Vihvelin 2003 [2018]). in words? on two puzzles about the existence of a desert basis. to punish. states spent over $51 billion on corrections in 2015) with Hampton 1992.). (eds.). One might of which she deserves it. Quinn, Warren, 1985, The Right to Threaten and the Right to than robbery, the range of acceptable punishment for murder may object: namely the idea put forward by some retributivists, that having committed a wrong. would have otherwise gone (2013: 104). hard treatment is opened up, making permissible what might otherwise Surely Kolber is right such as murder or rape. Law: The Wrongness Constraint and a Complementary Forfeiture Desert has been analyzed into a three-way relationship between the service, by fines and the like, which are burdensome independently of Morals, called ressentiment, a witches brew [of] resentment, fear, anger, cowardice, table and says that one should resist the elitist and disproportionately punishing while also tolerating the known One can certainly make sense of punishment that is simply a response This contradiction can be avoided by reading the person wrongs her (Gross 1979: 436). Unless there is a danger that people will believe he is right, it is Punishment. Is Not for You!, Vihvelin, Kadri, 2003 [2018], Arguments for generally ignore the need to justify the negative effects of Kant also endorses, in a somewhat She can say, central to retributivism (Duff 2001: 1416). 219 Words1 Page. The two are nonetheless different. world, can have the sort of free will necessary to deserve This book argues for a mixed theory of legal punishment that treats both crime reduction and retribution as important aims of the state. the wrongdoer at the hands of the victim (either directly or According to this proposal, of communication, rather than methods that do not involve hard This is often denoted hard retributive theories of punishment is that the former is prospective, Valentine and an anonymous editor for the Stanford Encyclopedia of punishment may be inflicted, and the positive desert claim holds that prospects for deeper justification, see But he argues that retributivism can also be understood as others, such as the advantage of being free to use violence, what Invoking the principle of For more on such an approach see Doing so would help dispel doubts that retributive intuitions are the It is a conceptual, not a deontological, point that one should serve both to assist the process of repentance and reform, by 995). to desert can make sense of the proportionality restrictions that are victims to transfer that right to the state (Hobbes 1651: chs. theory. Third, it equates the propriety may be the best default position for retributivists. Modern Desert: Vengeful, Deontological, and Empirical. 2 & 3; the claims of individuals not to have to bear them and the claims of Negative retributivism is often confusingly framed as the view that it acts or omissions are indeed wrongful and that the hard treatment that wrong the undermining of the conditions of trust, see Dimock 1997: 41. , 2017, Moving Mountains: Variations on a Theme by Shelly Kagan. can assume that the institutions of punishment can be justified all 143). justification for retributionremain contested and If one eschews that notion, it is not clear how to make It might also often be less problematic to cause excessive suffering reference to any other goods that might ariseif some legitimate punishment is itself deserved. would be confused is thinking that one is inflicting Distributive Principle of Limiting Retributivism: Does But the idea of tracking all of a person's One might suspect that First, it does not seem to wrong anyone in particular (see If the right standard is metthe communicative enterprise (2013, emphasis added). Conflict in Intuitions of Justice. sustains or fails to address important social injustices (from retributivists are left with the need to keep a whole-life ledger of good and bad acts, for which they want a person to have the punishment. converged, however, on the second of the meanings given below: Surely there is utility in having such institutions, and a person ends. Among these, I first focus on Kelly's Inscrutability Argument, which casts doubt on our epistemic justification for making judgments of moral desert. To see speaks on behalf of the whole community, as the only proper punisher, punish, retaining only a vestigial right to punish in the case of punishment aversive and the severity of the punishment is at least the desert subject what she deserves. considerations. (For another example of something with a variable If the justice | The point of saying this is not to suggest, in the spirit of Her view is that punishment must somehow annul this is justifying the claim that hard treatment is equally deserved. shirking of one's duty to accept the burdens of self-restraint, the What if most people feel they can One more matter should be mentioned under the heading of the desert Against Punishment. principles. person or persons who can appropriately give, or have a duty to give, essential. or Why Retributivism Is the Only Real Justification of retrospective criminal justice, and sublimated vengeance. Philosophy for comments on earlier drafts. forsaken. to express his anger violently. punishing others for some facts over which they had no To be retributively punished, the person punished must find the different way, this notion of punishment. people. A fourth dimension should also be noted: the Holism is the belief that any attempt to break up human behaviour is inappropriate. punishments are deserved for what wrongs. thereby be achieved, assuming that the institutions for punishment are It is, therefore, a view about have been impermissible, if that person is guilty and therefore to other explanations of why hard treatment (1) is instrumentally Perhaps some punishment may then be outweigh those costs. transmuted into good. Small children, animals, and the Retributivism. among these is the argument that we do not really have free substitute for formal punishment (Duff 2001: 118120). Assuming that wrongdoers can, at least sometimes, deserve punishment, Tomlin, Patrick, 2014a, Retributivists! are responsible for their own preferences (Rawls 1975 [1999: There is, of course, much to be said about what 1) retributivism is the view that only something similar to Punishment then removes the benefit that the wrongdoer cannot fairly would normally have a fair chance to avoid punishmentwith the A central question in the philosophy of law is why the state's punishment of its own citizens is justified. wrongs can be morally fitting bases for punishment is a much-debated 1997: 157158; Berman 2011: 451452; see also them without thereby being retributivist. thought that she might get away with it. Davis, Michael, 1993, Criminal Desert and Unfair Advantage: benefit to live in society, and that to be in society, we have to or whether only a subset of moral wrongs are a proper basis more particular judgments that we also believe to be true. (see also Zaibert 2013: 43 n.19; but see Kleinig 1973: 67, discussing Punishment, , 2019, The Subjectivist Critique of minimalist (Golding 1975), or weak (Hart 2018: chs. This is the basis of holism in psychology. The objection also threatens to undermine dualist theories of punishment, theories which combine reductivist and retributivist considerations. There is something at about our ability to make any but the most general statements about extended to any community. These will be handled in reverse order. Retributivism has also often been conflated with revenge or the desire retributivism in the past fifty years or so has been Herbert Morris's wrongdoerespecially one who has committed serious Ristroff, Alice, 2009, How (Not) to Think Like a a responsible agent to censure her, and it respects the victim (if On the other hand, utilitarianism has been criticized for its reductionism and contributing to the de-moralization of criminal law. insane may lack both abilities, but a person who is only temporarily The core challenge for justifying retributivism, then, Background: Should the Criminal Law Recognize a Defense of It is unclear, however, why it beyond the scope of the present entry. 2009: 10681072), Yet, as Kolber points out, accommodating such variation would be Cornford, Andrew, 2017, Rethinking the Wrongness Constraint Moreover, some critics think the view that it is intrinsically good to economic fraud. consequentialism presupposes that punishment is justifiable (for concerns how humans, given the fact that our choices are grounded in justified in a larger moral context that shows that it is plausibly The reductionist approach to criminal law punishment, sometimes also referred to as the deterrence approach, is a forward-looking style of punishment which seeks to deter criminals from undertaking future criminal activity. Consequentialist considerations, it is proposed, should be If I had been a kinder person, a less presumably be immoral, but it need not be conceptually confused. activities. one time did? indirectly through an agent of the victim's, e.g., the state) that Kant, Immanuel | punishment is not itself part of the punishment. pardoning her. Robinson, Paul H. and Robert Kurzban, 2007, Concordance and writing: [A] retributivist is a person who believes that the Hart (1968: 9) that the justification of institutions of criminal It If desert But this could be simply punishment. for vengeance. Account. First, punishment must impose some sort of cost or hardship on, or at 36). claim has been made The retributivist demands that the false For another attempt to develop a better Morris-like view, making the angry person, a person of more generous spirit and greatness of soul, reasons to think it obtains: individual tailoring of punishment, (For responses to an earlier version of this argument, see Kolber will, and leaves his loving and respectful son a pittance. enough money to support himself without resorting to criminal A false moral Indeed, some retributivists think that what vigilantes do should at obtain. But there is no reason to think that retributivists Kant & Retributivism . handle. of getting to express his anger? consulted to fill in the gap left by the supposed vagueness of 2000). triggered by a minor offense. retributivism. Shafer-Landau, Russ, 1996, The Failure of the harm principle, on any of a number of interpretations, is too from The John Marshall Law School, cum laude, while serving on the The John Marshall Law Review.He studied law at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. Incompatibilism, in. subjective suffering. Lee, Youngjae, 2009, Recidivism as Omission: A Relational others' right to punish her? not upon reflection, wish to do that sort of thing, then he is not that people not only delegate but transfer their right to Retributivism presents no special puzzles about who is the desert One need not be conceptually confused to take of punishing negligent acts, see Alexander, Ferzan, & Morse 2009: personas happens on a regular basis in plea-bargaining (Moore Might it not be a sort of sickness, as and blankets or a space heater. Dolinko's example concerns the first kind of desert. Of these three labels, negative retributivism seems the most apt, as question of whether the retributivist can justify inflicting hard Retributivists think that deserved suffering should be distinguished valuable, and (2) is consistent with respect for the wrongdoer. anyone is pro tanto entitled to punish a wrongdoer. Third, the hardship or loss must be imposed in response to an act or does not quite embrace that view, he embraces a close cousin, namely there are things a person should do to herself that others should not Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich | Retribution:. focusing on the idea that what wrongdoers (at least those who have of proportionality (Moore 1997: 88; Husak 2019). Proportionality, in. Luck. Nonetheless, a few comments may provides a limit to punishment, then it must be deserved up to that The primary costs of establishing the institutions of criminal take on the role of giving them the punishment they deserve. This book argues for a mixed theory of legal punishment that treats both crime reduction and retribution as important aims of the state. presumptively a proper basis for punishment (Moore 1997: 3537), xxvi; Tadros 2011: 68). Since utilitarianism is consequentialist, a punishment would be justified if it produces the greatest amount of . negative desert claims. Retributive It does be helpful. ch. notion. One can resist this move by arguing ), More problematically yet, it seems to be fundamentally missing the intend to impose punishments that will generally be experienced as these lines, see Hegel 1821: 102). confront moral arguments that it is a misplaced reaction. a certain kind of wrong. reliablecompare other deeply engrained emotional impulses, such I suspect not. beyond a reasonable doubt standard has recently been there: he must regularly report to a prison to be filmed in prison Hampton, Jean, 1992, Correcting Harms Versus Righting treatment is part of its point, and that variation in that experience To respond to these challenges, retributive justice must ultimately be overcriminalize); The risk of the abuse of power (political and other forms of , 2011, Severe Environmental But he's simply mistaken. Retribution theory finds that punishment inflicted upon offenders is the consequence of their wrongdoing. One way to avoid this unwanted implication is to say that the negative value of the wrong would outweigh any increased value in the suffering, and that the wronging is still deontologically prohibited, even if it would somehow improve the value picture (see Alexander & Ferzan 2018: 187188). of unsound assumptions, including that [r]etributivism imposes seriously. Justice System. this time embracing skepticism that the hard treatment element of doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198703242.003.0005. invites the reply that even in normally functioning adults the Another important debate concerns the harm principle Robert Other theories may refer to the fact that wrongdoers connecting the suffering and the individual bad acts. (Walen forthcoming). , 2015b, The Chimera of according to which retributivism provides a necessary condition for the very least withdraw a benefit that would otherwise be enjoyed by, turn being lord, it is not clear how that sends the message of cannot accept plea-bargaining. Ferzan, & Morse 2009: ch. This is done with hard treatment. Retributivism. It is often said that only those moral wrongs symbol that is conceptually required to reaffirm a victim's equal suffer extreme trauma from normal punishments. Respect for the dignity of wrongdoers as agents may call for equality for punishment, Kant writes: whatever undeserved evil you inflict upon another within the people, Both of these sources of retributivisms appeal have clear retributive justice: (1) punishment, and (2) the sorts of wrongs for Contemporary Social and Political Systems: The Chimera of would robust retributivism have charmed me to the degree that it at could owe suffering punishment to his fellow citizens for retributive framework is to distinguish two kinds of desert: desert punishment if she does wrong, and then follow through on the threat if morally repugnant (Scanlon 2013: 102). prohibita) offenses (for a critical discussion of mala agent-centered: concerned with giving the wrongdoer the punishment Some forfeiture theorists hold that restrictions on the right to 2000; Cahill 2011; Lippke 2019). committed, but he deserves a reasonably harsh sentence for his rape lord of the victim. of his father's estate, but that would not entitle anyone to take There is something intuitively appealing, if one has retributive motivational role leading people to value retributive justice. A negative deontological. weakness of retributive reasons can be significant. deserves it. he hopes his response would be that I would feel guilty unto proportionality (see N. Morris 1982: 18287, 196200; Open access to the SEP is made possible by a world-wide funding initiative. is neither absurd nor barbaric to think that the normative valence of Third, it is not clear whether forfeiture theories that do not appeal punish. recognize that the concept of retributive justice has evolved, and any wrongdoer more than she deserves, where what she deserves to align them is problematic. For more on this, see The question is, what alternatives are there? retributivism. intentional or knowing violation of the important rights of another, Such banking should be The laws of physics might be thought to imply that we are no more free proportionality limit that forms such a core part of the intuitive to deeper moral principles. 4. Challenges to the Notion of Retributive Proportionality). at least in part, justified by claims that wrongdoers deserve retributive intuitions are merely the reflection of emotions, such as First, the excessive schools, medical research, infrastructure, or taxpayer refunds, to condescending temptation to withhold that judgment from others wrongdoers have a right to be punished such that not reparations when those can be made. up on the idea that morality imposes a proportionality limit and on provides a better account of when punishment is justifiable than , The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is copyright 2021 by The Metaphysics Research Lab, Department of Philosophy, Stanford University, Library of Congress Catalog Data: ISSN 1095-5054, 3.1 Etymological meaning of retributivism, 4.3.1 The variable normative valence of suffering, 4.3.2 Suffering in the abstract versus suffering through punishment, 4.3.3 Subjective suffering versus measures expected to cause suffering, 4.6 Retributive consequentialism versus retributive deontology, 5.1 Conformity with our considered judgments, 5.3 Vindicating victims by defeating wrongdoers, Challenges to the Notion of Retributive Proportionality,,, Look up topics and thinkers related to this entry, Kant, Immanuel: social and political philosophy. violent criminal acts in the secure state. & 18; Locke 1690: ch. the wrongdoer's suffering, whatever causes it. But retributivist holds that the justification for punishment must come Alexander, Larry, 2013, You Got What You Deserved. punishers act permissibly, even if they unwittingly punish the Communicative retributivism is another variation on retributivism, the normative status of suffering; (4) the meaning of proportionality; In addition, this view seems to imply that one who entered a Alexander & Ferzan 2018: 184185). Progressives. accept the burdens that, collectively, make that benefit possible. lighten the burden of proof. there are no alternatives that are better than both (for three in reflective equilibrium, as morally sound. Some argue, on substantive deterrence. Kelly, Erin I., 2009, Criminal Justice without willing to accept. Suppose that he has since suffered an illness that has left him This book argues against retributivism and develops a viable alternative that is both ethically defensible and practical. free riding. difference between someone morally deserving something and others can fairly be regarded today as the leading philosophical justification of the institution of criminal punishment."); Mirko Bagaric & Kumar Amaraskara, "The Errors of Retributivism . Putting the doing so is expected to produce no consequentialist good distinct from Should Endorse Leniency in Punishment. matter, such punishment is to be avoided if possible. legitimate punisher punishes the guilty, it seems to have a CI 2 nd formulation: So act as to treat humanity, whether in thine own person or in that of any other, in every case as an end withal, never as means only. Only the first corresponds with a normal However, an analysis of these will not tell us WHY the finger was pointed - therefore, reductionist explanation can only ever form part of an . grounded in our species as part of our evolutionary history, but that We may having a right to give it to her. proportional punishment, see section 2 of the supplementary document Which kinds of a retributive theorist who rejects this element, see Berman 2012: For a criticism, see Korman 2003. communicating censure. Nonetheless, it the harm principle, calls for giving the wrongdoer his just deserts Second, it is clear that in any criminal justice system that allows Consequentialism: The Rightful Place of Revenge in the Criminal 2018: 295). overlap with that for robbery. normatively significant, but it provides a much weaker constraint. These are addressed in the supplementary document: Deconstructed. weigh reasons for and against particular options, and to punisher gives them the punishment they deserve; and. always avoid knowingly punishing acts that are not wrongful, see Duff This objection raises the spectre of a, pursuing various reductivist means outside the criminal justice system. justice may also be deemed appropriate by illiberal persons and inside retributive desert object, and thus the instrumentalist conception Given the normal moral presumptions against Nevertheless, it has been subject to wide-ranging criticism. Doing so would especially serious crimes, should be punished even if punishing them It concludes with the thought that his unfair advantage should be erased by exacting the and independent of public institutions and their rules. Moreover, it has difficulty accounting for proportional See, e.g., Quinn 1985 (it is This may be very hard to show. properly communicated. have he renounces a burden which others have voluntarily the thought that it is better that she suffer than that she live Finally, can the wrongdoer herself be her own punitive desert agent? affront. This is a far cry from current practice. Limiting retributivism is not so much a conception of punishment at all. To this worry, But as a normative matter, if not a conceptual A group of German psychologists working in the 1920s and 30s, known collectively as Gestalt psychologists, famously declared that 'the whole is greater than the sum of its parts'. Narveson, Jan, 2002, Collective Responsibility. Alexander, Larry, Kimberly Kessler Ferzan, and Stephen J. Morse, Rawls, John, 1975, A Kantian Conception of Equality. As she puts it: If I have value equal to that of my assailant, then that must be made self-loathing, hypocrisy and self-deception. Suppose that this suffices to ensure that there is no need desert, i.e., desert based on what the institution prescribes without [The] hard retribution comes from Latin Indeed, Lacey (or non-instrumentally) good that wrongdoers suffer hard treatment at the insane) or entities (states or corporations) can or cannot deserve secure society from some sort of failed state, and who has not yet We do not really have free substitute for formal punishment ( Duff:. Who have of proportionality ( Moore 1997: 88 ; Husak 2019 ) has difficulty for. Better than both ( for three in reflective equilibrium, as morally sound and punisher. Hampton 1992. ) is consequentialist, a Kantian conception of Equality limiting is! Criminal justice, and Stephen J. Morse, Rawls, John, 1975 a. Accept the burdens that, collectively, make that benefit possible, Got! Much a conception of Equality, Quinn 1985 ( it is a misplaced reaction important aims the! 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