Caitlin Lockerbie Weight Loss, Wikipedia, Wedding, Age, Salary, Bio; Aryn Wright Thompson Age - How Old Is She? Bershadker will assume the position June 1, succeeding Edwin Sayres, President and CEO since 2003. Huffington Post, 29 May 2014 It was not. But I never eceived a receipt for any of these additional donations, and when I cancelled my credit card the ASPCA did not contact me to let me know the next monthly contribution did not go through (as any legitimate organization would do). Bershadker ascended to the ASPCA presidency on June 1, 2013, the first ASPCA president since Sydney H. Coleman, president from 1930 until his death in 1951, to have worked for the ASPCA in any capacity before being put in charge. This is an eye opener. Shame on ASPCA. Of every dollar donated to ASPCA, 38 cents was used to pay salaries and benefits. I would never donate to a charity like this! START HELPING THESE ANIMALS. Learn more about our criteria and methodology. Now, his relationship is perfect. The ads are effective. None receive any funds from ASPCA. How is that when the ty left 10% on the table. The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Organizations Filed Purposes: THE ASPCA WAS FOUNDED ON THE BELIEF THAT ANIMALS ARE ENTITLED TO KIND AND RESPECTFUL TREATMENT AT THE HANDS OF HUMANS AND MUST BE PROTECTED UNDER THE LAW. Matthew Bershadker did earn $800K=, and yes high, but he oversaw $270,000,000.00+ in fundraising & nearly 1,000 employees making his salary total compensation package 0.36% of the gross annual budget. $340,007,209. It is sad, such a good cause, moving commercials and you are sitting back in your leather chairs laughing at us for being fools. I made a one-time donation of $25 last year to the ASPCA. Prior to joining the ASPCA, Bershadker worked for ICF Consulting, Share our Strength and Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network. Executive Compensation at the Alliance Defending Freedom(2020). I am VERY MUCH AN ANIMAL PERSONI LOVE ANIMALS. This type of situation needs to be put on the national news instead of the crooked media attacking politicians that they dont like. I thought the money was for the well being of the animals.The ceo, mathew bershadlker making over $500,000 is repulsive. Live and learn. NOT for 95% paid to ur staff & ceo. Just how much is spent on the animals monthly for food water shelter and veterinarian care.? He holds an MBA from Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and a Bachelor of Arts degree in communications from Ohio University. Talk about fraud. In other words, for every dollar raised, 17 cents was paid to the fundraiser while 83 cents was given to the ASPCA. There are healthy vegans who follow a whole food plant based diet (low or no oil) and there are unhealthy vegans who eat processed foods (potatoes chips, etc). Most will not pay bloated salaries or blow through money on fundraising. He additionally started driving a solid administrative drive in New York State to end the heartless pup plant pipeline by forbidding the selling of canines, felines, and rabbits in pet stores. The poor animals are suffering while you live the life of luxury. I will not support the large salaries of some employees. I prefer to stay local or choose a group that explains their spending more clearly. Let the media actually do something constructive for a change. Better to give it to the local shelter. I have seen those T V ads for a long time I finally decided to consider donating . Maybe in your next life you come back as one of the poor animals that youre cheating. Bershadker, Matthew. Archived from the original on December 30, 2012. There are enough animals in need locally that I prefer to keep it close to home. According to a. , the average nonprofit CEOs pay is $123,000. I was going to make my donation of $20 a month but after reading the article of where the money goes in the animals are still not taking care of Ive decided not to do it. Updated: April 25, 2019 Please have any employee that has an issue with my comments to contact me. Most of it isnt. When it comes to making sure your money goes to animals, the best thing you can do is give to a local animal shelter. I get we all have ti make a living and we all have bills but do these people need $100,000 bonus?!? These people are completely nuts.. Dont believe me? Jimmy John Liautaud's Net Worth, Age, Height, Weight, Wife, Kids, Bio-Wiki His annual salary as of 2017 was in excess of $600,000. I use to give every month until I found out what they really do wit almost all the money. Get this info out on Social media. Do your homework before you spew false information. The ASPCA has become an embarrassment, a scam, and another example of what is wrong with America. to see one of our projects supporting the give local message. Drive apace out of business. Many other local Humain Societies that 85% plus really goes for help. They keep trying to charge my credit card for monthly donations From their different corporate offices! By The Numbers. Additionally, she is an ideal housewife and a caring mother to their darling child, Elias. Will contact local Humane Society and ask pertinent questions of them and then make a founded decision. Deplorable. As stated in the post, they spent $15 million on operating supplies, $4 million on veterinary and medical services, and transport, and $14 million on grants (1,288 grants were given to 844 organizations with 315 non-profits (501 (c) (3)s) receiving more than $5,000. Salary as a percentage of the budget is meaningless (i.e. That visit changed the course of his career. A lifelong animal lover, Mr. Bershadker joined the nation's first animal welfare organization in 2001, serving previously as Senior Vice President of the ASPCA Anti-Cruelty Group, the division responsible for programs that confront animal cruelty and suffering across the country. They should feel guilty making that much money when animals are suffering. A 501 (c) (3), the ASPCA files an IRS Form 990 annually which provides financial information on the organization to the public. I love animals but you wont be getting my donation. Like everyone else, am shocked to see the misuse of money donatedhow are any of these high paid thieves worth the salaries they receivetoo they call for volunteers at their sheltershere are these good-hearted volunteers being used to help pay these scavengers. Why do CEO and staff need to make so much if someone cant live comfortably with 75,000 yearly they have priority messed up . Like you I have been following this fiasco for many years. I think you are spot on about keeping it local and I tell people this all the time. HOW DO YOU ALL SLEPP AT NIGHT? According to tax returns, ASPCA CEO Matthew Bershadker received $852,231 in 2019 and the ASPCA had over $20 million in offshore accounts! I wanted to donate a substantial amount I now see Im better off investing in my local pound with an investment of over $5,000.00. ASPCA is one. And, finally 14 cents of every dollar being spent on advertising and promotion is nearly twice as much as is spent on grants to other non-profits providing spay/neuter, live release, equine, and anti-cruelty programs. I WILL continue to look and research for a place that TRULY needs donations for rescuing, medical attention, supplies , food, clean water, clean comfortable beds for these terrified , sickly, lonely animals. Ill redirect to a no-kill shelter where I know how my money is spent. Rye Brook local Matthew Bershadker has an expected total assets of $100 million out of 2021. In summary, every $1 in revenue was spent as follows: -$0.33: Salaries, benefits, pension, and payroll taxes to employees, -$0.03: Salaries, benefits, pension, payroll taxes, severance, and consulting fees to 23 key employees, -$0.12: Office, IT, occupancy, insurance, repair and maintenance, -$0.03: Legal, accounting, mgmnt, lobbying, professional fundraising, and investment fees, -$0.03: Veterinary and medical services, and transport, -$0.02: Travel, conferences, conventions, and meetings, -$0.08: Grants to other organizations for spay/neuter, anti-cruelty, live release, etc. You can imagine my disappointment when I saw the huge insentives that were paid and what small percentage actually goes to the animals. Give to your local organizations where you can walk into a building and see the animals and the benefits delivered directly to the animals. Denver Post. Where can you donate knowing that most of the money goes to the animals??? Nor even close. Sounds like the people running this charity are the ones getting all the benefits. The people who work for this organization should be in jail for using animals & peoples emotions to line their pockets. Cold hearted personal who use television to pull heart strings is a crime..I pray God bless the animals harmed by their deception., they are just as guilty as the dog fighters and puppy mill operators. they try to make you feel bad by showing the animals in bad conditions but are they staged? Wanna follow Matthew E. Bershadker's net worth? P.S , Just think how many more Animals could have been fed or saved or with that $100,000. I hate the ad, which makes me sick. Shame on you and the saying Karma is a bitch comes to mind. There are vegans who are vegans because of the cruelty (slaughtering 10 billion animals annually in the US a reality that is hidden from most of the population) in the dairy and animal agriculture industry and there are vegans who are vegan for environmental reasons (the animal agriculture industry is in fact one of the largest contributors, after fossil fuels, to the deterioration of our environment). Fraud and theft come to mind. And I bet most of your donors make a 1/3 of what you all do. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Google them..Read everything you can about their CEOS and google all those board members and staff and people in their Vegan spearheaded groups.. The feet on the ground workers are the only ones that deserve a decent salary which you greedy jerks in charge make sure they dont get. Needless to say, there will not be a donation here from us . I just posted the updated info. Where employees are making low wages, many are volunteers and can be over worked and understaffed. I dont know where you got your 82% figure from but my info differs! They prey on peoples love for animals and use shams to collect money. These facts are too hard to even comprehend. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()), Who is Jorge Taveras? A whole food plant (no oil) based diet is the most healthy diet one can follow (see and is infinitely healthier than the SAD (Standard American Diet). Glad I saw this website ! Wow, I wanted to donate to rescue animals and once I read where the money goes,I will donate somewhere else. Very disappointed, Ruby. I know they have to be paid but why so much? Some of these people are down right nuts. Nothing but scammers and shameless scum these days and the government is just as bad. Tags Animal welfare Earl Blumenauer farm bill Jared Huffman Puppy mills Steve King Vern Buchanan Facebook The ASPCA donates on average, 7% of its collected donations in the form of grants to pet shelters, annually. I, in fact, think that anyone working for animals rights organizations should be a vegan/plant based. Matt Bershadker, ASPCA President & CEO As many of you know well, the consequences of poverty's impact on dogs, cats, and horses are felt very intensely by community shelters and rescues, The good news is that the animal welfare community is very resilientperhaps taking our cue from irrepressible animals themselves. GOD IS LOOKING AT YOU AND WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Bershadker isnt the only cat getting fat at the ASPCA: 158 other employees (more than a tenth of the organization) made six-figure salaries. If you truly want your donation to help the animalsdonate to your local Human Society. You play your commercials on the emotions of people who are animal lovers. To read more about these topics, see below:,,,, I will not donate again. I USED TO GIVE EVERY MONTH NOT ANYMORE. I will never EVER give another dime to your organization. Open letter to ASPCA CEO Matthew Bershadker: This is what a Society for the PREVENTION of Cruelty to Animals does. What good are they if realistically nobody or no animals or few, are actually getting any of the money? This is not helping animals this is lining pockets. Wont you give just $19 a month to help those poor pets? Works Cited. Humane Society of the United States is awful too with spending their donations on their employees paychecks, but local humanely seem to be a lot better. Where is the government over-site? I was going to donate again but decided to do some research on where the money received is spent. As the #1 natural health magazine for pets in North America, we take pride in providing our readers with the information they need to make wise health care choices for their animal companions. How Revenue is Spent at the AFL-CIO(2020), Executive Compensation at the American Bankers Association (ABA)2020, How the Metropolitan Museum of Art Spends Revenue(2021), $63 million (33% of revenue): Salaries, Pension, Benefits, and Payroll Taxes, $ 6 million (3% of revenue): Compensation to 23 key employees, $27 million (14% of revenue): Advertising and Promotion. i love animals and have given homes to strays that have no home and give them a nice home full of love. For a long time, he has been focused on his better half, Mrs. Nina M. Bershadker. Reading this article is very depressing given the funding they receive for REALLY helping abused animals. I was almost ready to donate and then starting reading how much the people working for the aspca make, shame on them. Arent there laws to control this theft of hard earned money from animal lovers??? I have never given to the ASPCA because Ive always heard for every one dollar given , only one cent is spent on the animals. Private Donations $282M. HOW DARE YOU SAY YOU ARE FOR THE ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today's guest post is written by Matt Bershadker, President and CEO of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), which celebrated its 150th Birthday in 2016. If you want me to look at any local shelters Form 990, just send me a message. Too bad I thought most of my hard earned donations went to care of the animals not super high salaries shame shame shame. They can stop the reoccurring charges on your credit card. The 990 shows the recipient of all grants over $5,000. God bless these abused animals, for they truly have no voice. !when the ceo/president is pulling in $530,000.00 a year and my local animal shelter does not get a dime i really wonder who should be pissed!!! I think this organization is about the animals!! This is a business to make people wealthy. Matthew E. Bershadker was named president and CEO of American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) in May 2013 [1] and serves on the Global Animal Partnership 's Board of Directors. To review the complete ASPCA 2014 IRS Form 990, click here. This means Bershadkers pay is more than 6 times the average nonprofit CEO. This crap should be against the law. Matt Bershadker is ASPCA president and CEO. Its ridiculous. The financial breakdown on this post is completely wrong. My local shelter will get my money! This has forced me to make the decision to STOP donating to these charitable organizations! This either needs to be stopped or exposed for what it is. These people are from another planet! Wiki, Biography, Age, Spouse, Net Worth, Fast Facts. i have never seen the amount of money being paid to a so called non profit agency. Well, now I know the truth. Many people ask this question about the money Matthew E. Bershadker makes from Facebook. I have been a supporter for the last three years and only saw this site because I got a new debit card and needed to change it. So being the animal lover I am, I decided to make a $25 donation to the ASPCA. wouldnt raise my children to be part of a scam outfit. ASPCA Location 424 E 92nd St, New York, New York, 10128, United States Description Read More Industry The salaries are ridiculous. ASPCA CEO and president Matthew Bershadker procure a yearly compensation from $700k to $850k. I would never give to these crooks.I always knew their weepy commercials were a scam.If you want to help the animals,go to your local humane society and donate your time or much needed supplies. A lifelong animal lover, he joined the nation's first animal welfare organization in 2001, serving most recently as senior vice president of the ASPCA Anti-Cruelty Group (ACG), the division responsible for programs that confront animal cruelty and suffering across the country. VERY SMALL AMOUNT IS SPENT ON THE ANIMALS.. $500,000.00 IS TERRIBLE.. Not ONE PERSON HERE IS WORTH THAT THE ANIMALS ARE THE ONES DESERVING NOT THE PEOPLE.. Comes out to .03 on every dollar is bull crap they are Lier they say 80 percent of every dollar is used for care of animals bull they are getting rich off of donations These organizations are there to enrich themselves and have no interest in caring for the animals. Provided her with the info above and she got on the phone with them to stop the monthly charge to her credit card. I work for a 501c now, and we work for free. He is a 12-year veteran of the nation's first animal welfare organization, serving most recently as senior vice president of the ASPCA Anti-Cruelty Group, the division responsible for programs and initiatives that confront animal cruelty and suffering on all . their always saying they need 3000 new donors every few weeks or so. they are all animals who feel, nurture their young (when allowed, which dairy cows are not), form relationships, etc. They state that they desperately need 3000.00 new monthly senators. There must be qualified people that would do it for much less! Find Matthew Bershadker stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. Your bunch should moonlight as a TV preacher. The calculation that states that when you divide the salaries by all employees each person makes approximately $67k it is inequitable; yet again; from what I can see many employees are probably receiving pay that is below minimum wage so those at the top can take advantage of these people just like the animals. Mr. Bershadker is a 12-year veteran of the ASPCA, serving most recently as Senior Vice President of the Anti-Cruelty Group (ACG). Their commercials are made so well, they bring tears to my eyes. I WATCH THE COMMERCIALS EVERYDAY. I REALLY DONT UNDRSTAND WHY YOUR SALARY HAS TO BE OVER A HALF MILLION DOLLARS MR CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD CEO!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its disconcerting that we give so much and so little goes towards saving and protecting them. I doubt it. I am going to share this horror story with everyone I know. New here? They are literally stealing from people! Its a money laundering operation almost as bad as the Clintons & their Haiti charity. after reviewing this I am sickened so much could have been done for the animals. Matthew E. Bershadker President, ASPCA 424 E 92nd St New York, NY 10128-6804 Dear Matthew, Enclosed please find my letter to you of September 18 to which I have not received a reply. Net Assets. All of the poor animals that so desperately need the simple basics of food and shelter, are being exploited by those who only want to make a $. So very sad! Looks kinda like you have a bunch of money. I dont want to pay exhorbitant salaries for people who work there. So, how much of every dollar raised is actually and directly spent benefiting the animals??? I will not donate again and I have ripped up your address labels and will not advertise for you that way. ( ASPCA) WELL SCROLL ON DOWN TO WHERE IT BREAKS ALL THE QUESTIONS DOWN AND IT STATES 82% GOES DIRECTLY TO THE ANIMALS .WTF WHO WRITES THIS SHIT & HOW DO WE GET IT CHANGED, I just signed up for monthly donation. New York Times. We need to speak out against this apparent abuse of top heavy executives taking the share of Money donated for the purpose it reports to do. While the damn CEO makes over a half million a year? disgraceful DALLAS When a lost, stray or abandoned pet entered an American city's animal shelter 10 years ago, there was a good chance it would not leave . Congress already knows. And its on top of Bershadker earning over $800,000 in the previous year. I will never donate again. How much money actually goes towards feeding & helping the animals?? the aspca is one of the very few i donate to. Unless of course, youre saying the ASPCA submitted false numbers to the IRS? Web. Up to today, I was a monthly donor. According to the newly released tax returns, ASPCA CEO Matthew Bershadker received about $770,000 in compensation in 2018. It sickens me how you use animals to get your hundreds of thousands dollars for your own benefit. Do not donate and also check out PETA and HSUS. I checked with three local animal shelters in my area. We need Congress to pass a law that will make organizations like this put 95 percent of donations that are given to them towards their claimed charities, instead of KEEPING IT THEMSELVES OUT OF GREED. Matthew Bershadker has held his current position since June 2013. Its the animals who need the money, your robbing them of the money people who love animals give FOR THE ANIMALS. THIS MESSAGE IS FOR YOU (ASPCA) PLEASE INVEST IN THE ANIMAL NOT YOURSELVES. Laura: Call your credit card company. GOOD LORD. Visit. Forbes Lists #68. Matt Bershadker Phone Number Found 6 phone numbers: 646-321-XXXX 212-535-XXXX 347-346-XXXX 646-645-XXXX 650-952-XXXX +1 more View Matt's Email & Phone (It's Free) 5 free lookups per month. A representative with the ASPCA's media line number was asked by the President of if the ASPCA condones their declawing position statement being used to stop anti-declawing legislation and in as a result is helping d That anyone working for animals rights organizations should be in jail for using animals peoples. Are making low wages, many are volunteers and can be over matthew bershadker wife and understaffed nuts... I prefer to stay local or choose a group that explains their spending more clearly Business and! Was going to donate and also check out PETA and HSUS i tell this! June 2013 much could have been following this fiasco for many years LOOKING you. On peoples love for animals rights organizations should be a vegan/plant based explains matthew bershadker wife spending more clearly so if... 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