.[1]. [23], The world-famous song Bsame Mucho ("Kiss Me a Lot", or more loosely translated to get its elusive Spanish meaning closer to its English meaning, "Give Me a Lot of Kisses"), from the composer Consuelo Velzquez, was the only melody that he recorded in English and he interpreted it in the movie A Toda Mquina (ATM) (At Full Speed), with Luis Aguilar. Infante was born in Mazatln, Sinaloa, and raised in nearby Guamchil. I got a fast graduate course watching the 10 old films and the tribute documentary As era Pedro Infante! Hailed as one of the greatest actors of the Golden Age of Mexican cinema, he is considered an idol of the Latin American people, together with Jorge Negrete and Ja . The Cine Mexicano website noted, "As the new century begins, Pedro Infante continues to be the most important figure of our cinema. His death in a plane crash in 1957 is still one of the most remembered events in recent Mexican history. [55] Antonio Pedro even went to the Maria Laria television talk show in the U.S.A., to claim he was Infante.[56]. Dear friends, with great effort we are managing to fight this pandemic, unfortunately many people are no longer with us. Irma Infante was born on 27 March 1955 to Pedro Infante and Irma . Pedro Infante Birthday and Date of Death Pedro Infante was born on November 18, 1917 and died on April 15, 1957. Endangered Mexican wolf population makes strides in U.S. Official to represent himself in Vegas reporter-slaying trial. Jewish Online Worldwide Burial Registry (1550-Present). We got a teacher, and now I can read and write pretty well.. 15 minutes after the flight got up, it collapsed resulting in the explosion of the plane; the parts and cargo were fired more than 100 meters from where the accident happened. Mexico's most macho, ballad-singing screen idol didn't really die in a fiery private plane crash 33 years ago, as widely. Ana Maria Procuna Montes of Los Angeles, the sister of Luis Procuna, a renowned former Mexican bullfighter, recalled Infantes unforgettable gesture when he showed up at her house on her 15th birthday. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. One of the most significant and exciting decisions in your life is making the choice to become a nurse. He was born on November 18, 1917 at Mazatln, Sinaloa, Mexico. Without a doubt, in all families we have suffered and for this reason, with the intention of continuing to take care of ourselves, we inform them that we will not be able to be together this 65th anniversary of our beloved Pedro Infante Cruz, but we promise you that next year we will do something wonderful and unforgettable, the statement reads. . Bonitas wife, Antara, compared Infantes talents to Nat King Coles. Listen to Con El Tiempo Y Un Ganchito MP3 Song Free by Pedro Infante from El Idolo de Mxico - Pedro Infante album online on Hungama. His popularity has grown even greater since then, reaching generations of Mexicans born after their idol was gone. [citation needed], While married to Mara Luisa Len, Infante met the dancer Lupita Torrentera Bablot (b. [1] Hes also a sign of Mexicos healthcare crisis, Bola Tinubu, the declared winner of Nigerias presidential election, appeals for unity, A 5,000-year-old restaurant highlights Iraqs archaeological renaissance, Fiery Greece train collision kills 32, injures at least 85, 19 cafes that make L.A. a world-class coffee destination, Shocking, impossible gas bills push restaurants to the brink of closures, Column: Supreme Court conservatives may want to block student loan forgiveness. In Mexico, he was awarded on one occasion with the Ariel awarded by the Mexican Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, for his work in Life is Not Worth Nothing. As Infantes career exploded, his personal life imploded. [5][failed verification] He was the third of fifteen children, of whom nine survived. 3 October 1951). In Mrida, there is a bust of Infante at the site of his fatal airplane crash, at the intersection of 54th and 87th Streets. Keep supporting great journalism by turning off your ad blocker. Get the day's top news with our Today's Headlines newsletter, sent every weekday morning. As a result, he was invited to appear in different pictures, such as Vuelve el Ametralladora (The Machine Gun Returns). His first musical recording El Soldado Raso (The Private) was made on 19 November 1943, for the Peerless Records Company. have paid posthumous musical homage to him. At quarter past eleven in the morning, the famed Mexican radio station XEW announced that Pedro Infante was dead. Infante was born November 18, in the Mexican fishing town of Mazatlan. Part of HuffPost Latino Voices. And for certain select audiences, he's singing the old songs again. Len, Infante met the dancer Lupita Torrentera Bablot ( b that if he were really Pedro was! Miembro de un conjunto musical que actuaba en la localidad de to his career Angeles Spanish-language television stations in! Well as movie and music memorabilia that pertained to his career really good.... 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