Fertility, marriage and economic change in Northwest Namibia, An Exploration of Polygamous Marriages: A Worldview, Sexism: A Hermeneutical Interrogation of Galatians 3: 28 and Women in the Church of Christ in Zimbabwe, Religions and the Responsibility of Men in relation to gender-based violence: An Ethical Plea, Understanding Religion in Traditional Africa, Masculinity, Marriage and the Bible: New Pentecostalist Masculinities in Zimbabwe, THE ROLE OF THE CHURCH TOWARDS AMELIORATION OF SOCIO-CULTURAL PRACTICES INIMICAL TO WOMEN LIBERATION IN IGBOLAND, The struggle for marriage: elite and non-elite weddings in rural Namibia, Gender Roles and Recruitment in Southern African Churches, 1996-2001, E-JOURNAL OF RELIGIOUS AND THEOLOGICAL STUDIES, The Christology of Polygamy and the Marriage Covenant. representation in traditional sexuality. Marriage is an institution of society with different purpose, functions and forms in different societies but is present everywhere as an institution. The African marriage is an integral part of the whole African culture and was a rite of passage for every mature man and woman. Whether the bride and groom fall in love or someone makes the match, meeting involves MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE AMONG THE ASANTE a study undertaken in the course of the Ashanti Social Survey (1945) T. E. Kyei CAMBRIDGE AFRICAN MONOGRAPHS 14 All these will protect her from the evil plants of the witches which may cause premature abortion. The debate on HIV and AIDS has attracted necessary attention in all facets of Zimbabwean life. In some communities, the dead are buried with their belonging e.g. Satria Rizaldi Alchatib, Joseph Habamahirwe, Journal of Nigerian Association for the Study of Religions (NASR), Oracle of Wisdom Journal of Philosophy and Public Affairs. Constructing the Meaning of Childlessness within the Luo Community of Western Kenya. Society has moved on; the traditional idea of marriage is outdated. Gender-role change is one aspect of a general Westernizing effect of formal models of Western education on indigenous cultures. These perceptions demonstrate a pattern of gender roles shaped by Western Judeo-Christian doctrine within the formal education curriculum, minimal inclusion of local history or cultural content,and loss of indigenous knowledge and practices. Sorry, preview is currently unavailable. The findings have then been generalized to the rest of the U.S. population (Bean, Crane, & . In African culture and African traditional life, gender is defined according to roles and functions in the society. Abstract. The bride and the groom marry for further lineage of the groom's family. Each has their own unique ritual of how they go about a wedding ceremony. Traditional counselling is a growing area of interest in African contemporary society, especially amongst members of the counselling profession. African traditional marriage requires parent's consent and blessings. (a) Outline six roles of diviners in Traditional African society. The parents and close relations are duly intimated as required by the custom. Greiner, C. & W. Kokot. Email: weefreeministries@yahoo.com, CONFLICTS AFRICAN MARRAIGES FACE IN WESTERN CULTURE, CONFLICTS AFRICAN MARRIAGES FACE IN WESTERN CULTURE. Islamic laws and customs have shaped the institution of marriage in North Africa and in some nations of western and eastern Africa. Its important to put records right especially as most African rich traditions are branded demonic. In African tradition, marriage was done after someone had gone through the adolescent stage where different Black Feminist Criticism and Drama: Thoughts on Double Patriarchy, Western Education's Impact on Northern Igbo Gender Roles in Nsukka, Nigeria, 1. I always knew that marriage was between a man and a woman. P.O. Even if they object, by virtue of beings parents, they must be duly and respectfully informed. In traditional rural African societies, the contraction of marriage was dominated by arranged marriages whereby parents usually indulged in the selection of marriage partners for their children; this was mostly common for their daughters. - The more wives a man has, the more political alliances he makes. The research will argue for and against same sex marriage but will touch on the salient fact that it is a movement that will come to be accepted over a period of time and get the needed attention it deserve but will ultimately attempt to address emerging trends in the same sex marriage debate. Academia.edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Grounding its argument from the conceptual understanding of marriage from both the African and the Roman Catholic Church points of view, the paper discusses the aspect of hegemonic masculinities as one of the root causes of gender based violence that threatens the marriage bond. After the traditional marriage some clergy would require a Probate [court] Registry certificate before they could conduct Church weddings. An analysis of the cultural aspects of the marriage in the Shona traditional religion in Zimbabwe, Religion Mariage and Family Values in Africa, Christianity, Marriage and Family Life in Esanland, Silences in marriage laws in Commonwealth Africa: Womens position in polygynous customary marriages, Lessons from Scripture for Maasai Christianity, Lessons from Maasai Culture for the Global Church. As Siqwana-Ndulo (1998) stated, the institutions of family, marriage and household in African societies revolved around community. Are made up of smaller units called clan. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The setting of the ceremony in Cana is similar to African traditional marriage rites. A man in South Africa may have more than one spouse but a South African woman may only have one spouse. Although, I myself practice monogamy, as it is tradition in my culture and that of what is expected by me, my community, and my family., There are not original or principle ceremony since it all differs depending on the what clans and from community to community. BiAS Series, Kudzai Biri, Joachim Kuegler. Although different societies in Africa celebrate marriage differently given the diversity of belief systems, it can be generally stated that marriage manifests a union of love, joy and great intimacy. Before this ceremony, the couple get acquainted with each other and agreed to marry. The history of marriage customs in Africa are, interestingly, based on practices that other cultures around the world have historically practiced. ."); Talking Points on Traditional Marriage, CONCERNED WOMEN It was a white bodyEastern European-looking like the stereotypewith a white bra and G-string. For African women activists, and womens organisations, these threats are magnified. I paid my toll more than twenty years ago. The family of the bride and groom are deeply influential in traditional Shona marriages and are involved through the life cycle of a union. In the traditional African society, older people were highly esteemed because of the important roles they played by helping to integrate the society, preserve its cultural values, transmit knowledge and skills, settle disputes and educate the young. the existence of deep-rooted poverty, harmful traditional practices, restrictive laws and social attitudes all pose serious threats to the work of civil society activists in the region. These laws are cultural values. Cambridge African Film Festival. In Africa, it has not been any different. family is linked to the broader community. It includes norms and values of a society: their religion, politics, economics, technology, food habits, medicine, rules of marriage, the performing arts, law and so on. This appears a misconception. A bstract: The celebration of marriage manifests a union of love, joy and great intimacy. Our African Christians after performing marriage rites that the Europeans do not do are subjected to wedding that involves spending of fortune. By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. 2 pages, 557 words. south african law commission project 90 the harmonisation of the common law and the indigenous law report on customary marriages august 1998 African traditional society and culture basing on an Afrocentric view can be depicted as an existent entity whereas the individuals belonging to a particular African society have and practice the traditions of that particular society and adhere to the culture in one way or the other. The focus is on the collective more than the individual. Blessed be the God of all creation for being in the business of creating marriages as well as rebuilding and amending them. The underline contribution is that there is value especially in the traditional marriage system this value is underscored in life. Bible in Africa Studies International Conference-UB.GABORONE,25-27 JULY,2012, LITURGICAL ASPECTS OF WEDDING CEREMONIES IN REFORMED CHURCHES OF AFRICAN ORIGIN, The Levirate Custom of Inheriting Widows among the Supyire People of Mali: Theological pointers for Christian marriageThe Levirate Custom of Inheriting Widows among the Supyire People of Mali: Theological pointers for Christian marriage, A Diet of Wives as the Lifestyle of the Vapostori Sects: The Polygamy Debate in the Face of HIV and AIDS in Zimbabwe, Tsitsi Dangarembga's Nervous Conditions Literary Analysis: A UNISA Dissertation, SSM 11: Natasha Erlank, "Missionary views on sexuality in Xhosaland in the nineteenth Century", New Evangelization For The Catholic Church And Local Cultures In Zimbabwe, Same-sex union articles in the Journal of Religion and Gender in Africa, A voluminous book on Redemptive masculinities in the era of HIV and AIDS, A woman should learn in quietness and full submission-1 Timothy 2:11, And the Two will become One Flesh (Mark 10:8): Domestic Violence as a Destabilising Force against the Institution of the Family in Zimbabwe, BiAS 17: The Bible and Children in Africa (edited by Lovemore TOGARASEI & Joachim KGLER), Could I Vote for a Mormon for President? When she dies, there will be nobody of her own immediate blood to remember Ethical Perspectives, The Community Dimension of Sexuality: Exploring and Reviewing the Concept of Posterity in Africa in the Context of Childless Couples, this man is my wife: the same-sex marriage prohibition act of 2014 in nigeria, Until He Releases Me from His Ancestors: An African Spirituality Pastoral Response to Wife Abuse, Quaestio Disputata What Male-Female Complementarity Makes Possible: Marriage as a Two-In-One-Flesh Union, Forum: Sexual Morality and the Possibility of "Same-Sex Marriage" *135 WHAT SEX CAN BE: SELF-ALIENATION, ILLUSION, OR ONE-FLESH UNION, Polygamy in Dramatic Texts: A Discussion around Postmodernism, ALCOHOL DEPENDENCE SYNDROME AS A ROOT OF INCAPACITY TO ASSUME THE ESSENTIAL OBLIGATIONS OF MARRIAGE (CAN.1095, 3), The attitude of the Methodist Church in Zimbabwe to homosexuality: towards a socio-sexological theological investigation, The Unethical Nature of Abuse of Childless Women in African Traditional Thought/Practice, Beyond biology: Bases for a child-centered and functional account of parenthood, Understanding Human Sexuality in John Paul II's Theology of the Body, Understanding Physical Activity Behavior of Type 2 Diabetics Using the Theory of Planned Behavior and Structural Equation Modeling, The changing philosophy of African marriage: The relevance of the Shona customary marriage practice of Kukumbira, What Sex Can Be: Self-Alienation, Illusion, or One-Flesh Union, Christian Perception on Widows Sexuality among Abanylole of Emuhaya , Western Kenya, A Critical Analysis of Marital Instability among Yoruba Christian Couples in the North West of England, A qualitative exploration of the experience and the impact of HIV/STIs among polygamous women in Muslim society of Nigeria, A Theological Appraisal of Marriage in Tiv Culture, Cohabitation in Akan Culture of Ghana : An Ethical Challenge to Gatekeepers of Indigenous Knowledge System in the Akan Culture, The nature and causes of marital breakdown amongst a selected group of South African Indian Muslims in the Durban Metropolitan Area and its consequences for family life. The African marriage is an integral part of the whole African culture and was a rite of passage for every mature Traditional African Society. At the beginning of the wedding, the bride walks around, selling boiled eggs to her guests to prove that shes able to make money. Julius Gathogo, Jennifer Sistig, Judith Kotze, Kudzai Biri, Johannes Wessels, Joachim Kuegler, Stephanie Feder, Francis Machingura, Fortune Sibanda, BiAS Series, Reverend Nyasha Madzokere, Canisius Mwandayi, Musa W. Dube, Lovemore Togarasei, Moji Ruele, IN: Networks, Resources and Economic Action.
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